
wàng huái
  • forget;dismiss from one's mind
忘怀 [wàng huái]
  • [forget] 忘记;不放在心上

  • 忘怀得失

忘怀[wàng huái]
  1. 我们永远不会忘怀那个湖上的美景。

    We shall never forget the beauty of that lake .

  2. 一个人的初恋是最难以忘怀的。

    One can never forget one 's first love .

  3. 他们的到来令人激动不已,难以忘怀。

    Their arrival was dramatic and exciting .

  4. 伦纳德现在已经令他无法忘怀。

    Leonard was now fixed in his mind

  5. 我对他难以忘怀的一幕是他在一次小型私人派对上献歌的情景。

    One of my abiding memories of him is of his singing to a small private party

  6. 我的初恋难以忘怀。

    My first love was unforgettable .

  7. 爱使得这些事难以忘怀。

    Love made these things unforgettable .

  8. 那趟旅行是我们两人难以忘怀的经历。

    The trip had been unforgettable experience for both of us .

  9. “心虫”指让你难以忘怀的一段爱情或友情,你以为这段情早就过去了,但却时常想起,难以释怀。就像弃置的露营地里残留的火星,仍然有可能引发一场森林大火。

    Heartworm refers to a relationship or friendship that you can 't get out of your head , which you thought had faded long ago but is still somehow alive and unfinished , like an abandoned campsite whose smoldering1 embers still have the power to start a forest fire .

  10. 因此,像烈焰红唇(TheFlamingLips)这样的乐队不仅通过前卫艺术摇滚为自己赢得了声誉,而且还创造了一些最令人难以忘怀的商品。

    Thus bands like the flaming lips can build a name for themselves not only for Avant art rock , but for creating some of the most memorable merch around .

  11. 这就是歌曲“MAGNIFICENT”,和许多U2乐队的歌曲风格一样,这首歌曲用优美的音调表达爱情,让人难以忘怀。

    That was the song " Magnificent . " Like many of U2 's songs , it is an expressive love song with a melody that is hard to forget .

  12. 凯尔•利明(CalLeeming)曾告诉我许多关于银行安全漏洞的可怕事情,然而上面这句话让我尤其难以忘怀。

    Of all the things Cal Leeming told me - and he told me a lot of hair-raising stuff about banks " security flaws - this was one of the things that stayed with me .

  13. 他也许昨天就回来了,我竟忘怀了。

    Perhaps he did come yesterday , and I have forgotten .

  14. 我不会忘怀三年前所发生的一切!

    I will never forget what has happened three years ago .

  15. 在诗人笔下复杂的叙事中,这成了一首让人难以忘怀的经典诗作。

    It 's a haunting poem that operates in complex ways .

  16. 这是难以忘怀的一天值得体味的一天

    This is a day for memories , a day to savor

  17. 你犯了一个错误,而别人总让你不能忘怀。

    You make one mistake and nobody lets you forget it .

  18. 看尽世态,再难忘怀的眼。

    With eyes that watch the world and can 't forget .

  19. 营造出情绪或是激起情感的照片总让人难以忘怀。

    Images that create mood or invoke feeling are often mesmerising .

  20. 那时的端午节使我难以忘怀。

    Dragon Boat Festival at that time to make me unforgettable .

  21. 这对很多中国人来说已经是难以忘怀的回忆了。

    Those have become unforgettable memories of many Chinese people .

  22. 人们总说,初恋是难以忘怀的。

    They say that you never forget your first love .

  23. 谁是你生命中难以忘怀的人?为什么呢?

    Who is the most unforgettable person in your life ? Why ?

  24. 那将是人们永难忘怀的历史画面。

    That is an image that history will never forget .

  25. 这十年也演绎出一幕令人无法忘怀的超人之死剧情。

    The decade also featured a memorable Death of Superman story line .

  26. 但很多新科技令人印象深刻难以忘怀。

    Many new techniques make deep unforgettable impression on people .

  27. 我难以忘怀李老师给我们上的那一课。

    I will never forget the lesson which Mr. Li gave us .

  28. 这对我来说是无法忘怀的美好回忆。

    That 's the fond memory I can 't forget .

  29. 不过更令我难以忘怀的是期末论文。

    But even more difficult to forget was the finial examination paper .

  30. 这种经验虽然并不持久,但却令人难以忘怀。

    While such experience does not last , it cannot be forgotten .