
  • 网络unhappy china;China Is Unhappy
  1. 王晓东提示说,书名确实用了点策略:“老实说,“中国不高兴”这些字眼就是想促进销量。

    " To be frank , those words in the title " Unhappy China " are just for the purpose of promoting the book in the marketplace ," he says .

  2. 而涉及政治的书籍上会选择可能取悦官方的题材,比如打击西方的“中国不高兴”&一本与江苏人民出版社一同出版的畅销书。

    When it strays into politics , it does so in ways calculated to please officialdom , such as the West-bashing " Unhappy China ", a hit published in conjunction with Jiangsu .

  3. 最近《中国不高兴》这本有争议的书所引起的的争论也颇为吸引人。

    The ongoing debate over China is Unhappy is as amusing and controversial as the book itself .

  4. 13年后,《中国不高兴》一书的作者们,表达了他们对于当今世界对待中国的态度的不满。

    Thirteen years later , the authors of China Is Not Happy list their dissatisfaction with how China is being treated in the world today .

  5. 这本名为《中国不高兴》的书是五位作者的文章合集,书中认为中国对对其抱有敌意的西方世界过于顺从。

    ' Unhappy China'is a collection of essays by five authors who argue that China has been too deferential to a Western world that is hostile toward it .

  6. 在与王小东和宋强的谈话中,我们可以很容易地感受到并不是中国不高兴,而是作者们自己不高兴。

    In talking with Wang and Song it 's easy to get the feeling that it 's not so much China that 's unhappy and angry , but the authors themselves .

  7. 《中国不高兴》的一个作者王小东在微博上建议教育部停止管理基础教育的细节,将这些工作让给老师和学生。

    On his microblog Wang Xiaodong , co-author of a book called Unhappy China , suggested that the ministry stop micro-managing every element of basic education and leave the work to teachers and students .

  8. 但《中国不高兴》更受关注,因为它的面世正值经济危机令西方元气大伤之际,在一部分中国人看来,中国拥有了相对强大的地位。

    But the new book is getting particular attention because it comes as the economic crisis has severely damaged the West and , in the minds of some Chinese , left China 's position relatively strong .

  9. 这个说法不准确,会有很多中国城市不高兴的。

    This is not accurate , there will be many Chinese cities unhappy .

  10. 不管美国或韩国做什么,都有人不高兴,而在这种情况下,是中国(不高兴)。

    Whatever the US or South Korea do regarding the situation , someone will be unhappy , and in this case that 's China .

  11. 在俄格冲突开始之际,中国可能并非很不高兴。

    At the start of the conflict , China was probably not too unhappy .