
  • 网络Phoenix International
  1. 海南有两个国际机场,凤凰国际机场在三亚,美兰国际机场在海口。

    There are two international airports in Hainan , with the Phoenix International Airport in Sanya and Milan International Airport in Haikou .

  2. 火炬按照古老的方式,从三亚凤凰国际客运码头登陆,其登陆点将建设永久性纪念碑。

    Torch according to the ancient ways , from Sanya Phoenix International Ferry Terminal landing , the landing would have a permanent memorial building .

  3. 这种几乎光身的检查将首先在亚利桑那州的凤凰空港国际机场被试用。

    The virtual scrape scrip search is being tried first and at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport in the western state of Arizona .

  4. 深圳地铁三号线、香港凤凰卫视国际新闻中心、巴黎香榭丽大街等,均得到用户的一致好评。

    Such as Shenzhen No.3 Subway Line , Hong Kong Phoenix Satellite TV International News center , Champs Elysees in Paris . Etc , which have received unanimous praises from our clients .

  5. 美国亚利桑那州凤凰城雷鸟国际管理学院(Thunderbird)的玛丽•蒂加登(MaryTeagarden)教授已研究中国企业长达30载。

    Mary Teagarden , a professor at the Thunderbird school of global management in Phoenix , Arizona , has been studying Chinese businesses for three decades .