
wàng wǒ
  • selfless;oblivious of oneself
忘我 [wàng wǒ]
  • [oblivious of oneself;selfless] 不考虑个人

  • 忘我地工作

忘我[wàng wǒ]
  1. 我对你的爱是忘我的,是体谅的。

    My love for you is selfless and forgiving .

  2. 中国电影在很长的一段时间内,需要的是忘我的付出,而不是贪婪的索取。

    Chinese movie in a very long period of time is required to pay selfless , not greedy obtained .

  3. 做母亲就一定要牺牲和忘我吗?

    Should motherhood necessarily mean sacrifice and self-denial ?

  4. 他忘我地投入工作,就像是一台写作机器。

    He has dedicated himself to his work and become just a writing machine .

  5. 人们忘我地工作,以确保2006FIFA世界杯成为一次难忘的经历,

    The people will devote themselves to the job of ensuring the 2006 FIFA World Cup is an unforgettable experience ,

  6. 在台上表演起来无畏忘我,其实在私底下小天后LadyGaga却对于一些疯狂歌迷几近失去理智的行为而担心受怕。

    Lady Gaga is fearless when she 's performing , but in real life she 's said to be scared of being attacked by a crazed fan 。

  7. 只有忘我工作的人才能赢得时间。

    Only those who work selflessly are able to gain time .

  8. 忘我地工作,就像不需要钱一样。

    Work as if you have no need of the money .

  9. 在雍和宫:他似乎已陷入浑然忘我的沉思中。

    Lama Temple , Beijing : He seemed lost in contemplation .

  10. 教这三个孩子是忘我今天下午的工作。

    To teach the three children is my job this afternoon .

  11. 在镇上蔓延瘟疫的时候,谁也没有海丝特那样忘我地献身。

    None so self-devoted as Hester when pestilence stalked through the town .

  12. 这是一种令人麻木的工作,需要有耐心和忘我精神。

    It was numbing work , requiring patience and dedication .

  13. 他们的心智进入了一种流畅状态,一刻不停歇地忘我工作。

    They get into a state of flow and just keep going .

  14. 他那番忘我无私的工作终于开始奏效了。

    His unselfish work is at last beginning to tell .

  15. 疯狂代表对事业忘我的全情投入;

    Crazy stands for the total devotion to your work .

  16. 理性,从忘我的道路走向永恒。

    Reason , tread the path of selflessness into eternity .

  17. 忘我主义的例子俯拾皆是,广泛存在于人类和其它哺乳动物群体中。

    Examples of altruism abound , both among humans and among other mammals .

  18. 她以巨大的忘我精神工作,希望找到这种疾病的疗法。

    She worked with great dedication to find a cure for the disease .

  19. 僧侣的精准是在忘我和训练之中习得的技能。

    The monk 's precision is a skill learnt through dedication and training .

  20. 一切革命工作都需要热情和忘我精神。

    All revolutionary work calls for enthusiasm and selflessness .

  21. 他常在香菸的烟雾中,浑然忘我。

    He always completely loses himself in tobacco smoke .

  22. 他的这种为了中华民族的崛起而忘我奋斗的精神迄今还是我们的榜样,值得我们青年人学习。

    His spirit of study for the rise of China is worthy to learn .

  23. 你的忘我帮神使你不能完全理解我对这事有多着急。

    Your unselfishness cannot entirely comprehend how much my mind has gone on this ;

  24. 她的歌声令我们浑然忘我。

    We were carried away by her songs .

  25. 不一会,他已进入了浑然忘我的境界。

    Different meeting , he has already got into Hun whatsoever forgets my state .

  26. 忠忱的真谛,就是忘我。

    The real name of devotion is disinterestedness .

  27. 大写意画的有我与忘我

    With or Without Me in the Freehand Painting

  28. 事实上,那是百折不挠、自我牺牲和忘我训练的结晶。

    In fact , it was the product of grim focus , self-deprivation and discipline .

  29. 教学需要热情和忘我的精神。

    Teaching calls for enthusiasm and selflessness .

  30. 悲剧喜剧快乐忘我

    Tragedy , Comedy , Happiness , Unselfishness