
  • 网络algebra homomorphism
  1. 利用Hopf代数的基本研究方法,讨论了在Hopf代数同态下有关商Hopf代数的性质并对余代数的基本同态定理进行了推广。

    In this paper we discussed the properties of quotient Hopf algebra under Hopf algebra homomorphism and generalized fundamental homomorphism theorem for coalgebra by basic research method .

  2. Hopf代数同态的Hopf核

    Hopf kernel of Hopf algebra homomorphisms

  3. 在此基础上,利用表代数同态基本定理,分别从合成列及表基的p阶、阶表子集的数目角度刻画了初等abelian表代数。

    As a further step , from the view of the number of composition series and table subset of order or elementary abelian table algebra is depicted by making use of fundamental theorem on homomorphism of table algebra .

  4. Sym的同态对分次偏序集的旗向量进行了分类.Bergeron与Sottile[4]也作了类似研究,证明了一个拟对称函数对应于一个边棱标号的偏序集也有一个Hopf代数同态。

    A similar construction was made by Bergeron and Sottile given [ 4 ] , They have shown that a quasi-symmetric function associated to an edge-labeled poset also gives a morphism of Hopf algebras .

  5. 关于若干BCK-代数同态定理的论证

    On the Derivation of Some Homomorphism Theorems for BCK-Algebras

  6. Fuzzy商代数与同态基本定理

    Fuzzy factor algebras and the fundamental theorem of homomorphisms

  7. Fuzzy域上的Fuzzy代数的同态关系

    The Homomorphic Relation Of Fuzzy Algebras Over Fuzzy Fields

  8. Banach代数上同态的自动连续性

    Automatic Continuity of Homomorphisms on Banach Algebras

  9. GB代数的同态定理

    Homomorphisms theorem of gb - algebra

  10. 在BCK代数的同态同构基本定理基础上,引进了乘积并给出了它的性质,由此又进一步得到了关于模糊带算BCK代数乘积的同构定理,从而使模糊带算BCK代数的讨论更加深入。

    Based on the BCK algebra homomorphism and isomorph , product is introduced and some qualities are given . Some isomorph theorems about Fuzzy BCK algebra with linear operator are obtained .

  11. 拟结合BZ-代数及其同态定理

    Quasi Associative BZ-algebra and Its Homomorphism Theorem

  12. 介绍了完全分配格、交连续格的商集、子代数、同态的概念。

    The following concepts are introduced : quotient , subalgebra and homomorphism of completely distributive lattices and meet continuous lattices .

  13. 根据局部顶点李代数的同态,可惟一地诱导出由它们分别构造所得的顶点代数之间同态的理论。

    In this article , we give out that the homomorphism between vertex algebras can uniquely induce the homomorphism between local vertex Lie algebras which are constructed from the vertex algebra .

  14. MS代数的极大同态象

    Maximal Homomorphic Images of MS-Algebras

  15. 除环上线性群到代数群的同态

    Homomorphisms from linear groups over division rings to algebraic groups

  16. 正蕴涵BCI-代数的自同态

    Self - homomorphism of Positive Implicative BCI - Algebra

  17. 环面代数扩张的同态

    Homomorphisms from Extensions of Torus Algebra

  18. BCI-代数的自同态

    Self homomorphism of BCI algebra

  19. 代数的模糊同态

    Fuzzy homomorphisms of algebras

  20. 引入了代数的模糊同态概念,并给出了模糊同态基本定理。

    This paper introduces the concept of fuzzy homomorphisms of algebras and obtains the fundamental theorem of fuzzy homomorphisms .

  21. 量子代数诱导模的同态及其零化性质

    The Homomorphism and Vanishing Properties of Induction Modules of Quantum Algebras

  22. 关于BCI&代数一类自同态的象集

    On the Image of a Class of endomorphism in BCI-algebras

  23. 利用半代数的同余来讨论半代数的同态定理及其第一,第二同构定理。

    Then , with congruence of the semialgebra , we proved the homomorphic theorem of semialgebra and its first and second isomorphic theorems .

  24. 引入BZ-代数的理想概念,并证明了BZ-代数的同态基本定理。利用BZ-代数的BZ1-部分,证明了此BZ1-部分是子代数又是理想,且其商代数是群逆BZ-代数。

    The ideal and the anti - grouped ideal of BZ - algebra were introduced and the homomorphism theorem of BZ - algebras was proved .

  25. 给出了一个直觉模糊集是直觉模糊代数的充分必要条件,讨论了直觉模糊代数在代数同态下的像及逆像。

    A necessary and sufficient condition for a intuitionistic fuzzy set to be an intuitionistic fuzzy algebra is stated , and images and inverse-images of intuitionistic fuzzy algebra s under an algebra homomorphisms are studied .

  26. 给出了规范代数可识别语言的定义,并讨论了和规范代数的同态及同余之间的关系。

    The definition of recognizable languages for such an algebra is also given , and some equivalent conditions are provided .

  27. 本文在对同态与模糊代数不加任何限制的情况下,证明了模糊代数的同态象仍是模糊代数。

    In this paper we have proved , without any restriction , that homomorphic Images of fuzzy algebras form are fuzzy algebras .

  28. 对N(2,2,0)代数给出了一类同余分解,探讨了其商代数的代数结构以及自然同态下一类逆象的代数结构。

    This paper first illustrated a classification of congruence decomposition on N ( 2,2,0 ) algebra , then discussed the algebraic structure of the quotient algebra and a classification of converse ( image ) under the natural homomorphism .

  29. 引入了BCI-代数的正关联零根的概念,给出了它的一系列子代数及同态映射,从而相应地得到了一个理想升链。

    This paper introduces the positive incident nil-radical in BCI-algebras , and gives it 's se - quence of subalgebras and homomorphic mappings , so that a lifting chain of ideals is obtained .