
  • 网络young couple;Jokwon&Gain
  1. 于是,这对小夫妻在一年后买了一辆小破车,开始了一场横跨欧亚大陆的旅行。

    As a result , the young couple bought a small car a year later and started an overland journey through Europe and Asia .

  2. 小夫妻俩之间经常的冲突终于导致了离婚。

    The constant friction between the young couple finally caused divorce .

  3. 在这里,他们碰到了其他很多也想自助旅行的人,这些人都很急切地想知道他们旅行的各种细节。于是,这对小夫妻出版了一本书,来专门讲述自己的旅游经历。

    Here they met with many other people who want to travel on their own , all of whom are eager to know the details of their travels . So the couple published a book to share their travel experiences .

  4. 这对小夫妻参演的一部电影《Lietome》最近刚刚完成,这部电影将于2008年上映。

    The film is due to be released in2008 .

  5. 恭喜希拉里和麦克这对幸福的小夫妻。

    Congratulations to Hilary and Mike & what a great couple !

  6. 那对小夫妻究竟怎么了?

    What on earth is going on with that young couple ?

  7. 那对小夫妻到底是怎么回事?

    But what on earth is going on with that young couple ?

  8. 有什么大不了的。:经常的,不变的小夫妻俩之间经常的冲突终于导致了离婚。

    constant The constant friction between the young couple finally caused divorce .

  9. 一对小夫妻看见了它,他们花了几个小时的时间才追到它

    A young couple spent several hours chasing him down

  10. 结果55个小时后,这对小夫妻就宣布取消婚姻关系。

    The couple annulled the marriage after 55 hours .

  11. 当时这对度蜜月的小夫妻坐在飞机的前排。

    The honeymooning couple had been sitting in the front row of the plane .

  12. 社会也能做法,只要小夫妻能以必要的帮助两位老人。

    And it 's socially acceptable if the younger couple help the old couple in ways that are necessary .

  13. 让我们脱离世人的注意,做一对平凡的小夫妻。

    Let us out of the world 's attention , so a pair of ordinary small husband and wife .

  14. 而在第二天,县城里却搬来了一对平凡的小夫妻。

    In the next day , the county seat it actually moved a pair of ordinary husband and wife .

  15. 眼下这对小夫妻正在一起等待他们的首个孩子在这个月降生,卡莉已经做好了随时分娩的准备。

    The couple are expecting their first child together this month , with Carly ready to give birth any day now .

  16. 据某媒体报道,这对小夫妻举办的是犹太教婚礼——克劳斯在二人订婚前改信了宗教。

    According to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency , the couple wed in a Jewish ceremony - Kloss reportedly converted in June before the couple became engaged .

  17. 上周,这对在2004年因拍摄《追击八月十五》擦出爱的火花的小夫妻在不同场合正式宣布分手。

    Last week , the couple-who started dating in2004 after starring as lovers in the film Hidden Heroes - ? had officially announced their separation at different events .

  18. 结婚25年后,我们的性生活终于慢慢恢复到已婚数十年的夫妇中更常见的互动模式,不像是刚结婚的小夫妻了。

    After 25 years of marriage , our sex life has slowly reverted to a dynamic more common to couples who have been married for decades , not weeks .

  19. 这对率先踏入大门的小夫妻,欣然接受了与众多好莱坞一哥一姐的“偶遇”与“造访”:握手拥抱、录像拍照,妥妥的一个环节都没少!

    The couple were first through the doors and fully embraced their impromptu meet and greet with Hollywood 's A-list , shaking hands , hugging and taking pictures and video .

  20. 一些小夫妻既是高中同学又是大学同学,但是研究结果仅将他们共同就读的第一所学校计算在内。

    Some couples went to both the same high school and college , but the study controlled for that by only counting the first school they each attended together in the results .

  21. 然而,尽管韦兰夫妇同意延长去欧洲度蜜月的时间(也许还可到埃及呆一个冬天),但对于小夫妻回来后需要一所住宅的问题坚定不移。

    but , though the Wellands approved of an extended European honeymoon ( perhaps even a winter in Egypt ) , they were firm as to the need of a house for the returning couple .

  22. 据报道,这对小夫妻本打算在合适的时候向大家宣布已经结婚的事情,没料到他们首次公开谈论二人的关系就是宣布分手。

    It was reported that the couple had planned to announce the news later at the " right timing " but sadly , the first time that they openly talked about their relationship was about their separation .

  23. 这对十几岁的小“夫妻”如今住在尚特尔家中照顾宝宝梅齐。

    The teenage couple are now looking after baby Maisie at Chantelle 's home .

  24. 负责开展该调查的心理学家萨拉•戈尔彻夫说:“对于孩子还小的夫妻来说,最重要的是‘坚持’。”

    Psychologist Sara Gorchoff , who carried out the investigation , said : " The take-home message for couples with young children is'hang in there ' . "

  25. 这是一出小喜剧,以夫妻对唱而出名。

    This is a light comedy and famous for the antiphonal singing of the spouses .

  26. 对具有小生产特点的夫妻店一直采取打压、限制政策。

    The policy oppressed and limited " mom and pop " which have the characteristic of the small-scale production .

  27. 每天下班,总要带回几条新闻:大至国内外大事,小到谁家夫妻吵架、婆媳不和……他发布新闻,是大家都在做饭的时候,地点自然以厨房居多。

    Every day when he got off work , he would bring several pieces of news from big events at home and abroad down to Small strifes between husband and wife , or between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law . The tune far his news broadcast was usually dinner time , so the best place for it was naturally the shared kitchen .

  28. 在亚洲,这项“行业”吸引着每一个人,大到与政界、军方勾结的强大的黑社会组织,小到在浴缸里仿制可口可乐的小夫妻小组。

    In Asia , this business draws everyone from powerful underworld organizations with ties to politics and the military to husband-and-wife teams who brew fake Coca-Cola in bathtubs .