
  1. 民俗文化的这种精神特质对中国文学精神的现代转型起着不可忽视的推动作用。

    Such spirit plays an important role in promoting transformation of Chinese literature spirit .

  2. 中国文学精神的构成探论

    Study on the Constitution of Chinese Literature Spirit

  3. 从庙堂到民间&中国文学精神向近现代化转变的主体因素

    From noble to popular : Inner motif of the transformation from Chinese classical literature to recent and contemporary literature

  4. 它最终决定了中国文学精神的无限循环,也决定了我们时代文学的悲剧命运。

    It ultimately induce the limitless circulation of Chinese literature spirit and the traffic destiny of the literature in our times .

  5. 最后,是影响文学活动的环境,也就是当时的社会思潮和社会风尚,规定了中国文学精神向近现代化转变的基本范式。

    Lastly , the environment that influenced the literature activities , that is , the social trend of thought and fashion formulated the basic models of transformation .

  6. 比兴使《论语》中充满鲜明活泼的意象,影响了后世诗文创作,体现了中国文学精神。

    It also fills the book with fresh and lively images , affects the creation of poetry and prose of later generations and embodies the true spirit of Chinese literature .

  7. 文学经典的价值维度中,文学精神始终是最重要的一环,而悲剧精神及其衍生的批判精神构成了五四后中国文学精神的某种核心。

    Literary spirit is always the most important portion of the value of literary classics . For Chinese contemporary literature , tragic spirit and critical spirit derived from the former has formed a kind of core of the spirit of Chinese literature since the May-4th Movement .

  8. 试论中国近代文学精神

    A Tentative Reflection on the Spirit of Pre-modern Chinese Literature

  9. 感性与理性:论百年中国文学人文精神的消解过程

    Sense and Reason : On Humanism Disintegration Process in 100 Years ' Chinese Literature

  10. 畅神比德与忧国忧民是中国传统文学精神的两翼,也是今天文学界不可丢弃的审美原则与方法。

    These two presentations are two wings of essence in traditional chinese culture and aesthetic principles that cannot be abandoned in chinese literary circle .

  11. 只有承延上中国传统文学精神这一民族文学之根,中国新文学才可能走出颓境重现生机。

    Only inheriting the root of Chinese traditional literature , can New Chinese Literature find its way out of its dilemma and come to a new life .

  12. 第二部分论述了90年代以来中国文学人文精神失落的具体表现:第一,包装炒作与媚俗化。

    The second part expounds the behavior of the loss of humanism of Chinese literature since the 1990s : Firstly , packing profiteering activities and catering to the readership 's poor taste .

  13. 第三部分着重分析了90年代以来中国文学人文精神失落的原因除了有社会政治经济转型的外因,深层原因还在于知识分子自身。

    The third part analyzes the loss of the humanism of Chinese literature has external cause which is society and politics of economic transition since the 1990s , and the deep reason still lies in intellectual oneself .

  14. 中国现代文学悲剧精神的演进

    Evolution of Modern Chinese Literature 's Tragic Spirit

  15. 河南古代文学表现的基本精神,也构成了中国文学的基本精神,即:大一统思想指导下的爱国主义精神;

    The basic sprit represented by old literture of Henan also constituted that of chinese literature .

  16. 农耕经济派生了中国文学的务实精神与田园理想。

    The pragmatic spirit and idyllic ideal of Chinese literature are derived from the agricultural economics of the Chinese society .

  17. 从精神生态视角关注20世纪中国文学,属于精神史研究的范畴。

    The spiritual ecological study of the 20th century Chinese Literature belongs to the category of the spiritual history research .

  18. 发展现代杂文,关系到中国文学对自由精神的坚守和对正义的担当。

    The development of Chinese modern essay concerns literature 's persistence to the spirit of freedom and the responsibility for righteousness .

  19. 悲剧精神是贯穿中国古典文学的精神主线,是中国古典文学的底色。

    The tragic spirit , the spiritual clue of Chinese classical literature , serves as the background of Chinese classical literature .

  20. 两部伟大作品遥相呼应,形成了中国古典文学悲剧精神的并峙高峰。

    The two works echo with each other , standing for the two peaks of tragic spirit in Chinese classical literature .

  21. 杜甫和辛弃疾是典型的忧世作家,他们的诗词创作,给悲剧精神注入了更加凝重的内涵,成为中国古典文学悲剧精神的新高峰。

    Du Fu and Xin Qiji are the typical world-worrying writers , whose poems add dignified connotation to tragic spirit , thus becoming the new peak in Chinese classical literature .

  22. 民俗文化的精神特质主要体现为反抗精神与平民精神,这些特质在一定程度上激发了中国文学中否定精神与平民精神等现代精神的张扬。

    The spiritual trait of the folk culture embodies in both rebellious spirit and folk spirit , which aroused the modern spirit of Chinese literature such as negative spirit and folk spirit .

  23. 因此,知青经历及其体验导致的失乐园心态,铸就了知青作家的精神人格,以不断变幻的方式根本性地影响了他们的整个创作生涯,进而影响了中国当代文学的精神风貌。

    Therefore the experiences of Zhi Qing writers and the psyche of paradise lost are the shaping factors of their spiritual contours and fundamentally affect their literary creation as well as the contemporary Chinese literature .

  24. 研究月亮意象与天人合一思想的关系,对于我们深刻理解中国传统文学的精神,充分领略中国古代诗歌的意蕴,都是很有意义的。

    It is significant to study the relationship between the image of the moon and the combining thought of Heaven and man , as we can profoundly understand the spirits of Chinese tradition , and we can fully appreciate the hidden meanings of ancient poems .

  25. 论《铸剑》与中国古典文学传统的精神联系

    On the Spiritual Link Between Casting Sword and Chinese Classical Literature

  26. 论中国当代先锋文学的精神流变

    Spiritual flow variation of Pioneering Literature in Present Age of China

  27. 理性话语与中国现代文学的理性精神

    The Discourse of Reason and the Spirit of Modern Chinese Literature

  28. 中国现代西部文学的精神底蕴

    The Inside Spiritual Information of Modern Western Literature in China

  29. 中国文学中月文化精神初探

    Moon Culture in Chinese Literature and the Worship of the Moon in China

  30. 这种转变揭示了中国古典文学中浪漫精神与平凡、意趣合流的趋势。

    These changes reveal the tendency of collaborating romantic situation with ordinary mood in the Chinese classical literature .