
dài shōu yín háng
  • collecting bank
  1. 代收银行对因所提供地址不全或有误所造成的任何延误,将不承担任何责任。

    The collecting Bank will not be liable or responsible for any ensuing delay as a result of an incomplete / incorrect address Being provided .

  2. 届时,违章司机可以通过代收银行柜台、交警处罚点自助设备和交警警务通三种方式灵活缴纳罚款。

    After the system is launched , ticketed vehicle drivers are able to pay fines through bank 's fine pay service , self-service fine pay stations and mobile police .

  3. 代收保险费作为银行的中间业务之一,必将为银行带来更大的经济效益与社会效益。

    A Tentative Study on Business Process of Life Insurance Brokerage Insurance brokerage brings larger benefit to banks .

  4. 代收股款的银行应当按照协议代收和保存股款,向缴纳股款的认股人出具收款单据,并负有向有关部门出具收款证明的义务。

    The receiving bankers shall receive and hold as agents the payments for shares , issue receipts to subscribers making payments , and shall be obliged to issue evidence of receipt of payments to the relevant departments .

  5. 银行中间业务代收系统承担着银行大量的、最普遍的第三方业务,通过多种渠道向客户提供诸如代收通讯费、煤气水电费以及代付工资等服务。

    Banking collection system supports a large amount of most popular third-party businesses , such as the collection of communication , water , electricity and gas fees , payment of wages for the customers through a variety of channels .

  6. 在系统设计上统一各代收业务的前后台接口、交易流程,采用公共数据结构和流程配置文件,实现各类代收业务在银行端的聚合。

    The system designed to unify the interface and transaction procedure of every collection business before and behind the bank counter . The public data structure and process configuration files are applied in system to make all collection businesses polymerized at the banking terminal .