
  1. 树叶在秋日的晨曦中泛出红黄色的光。

    The fall foliage glowed red and yellow in the morning sunlight .

  2. 根据种子千粒重、场圃发芽率、种子纯净度和单位面积产苗量等估算出红楠种子理论播种量为10.3kg/667m2。

    The demonstrative quantity of seeds was 10.3kg/667m2 according to the thousand-seed weight , nursery germinating rate , seed purity and unit yield of seedlings .

  3. 长出红的或橘子红的浆果的欧亚的长青多刺灌木。

    Eurasian evergreen thorny shrubs bearing red or orange-red berries .

  4. 2015年7月,国际空间站还成功培育出红生菜。

    The ISS also successfully grew red romaine lettuce in July 2015 .

  5. 苏联为纳萨尔铺出红地毯来。

    Moscow rolled out the red carpet for nasser .

  6. 他补充道:“巴克莱很幸运,眼下一直出红。”

    He added : " luckily for Barclays , for now it keeps coming up red . "

  7. 一出红堡,街上就挤满了人,要不是这样我可以干净的甩掉他们。

    Once outside the Red Keep , the streets were congested , else I might have gotten away clean .

  8. 这种理论考虑了透射光的影响,计算出红细胞的三轴参数的误差较小,这一点在给出的仿真结果中得到了证实。

    The theory takes the transmitting light into account and it is approved by simulation that the errors of the axises of RBC are smaller .

  9. 而这种基因变异后分泌的是褐黑色素,使人长出红头发和白皮肤。

    But a mutation in the MC1R gene results in the production of a substance called pheomelanin that results in red hair and fair skin .

  10. 稀土元素以及微量元素分布形式揭示出红粘土与第四纪黄土-古土壤风成成因的相似性。

    The distribution patterns of rare earth elements and trace elements indicate the similarity of eolian origin between the red clay and Quaternary loess and paleosols .

  11. 狗爬在地上吐出红舌头,骡马的鼻孔张得特别的大,小贩们不敢吆喝,柏油路化开;

    Dogs sprawled on the ground , pink tongues lolling out ; the nostrils of mules and horses were distended ; the peddlers refused to cry their wares ; the roads oozed tarmac ;

  12. 发微量元素出现铜、铁升高,锌、钙降低的现象,血液流变学反映出红细胞压积、全血粘度增高、红细胞沉降率增快。

    Trace elements copper and ferrum levels increased and zinc , manganese and calcium decreased In the hair : packed cell volume and viscosity of whole blood increased , and erythrocyte sedimentation rate increased .

  13. 采用铂电极对红细胞悬液进行的介电测量时,有必要取压积大于40%,以保证有小的电极效应,使测量结果能反映出红细胞的本征特性。

    With platinum electrodes , it was necessary to have the compact volume of red blood cell larger than 40 % to reduce electrode effect so that the dielectric measurement of blood suspension would reflect intrinsic characteristics of red blood cell .

  14. 太阳一出满天红。

    The sky is aglow with the rising sun .

  15. 采用超临界CO2萃取技术从番茄加工副产品番茄皮中提取出番茄红素。研究了不同的压力、温度、流量和萃取时间对萃取率的影响。

    Lycopene was extracted from tomato skins ( by-products of tomato pulp ) using supercritical CO 2 . The effect of different pressure , temperature , CO 2 flow rate and time on extraction yield were studies .

  16. 通过对降解产物UV-Vis,FT-IR和LC/MS的数据分析,推测出酸性红88在超声/Fenton体系下的降解历程。

    Based on the degradation compounds identified from UV-Vis , FT-IR and LC-MS , reaction scheme of the degradation of Acid Red 88 in the US / Fenton system is proposed .

