
  • substitute teacher
  1. Chris上几周的代课老师

    I 've been Chris ' substitute teacher the past few weeks .

  2. 他曾在不同的城镇从事短期代课老师的工作。

    He worked as a substitute teacher in short jobs in various towns .

  3. 接下来的几天中我将会是你们的代课老师。

    I 'll be your substitute for the next few days .

  4. 我是桑切斯老师,你们这周的代课老师。

    I 'm Ms. Sanchez , your substitute for this week .

  5. 老师生病了,因此今天由一位代课老师来上课。

    The teacher 's ill , so a substitute is teaching today .

  6. 简不在的时候,玛丽起了代课老师的作用。

    During the absence of jean , Mary functioned as relief teacher .

  7. 今天由代课老师上课,因为我们的老师病了。

    Our class had a sub today because our teacher is ill .

  8. 大多数代课老师就在课上放部电影算了。

    You know , most subs just play a movie .

  9. 一位博客称自己为劳伦斯先生的博客作者是代课老师。

    A blogger who calls himself Mister Lawrence works as a substitute teacher .

  10. 他的代课老师,他平时的老师是个老得多的女人。

    His substitute teacher , his regular teacher 's a much older woman .

  11. 虽然如此,她可能会找个代课老师来。

    She 'll probably have a substitute , though .

  12. 有代课老师来,班级的规定一样要遵守。

    When a substitute teacher is present , all class rules still apply .

  13. 代课老师:你是(在)吃口香糖吧?

    SUBSTITUTE TEACHER : Are you chewing gum ?

  14. 记住,当你是代课老师时,他们想逃避一切。

    Remember , they try to get away with anything when you 're a sub.

  15. 今天我们上课来了以为代课老师。

    We had a substitute today in school .

  16. 你这么聪明怎么只是个小小代课老师

    So if you 're so smart , why are you still substitute teaching ?

  17. 王老师住院了,所以今天请了一个英语代课老师。

    Mr Wang was hospitalized , and so we 've got a substitute English teacher today .

  18. 你是那个代课老师吗?

    Are you the substitute teacher ?

  19. 代课老师和志愿者会在罢工时临时顶替老师教课。

    Substitute teachers and volunteers would fill in for teachers in the event of a strike .

  20. 记者访问不到这名曾是高中教师的代课老师。

    The teacher , who usually takes high school students , could not be reached for comment .

  21. 他是《摇滚教室》中的冒牌代课老师,以及《金刚》里孤注一掷的电影制作人。

    He was a fake substitute teacher in School of Rock and a desperate filmmaker in King Kong .

  22. 那个临时代课老师被侮辱而且被禁止给我们教综合课程,这不符合我们的利益。

    It 's not in our interest that the interim instructor was insulted and inhibited from teaching us integrated course .

  23. 服务扶轮之馀,她在安哥拉治学区担任代课老师、钓鲑鱼、以及到阿拉斯加各地徒步旅行。

    When not serving rotary , she substitute teaches for the anchorage school district , fishes for salmon , and hikes alaska 's trails .

  24. 大一,大二参加社会实践活动,做过代课老师和家教。

    Big one , big2 attend social practice campaign , have done to take over the class for an absent teacher teacher with family education .

  25. 那么想象一下,你正坐在教室里,你的国家的领导人走了进来,然后你的老师说,这是今天的代课老师。

    So imagine you 're sitting in class , your country 's leader walks in , and the teacher says , here 's today 's sub.

  26. 劳伦•卢梭,30岁,另一名牺牲的老师,其家人说她自去年10月以来一直把自己当作一名永久的代课老师在工作。

    The family of Lauren Rousseau , 30 , another of the teachers who died , said she had worked as a permanent substitute teacher since October .

  27. 当时,兴奋的孩子们正在讨论即将到来的圣诞节,有点闹哄哄的,这位女代课老师脱口而出:“你们的圣诞礼物其实是父母送的。”

    The supply teacher blurted out : " it 's your parents who leave out presents on Chrsitmas Day " when excited youngsters got rowdy as they talked about Christmas .

  28. 我们学校聘请的大多是上了年纪的代课老师,他们只有高中学历。贵州大学应用化学系22岁的学生吴冰峰(音译)表示。

    The people they hire for our schools are mostly senior high school graduates who work as substitute teachers , says Wu Bingfeng , a 22-year-old student of applied chemistry at Guizhou University .

  29. 一位父亲说:“我儿子回家后告诉我,他的代课老师告诉全班同学圣诞老人根本不存在,送圣诞礼物的人其实是爸爸妈妈。”

    One father said : " My son came home and said that his substitute teacher had told the class that Santa doesn 't exist and it 's your mum and dad that put out presents for them .

  30. 我们想象了各种有可能来代课的老师。

    We 'd had just about every type of sub we could THK of .