
dài lǐ mǔ qīn
  • see also 代生母亲
  1. 医师们决定,如果母老虎可以充做另一头母兽所产下的幼兽的代理母亲的话。

    The doctors decided that if the tigress could surrogate another mother 's cubs .

  2. 苔丝同挨近她的妹妹相差四岁多,在这段时间空白里,还有两个孩子在襁褓中死了,因此当她单独同弟弟妹妹相处时,她身上的态度就像一个代理母亲。

    There was an interval of four years and more between Tess and the next of the family , the two who had filled the gap having died in their infancy , and this lent her a deputy-maternal attitude when she was alone with her Juniors .