  17. 于是,集团给予刚从澳新市场全权负责人位置上退居二线的葡萄酒专家托尼•乔丹博士(DrTonyJordan)4年时间,请他找寻一块能酿制出顶级红葡萄酒的地方。

    Accordingly , they gave Dr Tony Jordan , a wine scientist who had just stepped back from full-time responsibility for their Australian and New Zealand operations , four years to find a place where they stood the best chance of making world-class red wine .

  18. 细胞过孔分析仪(CTA)是一种国外新发明的血液流变学仪器,不仅能在很短时间内测量出大量红细胞通过膜孔的平均时间,还能给出这些细胞过孔时间的分布。

    The Cell Transit Analyser ( CTA ) is a newly invented instrument , which can not only measure the average time for a large number of red blood cells through micropores but also give distribution of the transit time .

  19. 表明麦红吸浆虫的DH基因可能与其它昆虫的的同源性较差,根据目前已知其他昆虫滞育基因序列设计的引物很难扩增出麦红吸浆虫的滞育基因。

    There maybe has a lower homology of the diapause hormone gene between WBM and other insects . So it was difficult to design primers according to current DH gene sequence from other insects so as to amplify DH gene of WBM .

  20. 然后她伸手从口袋里摸出个红苹果,好看的红彤彤的苹果。

    Then she reaches into her pocket , and pulls out a red apple . A beautiful , shiny red apple .

  21. 她看到他晒成青铜色的脖子被浆硬的领子磨出的红印时差点笑了出来。

    She repressed a smile at sight of the red line that marked the chafe of the collar against the bronzed neck .

  22. 用有机溶剂从预处理的番茄原料中提取出番茄红素油树脂,并采用皂化法与重结晶法结合来纯化粗提物得到番茄红素晶体。

    Lycopene oleoresin was extracted from pretreated raw tomatoes material , and then were purified by using saponification and recrystallization method to form lycopene crystals .

  23. 作者在论文中称,利用这一方法造血速度将大大加速,因为该方法所制造的是成熟的红细胞,而利用晶胚或胎儿制出的红细胞则并不成熟。

    They say this method is far quicker because it creates adult blood , rather than immature blood which is made when using embryos or foetuses .

  24. 在返红区域回归出返红温度随经历时间和各点到表面距离的变化规律的关系模型。

    A regression model for the relationship among re - reddening temperature , time and distances from different node points to the surface is thus obtained in re - reddening zone .

  25. 作为美的具体形象,它贡献出又红又香的花瓣,让人们带到遥远的国度里去,作为纪念。

    The architect had planted it upon Thorwaldsen 's grave , where it bloomed as an emblem of ' the beautiful ' and yielded fragrant red rose-leaves to be carried as mementoes to distant lands .

  26. 它酿造出的红葡萄酒充满水果香调,例如黑醋栗和李子&这种葡萄酒的酒精度可能很高,但由于含绵软的单宁,可以在年份较浅时喝。

    It produces red wines that are packed full of fruit notes such as blackcurrant and plums & wines that can be high in alcohol but , due to their soft tannins , can be drunk young .

  27. 它酿造出的红葡萄酒充满水果香调,例如黑醋栗和李子——这种葡萄酒的酒精度可能很高,但由于含绵软的单宁,可以在年份较浅时喝。

    It produces red wines that are packed full of fruit notes such as blackcurrant and plums -- wines that can be high in alcohol but , due to their soft tannins , can be drunk young .

  28. 对其羟基进行烷基化和酰基化,合成出N取代红紫素18酰亚胺衍生物。

    The alkylation and acylation for hydroxyl group linked with nitrogen were accomplished to give N alkoxy and N acyloxy purpurin 18 imides , respectively .

  29. 根据大豆种子球蛋白和清蛋白溶解性不同的原理,分离出我国红丰3号大豆种子球蛋白2S粗制剂,再用SephadexG-100柱层析对其进行纯化。

    A crude 2 S fraction was separated from soybean seed globulins and purified by sephadex G-100 column chromatography .

  30. 他回答不出问题,红着脸垂下了目光。

    Unable to answer the question , he looked down with a blush .