
  1. 人类出版活动的发展历史,同时也是一部出版技术的发展史。

    The history of publishing is also the history of technology development .

  2. 学报编辑主体价值观是学报编辑从事学报编辑出版活动的核心内容。

    Value of editorial subjects is the kernel of editing and publishing activities .

  3. 出版活动中的女性文化分析

    Analysis on Female Culture in Publishing

  4. 明清时期西方传教士在穗澳地区的图书出版活动(1581-1840年代)

    Western Missionaries Publishing Activities in Guangzhou and Macau during Ming and Qing Dynasties ( 1581-1840s );

  5. 抗战时期《东南日报》的南迁及其出版活动

    On the Southward Move of Southeast Daily and Its Publishing during the War of Resistance against Japan

  6. 朱熹躬亲领导的编辑出版活动,以编刻载体为儒家典据嬗变奠定了基础;

    Zhu Xi led editorial and publishing action which laid a foundation for the change of Confucian Classics ;

  7. 中国的编辑出版活动有着数千年的发展历史,积淀了丰厚的媒介文献和研究资料。

    China boasts of a long history of edit and press activities , accumulating abundant documents and research fruits .

  8. 但是长期以来,这一点没有得到学界的足够重视,关于她们的出版活动的研究十分欠缺。

    For a long time , however , academia paid little attention to these women and their publishing activities .

  9. 在他回国以后的学术论著出版活动中,努力运用版权武器来争取自身的最大版权利益;

    In his academic work publishing activities after he returned from Japan , he endeavored for his best copyright benefit .

  10. 他父亲为一些革命报纸写作,因为他的出版活动,他在1922年于欧洲遇害。

    His father wrote for revolutionary newspapers , He was assassinated in1922 in Europe on account of his publishing activities .

  11. 本论文主要研究了民国时期(1912-1949)蒙文教科书之编辑出版活动的历史。

    This thesis mainly studied the period of the republic of China ( 1912-1949 ), Mongolian history textbook editing and publication activities .

  12. 学习型组织管理理论应用范围非常之广泛,也可引用于学报编辑出版活动之中。

    Learning type organization has a large scope about management theoretical application , and also can be quoted in journal editor publication campaign .

  13. 在这场大战当中,新兴的贵格会便很好地利用了这种传播媒介,通过大规模的小册子出版活动,最大限度地扩大了自己的影响力。

    In this war , the new Quaker made a good use of this kind of media and maximized expanding their influence by mass pamphlet publication .

  14. 在中国,编辑活动与出版活动具有深厚的历史根源。

    In China , the editor study has rooted in the deep history , and the publication study also has developed for over a thousand years .

  15. 本文所研究的问题属于中国基督教区域史研究的内容之一,主要研究近代基督教在中国华西地区的文字出版活动及其社会影响。

    This dissertation focuses on the regional history of Christianity in the West China , and especially on the Protestant missionary works by publications and their social influences .

  16. 求质与创新:非核心期刊类学报反学术失范出版活动的视点及选择

    Seeking quality and Innovating : the view points and choices of publishing activity which against beneath science criterion in the transaction of non " core magazine " species

  17. 在出版活动中,编辑思想体现出了信息选择和文化导向功能、出版活动的组织功能和文化创造的优化功能。

    In publishing , editorial thought embodies the function of information selection and culture guide , the function of organization and the function of culture creation 's superiority .

  18. 本文对这些有学术文化贡献的女性的生平事迹、创作和出版活动进行考索,以期正确评价她们在中国出版史上的作用。

    By discussing the cultural contributions , creations and publishing activities of these female participants , this paper tries to evaluate their role in the Chinese publishing history properly .

  19. 出版活动对文化选择的独特方式和途径决定了文化锁定如影随形地及时跟进。

    The special choice way of the publishing activities to cultural choice decides culture defining and publishing closely associate with each other and like the shadow follow the person .

  20. 这一时期,其出版活动有以下几个特征:(一)报社虽几经播迁,屡遭劫难,但不断重整残局,不断崛起;

    Its publishing activities in this period revealed the following features : ( 1 ) while faced with numerous vicissitudes and hardships , it could always rise like the phoenix ;

  21. 在学术期刊出版活动中处于主体地位的期刊编辑,其主体行为应受《著作权法》的规范和制约。

    Be placed in in scholarship periodical publish activity the periodical of the corpus position edit , its corpus behavior deserves the norm of the 《 work power method 》 with make roughly .

  22. 他的编辑出版活动有着切实而明确的目的,那就是自觉地为维护和巩固清王朝的思想统治基础服务,热忱地为发展文化学术事业和文学艺术事业而尽自己的绵薄之力。

    E. , to protect the basis of ideological rule of Qing Dynasty consciously and did his utmost for the development of the cause of culture and science , literature and art zealously .

  23. 以积累并传播人类文化为目的的出版活动,是人们从事其他文化活动的中心,是人类文明得以延续的重要桥梁。

    To the accumulation and dissemination of human culture for the purpose of publishing activities is that people are engaged in other cultural activities center , is the continuity of human civilization an important bridge .

  24. 民国时期湘西十县报刊出版活动,是湘西历史文化研究领域不可忽略的重要现象。

    Newspaper and periodical publications of the ten counties in Xiangxi during the period of the Republic of China ( 1912-1949 ) are not to be neglected in studying the history and culture of Xiangxi .

  25. 书院是我国传统的民间教育机构,元代书院不仅从事教学活动,而且还从事出版活动,雕版刻印了不少高质量的书籍。

    ShuYuan is a traditional folk educational institution in china 's history , Not only did the ShuYuan in Yuan Dynasty engage in teaching activity but also engaged in publishing activity , it printed many high-quality books .

  26. 学报编辑的精品意识是编辑主体在学报编辑出版活动中始终以提高学报的质量为中心,以取得最佳社会效益为目标的一种自觉精神。

    Consciousness of quality in the mind of editors of journals is a conscious spirit , which exhibits itself in the focus on the quality of journals in their editing and publication , and which aims at social effects .

  27. 在明清两代兴盛的出版活动中,活跃着女性的身影,她们对出版活动的参与以及所取得的成果,展现了女性独立的文化贡献与文化价值。

    In the flourished publishing industry of the Ming and Qing dynasties , female participants played an active role . Their activities and achievements contributed greatly to the whole industry , which at the same time showed their unique cultural value .

  28. 其实,他同时从事期刊和图书编辑出版活动八十余载,成就同样斐然,为自己开了人生第五扇窗子&天窗。简论编辑策划在书刊中的体现八、学报编辑工作。

    This paper aims at combing SHI Zhe_cun 's periodicals and books editing and publishing activities in more than 80 years and points out that it 's the fifth window - the skylight of SHI Zhe_cun 's life opened by himself .

  29. 《额尔顿陶克陶及其编辑出版活动之探析》中,运用田野调查法收集有关额尔敦陶克陶的第一手资料,勾勒出额尔顿陶克陶的生、平。

    In " Research on E Er Dun Tao Ke Tao and his editing and publishing activity " first of all , by using the method of survey to collect the first-hand information to discuss life of E Er Dun Tao Ke Tao .

  30. 与此同时,期刊和出版活动配合或者偏离着文学史勾勒的外国文学经典范围,但是这三个方面共同生产了中国关于外国文学经典化的最初成果。

    At the same time , periodicals and publishing actions helped shape certain foreign literary canon ' spheres outlined by some literary history works , or deviate certain boundaries . But these three aspects have brought about the first fruits in foreign literary canonization .