
  1. 超过8千万观众收看了《虎妈猫爸》这部电视剧,其结局在微博上引发了成千上万的评论。

    More than 80m people tuned into Tiger Mom Cat Dad and the series finale attracted tens of thousands of comments on Weibo .

  2. 这个概念如今在新浪微博上流行一时,原因是因为一部当红中国电视剧,《虎妈猫爸》。

    The term has been trending on the micro blogging site Sina Weibo because of a hit Chinese television programme , " Tiger Mom Cat Dad . "

  3. 报告称,该诉讼涉及到黄金时段的电视剧《虎妈猫爸》。该剧于五月上映,主要讲述一对夫妻对女儿不同的教育方法。

    Reports say the suit involves the prime-time TV show Tiger Mom , which debuted in May and centers on a couple 's differing approach to raising their daughter .

  4. 最近中国的一部热播电视剧《虎妈猫爸》探讨了一个长期困扰着家长们的话题:到底是该严厉还是温和,才能让孩子取得最好的高考成绩?

    One of the most popular series on Chinese television recently was Tiger Mum and Cat Dad , about that perennially tortured topic : does ferocity or meekness produce the best gaokao scores ?

  5. 报告称,这起案件牵涉到黄金时段的电视剧《虎妈猫爸》。该剧于五月上映,主要讲述一对夫妻对女儿不同的教育方法。

    Reports say the lawsuit filed by a Shanghai man involves the prime-time TV show Tiger Mom , which debuted in May and centers on a couple 's differing approach to raising their daughter .

  6. 也有人认为猫爸性格儒弱,配不上他的妻子:“我觉得虎妈和猫爸应该离婚,”一个观众这样评论道。

    Others saw the dad as a weak character who wasn 't compatible with his wife : " I think the tiger mother and the cat dad should divorce , " one viewer wrote .