
  1. (李婷和孙甜甜去参赛希望不大,但她们获得好成绩出人预料。)bringhomethebacon意思是获得成功。

    Li Ting and Sun Tiantian went to the game without much hope , but they surprised us and brought home the bacon .

  2. 在青少年组的比赛中,15岁的茜茜·贝丽斯(CiCiBellis)前进的步伐出人预料地戛然而止。在上周的美网正赛中,她首轮爆冷击败了20号种子多米妮卡·齐布尔科娃(DominikaCibulkova)。

    In the juniors tournament , a startling speed bump interrupted the ride of the 15-year-old CiCi Bellis , who stirred the main draw with her first-round upset of No. 20 seed Dominika Cibulkova last week .

  3. 太出人预料了!没想到会在这儿碰到你!好久不见了!

    What a surprise ! I didn 't think I 'd see you here ! Long time no see !

  4. 然而,有点出人预料的是,印度制造业已经开始慢慢吸引海外投资了。

    Yet , slowly and a little unpredictably , India 's manufacturing sector is starting to attract overseas investment .

  5. 在这种情况下,可能需要动用发展中国家数年来建立起的储备和其他缓冲机制来吸收出人预料的冲击。

    In this context , the reserves and other buffers that developing countries have built up in past years may be needed to absorb unexpected shocks .

  6. 最近,人们常常告诉我一些他们对某个街头巷尾最难以忘怀的感受,他们的感受常常是痛苦不安的,但又不得不忍受这种出人预料的失落。

    These days people often tell me that some of their most unforgettable experiences of places are disturbingly painful and have to do with unanticipated loss .