
  • 网络ANDREW;Andre;Saint Andrew
  1. Hammer挥舞着剑,像极了王子安得烈奥尔科特。

    Hammer wields a sword as Prince Andrew Alcott .

  2. 安得烈觉得他必须将他得著和学到的东西,与他的兄弟分享。

    Andrew felt he had to share what he had found and learned .

  3. 总之,安得烈当她当作了一份午夜快餐。

    Anyway , Andrei took her like a midnight snack .

  4. 我只和杀我的安得烈的人说话。

    I 'll only talk to the one who killed my andrei .

  5. 婚礼将于6月27日在圣·安得烈教堂举行。

    The wedding will be held in June 27 in Sheng An church .

  6. 知道这些讲希腊话的人为甚麽接近安得烈,一定很有意思。

    It would be interesting to know why these Greek-speaking men approached Andrew .

  7. 无论如何,那些人一定是觉得安得烈不会拒人于千里;

    Whatever it was , the men felt Andrew would not turn them away .

  8. 这腓力是伯赛大人,和安得烈、彼得同城。

    Now philip 's town was beth-saida , where Andrew and Peter came from .

  9. 我们只知道他有一个弟弟名叫安得烈,是他带领彼得认识基督。

    We only know of Andrew , the brother who brought Peter to Christ .

  10. 有一个门徒,就是西门彼得的兄弟安得烈,对耶稣说

    One of his disciples , Andrew , Simon Peter 's brother , saith unto him

  11. 安得烈在耶路撒冷附近被施洗约翰施洗后不久耶稣就呼召他。

    Jesus called Andrew shortly after he was baptized by John the Baptist near Jerusalem .

  12. 他是安得烈的兄弟。

    Who is Andrew 's brother .

  13. 一天下午,当约翰与安得烈一起聆听施洗约翰讲道之际,他首次遇见基督。

    John first met Christ one afternoon while standing with Andrew listening to John the Baptist .

  14. 安得烈那天帮了耶稣的忙。

    Andrew helped Christ that day .

  15. 潜在目标:肯巴-沃克,德安吉洛-拉塞尔,JJ-雷迪克,科怀-伦纳德,德安得烈-乔丹

    Potential fits : Kemba Walker , D'Angelo Russell , JJ Redick , Kawhi Leonard , De'Andre Jordan

  16. 彼得和兄弟安得烈在湖东北面的伯赛大成长。

    Peter and his brother Andrew grew up in Bethsaida , on the northeastern side of the lake .

  17. 今天安得烈也应该是我们的榜样,尤其是在欢迎新朋友参加我们的崇拜聚会时。

    He could be a model for us today , especially in welcoming strangers to our church services .

  18. 2腓力去告诉安得烈,安得烈同腓力去告诉耶稣。

    2 Philip came and told andrew ; andrew came , and Philip too , and they told jesus .

  19. 安得烈主教有他的基立,他每天花五小时在那里专心祷告。

    Bishop Andrews had his Cherith , in which he spent five hours every day in prayer and devotion .

  20. 安得烈知道耶稣乐于与这些人见面,不论他们的处境怎样,或有甚麽问题。

    Andrew knew Jesus would want to meet these men , no matter what their situation or problem might be .

  21. 这十二个人有西门,耶稣又给他起名叫彼得,还有他兄弟安得烈,又有雅各和约翰,腓力和巴多罗买

    Simon ,( whom he also named Peter ,) and Andrew his brother , James and John , Philip and Bartholomew

  22. 听约翰的话跟从耶稣的这两人中,一个名叫安得烈,是西门·彼得的弟弟。

    One of the two who followed Jesus after hearing what John said was Andrew , Simon Peter 's brother .

  23. 刑罚开始时,由七位士兵狠狠地抽打安得烈,然后又绑在十字架上,来让他不能落气更加痛苦。

    After being whipped severely by seven soldiers they tied his body to the cross with cords to prolong his agony .

  24. 在圣经中,耶稣的门徒安得烈之所以为人认识,主要是因为他是西门彼得的兄弟,以及介绍了西门彼得认识耶稣。

    In the Scriptures , Jesus'disciple Andrew is known mainly for being Simon Peter 's brother and for introducing Simon to Jesus .

  25. 他遇到了腓力,对他说:跟随我吧。这腓力和安得烈、彼得都来自伯赛大。

    He met Philip , who , like Andrew and Peter , came from Bethsaida , and said to him , ' Follow me .

  26. 1974年读完博士后,我受聘在安得烈大学任教,这是座落在密歇根州伯林溪的基督复临安息日会的学术机构。

    After completing my doctorate in1974 , I was invited to teach at Andrews University , a Seventh-day Adventist institution located in Berrien Springs , Michigan .

  27. 他们一出会堂,就同着雅各约翰,进了西门和安得烈的家。

    And forthwith , when they were come out of the synagogue , they entered into the house of Simon and Andrew , with James and John .

  28. 耶稣顺着加利利的海边走,看见西门和西门的兄弟安得烈在海里撒网,他们本是打鱼的。

    16As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee , he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake , for they were fishermen .

  29. 耶稣在加利利海边行走,看见弟兄二人,就是那称呼彼得的西门,和他的兄弟安得烈,在海里撒网。他们本是打鱼的。

    And Jesus , walking by the sea of Galilee , saw two brethren , Simon called Peter , and Andrew his brother , casting a net into the sea : for they were fishers .

  30. 这十二使徒的名,头一个叫西门,又称彼得,还有他兄弟安得烈。西庇太的儿子雅各,和雅各的兄弟约翰。

    Now the names of the twelve apostles are these ; The first , Simon , who is called Peter , and Andrew his brother ; James the son of Zebedee , and John his brother ;