
  • 网络Publishing market;Publishers Marketplace
  1. 小说在出版市场上占了很大的份额。

    Fiction takes up a large slice of the publishing market .

  2. 而另一方面,随着我国加入WTO以来,国外传媒集团纷纷进军中国出版市场,这对我们的出版产业来说无疑是雪上加霜。

    On the other hand , with China 's entrance into WTO , foreign media groups continuously joined in our publishing market , which further threatened our publishing enterprises .

  3. 叫做IEEE公司创新奖,以奖励我们在数字技术基础上,创立的数字出版市场。

    We call that IEEE Corporate Innovation Award for really creating the digital publishing market based on our digital technologies .

  4. 他们称之为勿需营销:JK罗琳新书内容的写作过程,在今天的出版市场上就像皇冠上的宝石。

    They call it denial marketing : the process whereby the contents of JK Rowling 's books are guarded like the crown jewels until publication day .

  5. 他们称之为“勿需营销”:JK罗琳新书内容的写作过程,在今天的出版市场上就像皇冠上的宝石。

    They call it " denial marketing " : the process whereby the contents of JK Rowling 's books are guarded like the crown jewels until publication day .

  6. 垄断竞争和寡头垄断条件下的出版市场分析

    Publishing Markets in the Conditions of Monopolistic Competition and Collusive Oligopoly

  7. 二是编辑出版市场受到间接冲击;

    Secondly , the editing publishing market would be pounded indirectly ;

  8. 中国图书翻译出版市场日益繁荣、百花齐放。

    The translation publishing industry becomes increasingly flourishing in China .

  9. 动画抓帧图书成为出版市场一大亮点。

    Grasp frame animation book publishing market to become a major highlight .

  10. 庞大的人口数量,使印度和中国成为诱人的出版市场。

    India and China 's vast populations mean they are alluring publishing markets .

  11. 新闻出版市场准入放松:前提、原则与思路

    Release of the News and Publication Market Admittance : Preconditions , Principles and Framework

  12. 合并后的企业集团可能控制美国和英国出版市场的四分之一。

    The combined group could control a quarter of the US and UK markets .

  13. 我国现有出版市场的博弈分析

    Game Analysis of Current Publishing Market of China

  14. 只有基于市场的、又是基于道德的努力才能建立有中国特色的完善的社会主义出版市场。

    Based on market and ethics , China 's socialist publication market can be established .

  15. 新的出版市场、新的出版者、新的市场环境,必定会催生新的盈利模式。

    The new publishing market , publisher and situation combined together , will give rise to new profit mode .

  16. 在美国,科研出版市场的核心部分每年的产值为70亿-110亿美元。

    In America , the core scientific publishing market is estimated at between $ 7 billion and $ 11 billion .

  17. 然而,面对令人眼花缭乱的教材出版市场,选择一套合适的教材绝非易事。

    However , facing the dazzling prosperity of publication , it is definitely no easy job in choosing an appropriate textbook .

  18. 研究数字化出版市场份额极限问题,并试图对这个极限进行数值分析与计算。

    The market share of digital publication is studied and the attempt of analyzing and calculating it is made in this paper .

  19. 在知识经济时代,出版市场化趋势日益明显。

    In the new era of the knowledge economy , the general adoption of the market principle for publishing industry is inevitable .

  20. 最近,由某家出版社发行的民国时代的语文课本刚一上市就卖到脱销,成为当前疲软的出版市场中又一匹黑马。

    Recently a textbook on the Chinese language published in1932 once again hit bookstores nationwide and unexpectedly became the bestseller in an instant .

  21. 学术资源的开放存取,是作者在商业出版者垄断学术出版市场背景下主体意识的觉醒。

    Open access of academic resources is the awakening of the subject awareness of authors in the monopoly of academic publishing markets by commercial publishers .

  22. 本选题从女性书写和女性自传的角度来解读汤亭亭、谭恩美、严君玲、郑念以及张戎等五位华裔女作家的作品在西方出版市场深获读者喜爱的因素与特质。

    According to female writing and female autobiography , this thesis tries to analyze the reason and the focus that the five Chinese American female works are popular on the western market .

  23. 图书版权代理市场一向被认为是成熟的图书出版市场上的一个必要环节,同时,图书版权贸易市场的繁荣跟图书版权代理市场是否活跃也息息相关。

    Agent market of book copyright ( AMBC ) has always been considered as a necessary part of publication market , and the prosperity of copyright trade is also closely related to it .

  24. 中国民营书业一直活跃在出版市场上,自改革丌放以来,其业务范围从发行渐渐蔓延至出版上游的选题策划。

    The Private book industry has developed rapidly in publishing market since the reform and opening-up of china , its business scope from the distribution of book gradually spread to the book planning .

  25. 对新闻出版市场准入规制的改革关键是要有利于新闻出版业强身健体,固本强基,壮大实力,增强活力,提高竞争力。

    So the key of the press and publication access rules and regulations reform is in favor of strengthening the basis , enhancing the vigor and improving the competitive of the press and publication industry .

  26. 现代高校高知群体是图书出版市场上的消费主体,这一群体在一定程度上代表了图书消费市场上除教材教辅以外的一般图书的消费主体。

    Modern college senior intellectual group is a consuming mainstay in the book publishing market . To a certain extent this group represents the mainstay of consumers of general books other than teaching and teaching-tutorial materials .

  27. 如何更好的进行营销渠道的建设,如何对渠道实现更多的占用,如何对营销实施更多的创新,成为新时期出版市场竞争的焦点。

    How better marketing channels for the construction of , how to occupy more channels of , how to introduce more innovative marketing , become the focus of competition in the market of publish in the new era .

  28. 它从形成到流行的过程中鲜明地体现出文学策划、图书出版市场的市场化走向及大众文化传媒不断推新的理论原则。

    In the process of its forming and popularity , it shows cultural planning and book publishing marketing 's marketing trend and the academic principles of ' finding the new continually ' that figured out by the public media .

  29. 新闻出版市场准入规制:共时考量与简要评析同时,适应信息化管理,扩大出版物的覆盖率,建立以网络化为主体的图书发行与贸易方式也势在必行。

    At the same time , the press should adapt itself to the information management , enlarge the rate of coverage of publication and it is imperative to build book publication and trade mode with the network as the main body .

  30. 面对日益开放的中国出版市场,我国的出版集团如何生存发展,无疑是各界人士都非常关心的问题。

    In face of the publish market of China that is opened day by day , it is undoubtedly one of the important question cared by the people from all walks of life that the survival and development of Chinese publishing groups .