
  • 网络iq test
  1. 她在智商测验中得了120分。

    She scored 120 in the IQ test .

  2. 他在智商测验中得分很高。

    He scored high in the IQ test .

  3. 布鲁默学习测验(BloomerLearningTest,简称BLT)是一种与传统智商测验迥异、基于过程模型的加工过程测验。

    Bloomer Learning Test ( BLT ) is a learning cognitive process test based on " processed model ", which is beyond the traditional intelligence tests .

  4. 目的探讨鉴定成人智力鉴定与智商测验之间的关系。

    Objective To study the relation between the adult intelligence critical and the intelligence scale .

  5. 比如说,你和你的未来对象智商测验得分一样。

    For instance , say you and a prospective date get the same score on an IQ test .

  6. 新的一项研究发现头比较大的人在智商测验中得到的分数往往都比较高。

    According to new study findings , people with bigger brains tend to score higher on tests of intelligence .

  7. 方法应用病例对照研究原则,对51名听力言语障碍儿童和53名正常儿童进行瑞文智商测验和社会适应性行为的评定。

    Methods In the present case-control study , 51 hearing-speech-impaired children and 53 normal children were investigated using Rui-Wen test and ability of social adaptation scale .

  8. 其余患者的脑白质损伤导致了组织破坏,出现脑白质损伤的患者的智商测验和数字计算能力显著降低。

    In the remaining patients , the WMLs led to tissue breakdown , and patients with WMLs experienced a significant decrease in estimated IQ and math scores .

  9. 智商测验很大程度上与数学扯上关系,因为数学好的学童推理能力自然就强,这是铁一般的事实。

    Mathematics has a lot to do with IQ tests , as it is well proven that children good at numbers tend to have a stronger reasoning faculty .

  10. 有些科学证据显示,的确,亚洲人可能天生比较聪明,他们的智商测验成绩比较高,脑容扯比较大,反应比较快。

    Some scientific evidence suggests that , yes , Asians just might be smarter by nature genetically-higher scores on IQ tests , larger cranium sizes , faster reaction time .

  11. 根据他的研究,发现智商测验题目中的特殊技能和潜在能力可以在学校里被教授训练。

    As a result of his research , Ceci concluded that the specific skills measured on intelligence tests and the processes underlying intelligence test performance are taught and learned in school .

  12. 因为这些测验没办法判定你有多少创造力,或者你有多少常识。有些人觉得智商测验不应该用来测量智力。

    Because the tests can 't say much about how creative you are or how much general knowledge you have , some feel that IQ tests shouldn 't be used to measure intelligence .

  13. 科学家共对2500名男女进行了智商测验。结果发现,男性的智商水平分布极不平衡,得分最高的2%和最低的2%都是男性。

    In the study , scientists measured the IQ of2500 brothers and sisters and they found an uneven number of men not only in the top two percent , but also in the bottom two percent .