
  • 网络the Order of the Phoenix;The Order of Phoenix;Phoenix;ootp
  1. 除此之外,由于《混血王子》比《凤凰社》少218页,103页实际上占全书的比例更大。

    Prince is218 pages shorter than Order of the Phoenix , the103 pages is actually a larger percentage of the book .

  2. 《哈利波特与凤凰社》在欧洲3个国家的上映日期今天早些时候已经由华纳兄弟公司证实。

    Three brand-new European release dates for Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix were confirmed by Warner Brothers earlier today .

  3. 人马用烧鼠尾草产生的火焰和烟雾来提炼他们观星的结果(凤凰社,第27章)

    Centaurs burn this , observing the fumes and flames to refine the results of their stargazing ( OP27 ) .

  4. J·K·罗琳那受到大家喜欢的小巫师的下一部电影《哈利波特与凤凰社》将于今年夏天上映。

    The next film installment of J.K.Rowling 's beloved wizard ," Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix ," opens later this summer .

  5. 凤凰社的家伙人缘广我需要他们的邮箱地址

    These guys know people . And I need their e-mails .

  6. 凤凰社相信我们渗入了他们的本部。

    Order believes that we have infiltrated the Ministry .

  7. 凤凰社成员代表了各式各样的人,从巫师到哑炮都有。

    Members represented a wide variety of folk , from wizards to Squibs .

  8. 职业:傲罗,新一代凤凰社的一员。

    Career : Auror and member of the present-day Order of the Phoenix .

  9. 黑魔王对我传递给他的凤凰社的情报非常满意。

    The Dark Lord is satisfied with the information I have passed him on the Order .

  10. 不过还不清楚这不寻常的事件是否会有长久的影响。(凤凰社,第1章)。

    It isn 't clear if this extraordinary event has had any long-term effect ( OP1 ) .

  11. 它现在是小天狼星布莱克祖传的房子,和凤凰社的总部。

    It is Sirius Black 's ancestral home , and the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix .

  12. 从接受美学的角度看《哈里波特与凤凰社》的翻译

    A Study of the Translation of Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix from the Perspective of Reception Aesthetics

  13. 凤凰社将来安全地保护他远离伏地魔和他的支持者们,不让他们知晓&如果他们可以办到。

    The Order of the Phoenix is coming to escort him safely away without Voldmort and his supporters knowing-if they can .

  14. 单尼尔拉德克利夫最近在哈利波特的组与凤凰社的次序上接受使者太阳的面谈;

    Daniel Radcliffe was recently interviewed by the Herald Sun on the set of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix ;

  15. 哈利波特初吻剧照曝光:哈利波特在《哈利波特与凤凰社》中与秋·张组成一对。

    Photo of Potter 's first kiss released Harry Potter plants one on Katie Leung in Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix .

  16. 同样的,当哈利被克拉布违反规则的游走球击中背部时,他只是喘气(凤凰社,第十九章)。

    When Harry was similarly hit by Crabbe 's illegal Bludger in the small of the back , he was only winded ( OP19 ) .

  17. 巨怪在某种程度上介入了巫师界;一些巫师训练巨怪做保安员(凤凰社,29章)。

    Trolls participate in wizarding society to some extent ; some witches and wizards make a career out of training security trolls ( OP29 ) .

  18. 魔法界的内战就此展开,霍格沃茨的学生、秘密组织凤凰社、魔法部和食死徒四方皆被卷入其中。

    Therefore the rebellion involving the students of Hogwarts , secret organization Order of the Phoenix , the Ministry of Magic and the Death Eaters begins .

  19. 本文以翻译行为理论为指导,来研究《哈利波特与凤凰社》的抢译。

    Based on the Translational Action Theory , this research is expected to explore the scrambled translation of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix .

  20. 主人,凤凰社准备在下周六的傍晚时分把哈利波特从现在的住所转移到安全的地方。

    My Lord , the Order of the Phoenix intends to move Harry Potter from his current place of safety on Saturday next , at nightfall .

  21. 至少三十个戴兜帽的人影悬浮在空中,组成一个巨大的圆圈,凤凰社的成员们浑然不觉地飞入了他们的包围圈

    At least thirty hooded figures , suspended in midair , formed a vast circle in the midst of which the Order members had risen , oblivious

  22. 阿不思·珀西瓦尔·伍尔弗里克·布赖恩·邓布利多是最伟大的男巫之一,是霍格沃兹魔法学校的校长,建立了凤凰社。

    Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore is one of the greatest living wizards , the headmaster of Hogwarts , and founder of the Order of the Phoenix .

  23. 本期节目中胡晓晖和董征共同为大家介绍哈利波特电影第五部《哈利波特与凤凰社》的首映式,以及最后一部哈利波特小说的出版。

    Helen Hu talks to Jean Dong about both the premiere of the fifth Harry Potter film'The Order of the Phoenix ' , and the release of the final Harry Potter book .

  24. 是《银河系漫游指南》、《美丽新世界》、《哈利波特与凤凰社》还是《白鲸》?

    Is it the " Hitchhiker 's Guide to the Galaxy , " " Brave New World , " " Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix " or " Moby Dick " ?

  25. 此前《哈利波特与凤凰社》、《哈利波特与混血王子》、《哈利波特与死亡圣器》的上下两部都是由大卫执导的。

    The celebrated filmmaker previously led Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix , Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince , and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Parts 1 and 2 .

  26. 同时,全球的女孩将会在“凤凰社”的这些独家第一-神情相片中注意17岁的拉德克利夫再一次在为那最后电影增加他的锁之后有短头发。

    Meanwhile , girls around the globe will note in these exclusive first-look photos of " Phoenix " that Radcliffe , 17 , has short hair again after growing his locks for the last film .

  27. 首先,本文运用翻译行为理论来对《哈利波特与凤凰社》的整个抢译行为过程进行分析,从而研究抢译过程中的各个参与者以及他们之间的相互作用。

    Firstly , the Translational Action Theory is applied to the analysis of the scrambled translation process of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix , and thus the participants involved in the translation process and their interaction will be studied .

  28. 《哈利波特和凤凰社》是该系列丛书中的第五本,这本书的页数几乎是第一本《哈利波特与魔法石》的三倍。罗琳仍在计划另外两本大部头的书。

    " Order of the Phoenix ," the fifth book in the series , has nearly three times as many pages as " Harry Potter and the Sorcerer 's Stone ," the first book , and Rowling still plans two more tomes .

  29. 儿童版的封面插画由詹森考克劳夫特完成,他同样绘就了哈利波特系列上两本书(《哈利波特与凤凰社》、《哈利波特与混血王子》)的封面。

    The cover illustration for the children 's edition is by Jason cockcroft , who drew the cover illustrations for the previous two Harry Potter books : harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix and Harry Potter and the Half-Blood prince .

  30. 然后,通过对《哈利波特与凤凰社》的英汉文本对比分析,我们可以找出其翻译行为过程的各个参与者是如何影响最终译文生成的,即抢译的具体表现。

    Then , through the comparison between the English and the Chinese versions of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix , how the participants influence the production of the final translation , actually the concrete manifestations of scrambled translation , will be disclosed .