
  1. 32岁的普尔努里是艾维奇的经纪人兼制作人,艾维奇的曲目《WakeMeUp》已是Spotify上迄今播放次数最多的歌曲,收听量达200多万次。

    The 32-year-old is manager and producer of Avicii , whose track " Wake Me Up " is the most streamed song yet on Spotify , with more than 200 million listens .

  2. 然而,据《新闻周刊》报道,尽管名利双收,瑞典DJ、制片人艾维奇4月20日去世,死因显然为自杀,年仅28岁。

    But despite his fame and fortune , Swedish DJ and producer Avicii passed away on April 20 aged just 28 years old in an apparent suicide , according to Newsweek .

  3. 区区数秒间,他便已经查到关于艾维奇的信息。

    Within seconds , he has dialled up information on Avicii .