
ān jiā
  • settle down;set up a home;get married
安家 [ān jiā]
  • (1) [settle down]∶在某处落户

  • (2) [get married;set up a home]∶结婚而成立家庭

安家[ān jiā]
  1. 哪里艰苦哪安家。

    We 'll go and settle down where conditions are hardest .

  2. 交通便利、环境优良吸引大量的人口在此置业安家。

    A large number of people settle down in this community , because of convenient transportation and good environment .

  3. 他们结婚了,在拉姆斯盖特安家定居。

    They married , and set up home in Ramsgate .

  4. 退休后我将在乡间安家。

    When I retire , I shall make my home in the country .

  5. 我们离开城市,去农村安家。

    We left the city for a rural home .

  6. 约有41%的非洲人居住在城市里,而据为联合国(theUnitedNations)所做的一份报告预测,到2020年,将有超过半数的非洲人在城市安家。

    An estimated 41 % of the people in Africa live in cities and , by 2020 more than half will , according to estimates done for the United Nations .

  7. 虽然谷歌(Google)的Android和Gmail等产品在业界造成了轰动,但搜索仍是其安家立命之本。

    Google ( GOOG ) makes a lot of waves with products like Android and Gmail , but its bread and butter is still search .

  8. 克里斯蒂拍卖行在伦敦南肯辛顿(SouthKensington)也开始尝试这种无底价拍卖,尤其是在针对新一代刚刚安家的年轻人的星期天拍卖会上。

    Christie 's South Kensington is also experimenting with no-reserve auctions , especially in its Sunday sales , which are aimed at a new generation of young nest builders .

  9. 重新安家本身,允许Mila解除在整个生活中所居住区域的连接。

    The relocation itself allowed for the releasing of the attachment to a region that Mila had lived in her entire life .

  10. 动物园的商业运营主任GaryWilson表示自大熊猫来这里安家后,跳岩企鹅就对它们表示出了极大的兴趣,每天都会饶有兴趣地盯着熊猫馆。

    Gary Wilson , director of business operations at the zoo said the birds have been particularly interested in the pandas ever since they arrived at their new home .

  11. ZoeLofgren:“我们曾经邀请世界上那些最优秀的人才来美国并在这里安家,可是现在我们却将他们拒之门外。我们的大学教育训练了世界上最优秀的学生,然而却不再欢迎他们对这个国家作贡献。”

    ZOE LOFGREN : " While we once asked the brightest minds in the world to come and make their homes here , we now Having educated and trained the world 's best students in our universities , we no longer welcome them to enrich this nation . "

  12. 这个小镇很适宜于一位青年医生安家。

    The town is a good location for a young doctor .

  13. 成千上万的武装分子开始接受培训并领取安家费。

    Thousands of militants traded in guns for stipends and training .

  14. 我想你会在新西兰安家的。

    I suppose you could put down root in new zealand .

  15. 我们之中有几个人很想在这里安家。

    Our men some of them & might even settle here .

  16. 新妻子带着她以前生的两个女儿一起来安家了。

    This wife brought two daughters into the house with her .

  17. 运迁户都已领到了安家费

    The households to be relocated have all got their settling-in allowance

  18. 游牧民从不在一个地方长期安家。

    Nomads never keep their homes in one place very long .

  19. 自从他到广场安家后,家庭就被抛之脑后了。

    Family was left behind when he came to the square .

  20. 甚至对新来的人也帮助他们安家。

    Even to new arrivals to help them get established .

  21. 工作期间提供公寓式住房一套和安家费。

    Provide an apartment and family allowance during the period of working .

  22. 一旦它已经在这里……安家。

    Not once it 's made a home ... there .

  23. 有一段时间他们在米兰安家。

    They made their home in Milan for a while .

  24. 他决定永远在那个小镇上安家。

    He decided to settle in the town for good .

  25. 我很喜欢南京,不想重新安家。

    I was reluctant to relocate because I love Nanjing so much .

  26. 但它们或许会决定在烟囱岩筑巢安家呢。

    They may yet decide to nest on Chimney Rock .

  27. 而前者适合任何一个想在其中安家的人。

    The former fits anyone wishing to build his nest in it .

  28. 歌利亚蜘蛛在南美洲偏远的雨林中安家。

    The Goliath makes itshome in the remote rainforests of South America .

  29. 我今晚应邀到安家参加聚会了。

    I 've been invited to a party at ann 's house tonight .

  30. 为了和我在北京重新安家,父亲做出巨大牺牲。

    To relocate to Beijing with me , he made a great sacrifice .