
  • 网络Sophistes;sophist
  1. 苏格拉底常运用他的辩证法去攻击一般人的通常意识,特别攻击智者派。

    He used to turn dialectic , first against ordinary consciousness , and then especially against the sophists .

  2. 国外教学论的发展经历以下几个阶段:第一,前理性时期。代表思想是智者派的教学思想、柏拉图的教学思想和经院哲学流派的教学思想。

    The first period was pre-rational phase in which representative thoughts were the teaching ideas of Sophists , Plato and scholasticism .

  3. 尤其是智者派,他们对于能否获取这方面的知识提出了质疑。

    In particular the Sophists questioned the possibility of achieving knowledge about such things at all .

  4. 本研究多少有些意外地发现,苏格拉底倡导的学习方式乃是经典性的接受学习模型,倒是他所极力批判的智者派所倡导的学习方式具有浓厚的研究性学习的异彩。

    The study unexpectedly found that the learning style supported by Socrates is the classical ' reception learning ' .

  5. 柏拉图曾在他的对话录中描述了智者派否认客观真理和标准的存在所带来的后果。

    Plato describes the consequences of the Sophist denial of the existence of objective truths and standards , in several dialogues .

  6. 早期希腊哲学从巴门尼德到智者派的发展,是希腊哲学的一个重要阶段。

    The development of early Greek philosophy from Parmenides to the school of the wise was a very important stage in Greek philosophy .

  7. 另外,智者派还认为,人类的法则明显不属于自然法则,而是人为的规定或习俗。

    Moreover , continued the Sophists , human laws were clearly not part of nature , but were instead man-made contrivances and conventions .

  8. 苏格拉底对普罗泰格拉这样比较温和的智者派所提出的理论并未感到不安,因为普罗泰格拉并没有贬低传统的法则和智慧。

    Socrates was not unduly alarmed by this doctrine as expressed by a moderate thinker such as Protagoras , who did not attempt to undermine the traditional laws and wisdom .

  9. 西方美学史在美学上,苏格拉底与智者派还是十分接近的,但也有其独特的哲学思想。

    At least on the view of the Western aesthetics history among the whole Aesthetics , Socrates and Wise thought quite close , however , with their own unique philosophy .

  10. 当柏拉图说理念的回忆时,意思是说理念是潜伏在人心中,而不是如智者派所主张的那样,认为理念是从外面灌输到人心中的。

    The reminiscence of ideas spoken of by Plato is equivalent to saying that ideas implicitly exist in man , instead of being , as the Sophists assert , a foreign importation into his mind .

  11. 智者一词后来逐渐意味着怀疑、雄心勃勃和无所顾忌的竞争,因为这些都是智者派所鼓励的。他们总是态度暧昧,疑心病很重。

    The word " sophist " gradually acquired the connotations of skepticism , ambition and unscrupulous competitiveness which their teaching in fact encouraged . They were inclined to be dubious and suspicious .