
  • 网络double feeding
  1. 你能想象得到她看见我和玛丽·布伦特出双入对时有何感受吗?

    Can you imagine how she must have felt when Mary Brent turned up with me in tow ?

  2. 研制出双控声光调Q全固态红外激光器。

    A new type of double-control acousto-optic ( A-O ) Q-switched all solid state laser has been developed .

  3. 本文建立复杂的减振器台架试验动力学模型,并应用多体系统动力学软件ADAMS开发出双筒液压减振器虚拟样机,进行数值仿真。

    This paper developed the virtual prototype of the twin tube hydraulic shock absorber using multi body system dynamics software ADAMS .

  4. 当Pr的掺杂量高于16%时,薄膜表现出双电滞回线的特征。

    These ferroelectric thin films exhibit the typical traits of double P-E hysteresis loops when the Pr doping content higher than 16 % .

  5. 拔出双J管后复查IVP见狭窄段明显扩张,肾盂积水明显改善。其中1例1年后又狭窄,再次行球囊扩张及内支架置入后1年未再狭窄。

    IVP exams showed obvious improvement of hydronephrosis stricture at the 1 year after removed the double J ureteral stent .

  6. 在课题研究过程中,本文着重分析了多种方案的可行性和立体效果,设计出双CCD摄像头电子内窥镜系统,完成了动态立体显示的实验。

    By dint of the production of 3D television technology , combining the computer 3D display technology , this dissertation designs double-CCD camera electronic endoscope system and completes the experiment of dynamic 3D display .

  7. 以煤为原料,KOH为活化剂,采用微波辐射加热法和电阻炉加热法制备出双电层电容器用活性炭。

    Activated carbon for electric double layer capacitors was prepared from coal by activation with KOH through heating by microwave radiation and resistance furnace heating .

  8. 在一高性能超长指令字DSP处理器的设计中,通过对传统单周期读写寄存器堆的设计方案进行深入的分析和研究,优化关键路径,设计出双周期读写结构的寄存器堆。

    In the design of a high performance VLIW DSP Processor , a new two-stage-access design is promoted , based on the detail analysis and study of the traditional one-stage-access design , in order to optimize the critical delay .

  9. 根据分析结果,设计出双螺旋环形微加热器,这种结构能在一定范围内提供均匀的温度分布,为完成高质量的片上PCR扩增提供所需的温度环境;

    A micro-heater with dual-helix annular structure is devised according to ( analytical ) results . This kind of structure is capable of supplying a uniform temperature distribution with certain scope , thus providing required thermal environment for high quality on-chip PCR expansion .

  10. 并且曲线拟合出双谱中的统计特性与模糊尺度之间的函数关系,由此训练出的背向传输(BackPropagation,BP)神经网络完成对模糊参数辨识,可以进一步提高辨识精度。

    In order to improve the identification accuracy , the curve fitting is used to obtain the functional relationship between the statistical characteristics in bispectrum and degraded parameter . The back propagation ( BP ) neural network trained by the above mentioned functional relations can identify the blur parameters .

  11. 采用复合铸造工艺将16Mn钢和工业纯锌制备出双金属层状抗震复合材料,并对其在不同条件下的单向拉伸性能和循环变形行为进行了研究。

    Uniaxial tension and cyclic deformation tests of Steel / Zinc laminated composites made by casting were investigated under different conditions .

  12. 结果从20ng总RNA成功扩增出双链cDNA7.155μg,电泳结果显示cDNA质量及纯度较高。

    Result From 20 ng total RNA , 7.155 μ g and 6.568 μ g of the tester and driver double - strand cDNAs respectively were obtained successfully , and the result of electrophoresis indicated high quality and purity of the cDNA acquired .

  13. 紫外分光光度法得出双壁微胶囊释放速率明显小于单壁微胶囊,香精残留量可于30d后仍保持一个较高水平。

    Results from ultraviolet spectrophotometry showed that the release rate of ( double-wall ) microcapsules is significantly lower than that of single-wall ones . A rather high level of fragrance ( content ) can be retained in the microcapsules after 30 days .

  14. 以三硬脂酸甘油酯、二乙烯三胺(DETA)为原料合成了中间体,经硫酸二甲酯阳离子化制备出双酰胺季铵盐阳离子表面活性剂,再与AEO-9、TX-10复配制得复合脱墨剂。

    This paper deals with a cationic bisamide compound system deinking agent whose intermediate was prepared by using tristearin , isopropylidene glycerol , diethylenetriamine ( DETA ) and catalyzed by p-Toluene sulfonic acid and reacted at 140 ℃ for 2 h.

  15. 点出双睛浮出泥淖&语文教学中创造与情感教育摭谈

    On the Creativity and Emotionality Education in Chinese Language Teaching

  16. 基于策略路由的双出双入边界路由设计与实现

    Policy routing planning and design of campus network connected with two ISPs

  17. 提出了双反应区的新构思,研制出双反应区激光制粉实验装置。

    A two reaction zone reactor for laser synthesis of powder was proposed .

  18. 为安全起见,要出双入对。

    For safty 's sake , travel in pairs .

  19. 亨利和他女朋友经常和同一对男女一起出双入对。

    Henry and his girlfriend often go on double dates with the same couple .

  20. 由于贝嫂一直忙于巡回演唱会,因此小贝夫妇今年很少出双入对。

    With Victoria on tour , the couple have rarely been spotted together this year .

  21. 本文通过分析,建立出双偏心机构传动振动体时的振幅计算公式。

    The calculating equation of amplitude for the double eccentric driving mechanism is established by analysis .

  22. 我们也时不时地出双入对。

    We 'd hang out sometimes .

  23. 在每一种类双下面我们都会罗列出双音节例证来加以描述。

    We all list some examples of the dual-syllable variations to be described in each category .

  24. 6.出双入对

    Step 6 Present a united front

  25. 西班牙挤压成型钢管公司采用热挤压工艺成功地生产出双金属无缝钢管。

    The bimetallic seamless steel pipes are successfully manufactured with a hot-extrusion process in Tubacex , Spain .

  26. 二是分析赫尔伯茨划分的双因素与激励方法的对应关系,并设计出双因素与激励方法应用模型;

    Secondly , author find the relationship between tow-factor and incentive methods , and assume an application model .

  27. 随着发展,城市空间呈现出双中心,多组团中心的城市空间结构。

    With the development of city space , showing double centers 、 multiple groups of central the city spatial structure .

  28. 琼与鲍勃出双入对达一年之久;后来他们发生了口角,便不再来往了。

    Jean went steady with Bob for a year ; then they had a quarrel and stopped dating each other .

  29. 你甚至不需要害怕仰视拍摄(不过请别拍出双下巴!)。

    You don 't even need to be afraid of an upshot ( but pls , no double chins ) .

  30. 理论推导出双光纤光栅反射光强与其相对应变的关系,仿真出其理论曲线。

    Derive the relationship between the light intensity of dual fiber and the relative strain , and then make the theoretic curve .