
  1. 游戏的另一个额外特色是玩家对游戏的完全掌控以及连贯的玩家交互系统,这一特色极大地丰富了游戏的代入感和真实性。

    Complete control and consistent player interaction are additional unique and important qualities which add to the immersion and realism of the game .

  2. 求职者有时觉得求职信应该尽可能正式,但最好的求职信的语气都是比较随意、有代入感的。

    Job seekers sometimes feel that a cover letter should be as formal as possible , but the best cover letters are written in a conversational , engaging tone .

  3. 研究代入感的组成与结构可以为网络作者提供新启发,也可以提高读者的欣赏能力,从而对构建网络文学新环境有所助益。

    To investigate the composition and structure of empathy engagement could enlighten the authors , and enhance the appreciation of the readers , so as to assist to build a better internet literature environment .

  4. 由于网络的特殊环境,作者都希望在短时间内吸引大量读者,因而善于营造代入感也就成为了网络小说的优势和特点。

    Because of the unique environment of internet , the authors of network novels hope to attract quantities of readers in a short time . As a result , the ability to build empathy engagement becomes the advantage of them .

  5. 她认为,人们会像跟真人沟通一样与仿人型机器人进行交流。而能够传递感性信号的机器人,可以提高人们的代入感、参与感和协作性,这是缺少人性化因素的工作机器人所做不到的。

    People respond to human-like robots the same way they respond to people , she argued , and robots with the ability to convey expression increase empathy , engagement , and collaboration among people in a way that a robot with a flat demeanor cannot .