
wàng běn
  • forget one's class origin;forget one's past suffering;forget one's bitter past
忘本 [wàng běn]
  • [forget ones class origin;forget one's bitter past] 忘掉自己本来的情况或事物的本源

忘本[wàng běn]
  1. 当了领导干部可不能忘本。

    One must not forget his origin , now that he is appointed to the leading post .

  2. 我们过上了幸福的生活,可不能忘本(=忘了本)。

    We must not forget our old sufferings now that we live happy lives .

  3. 劳工阶层的一些人指责他忘本。

    Some in the working class accused him of deserting his roots .

  4. 第二,人们不应该忘本。

    Secondly , people should not forget their origin .

  5. 怎么可以忘本?!

    How you can forget your origin ?

  6. 尽管事业有成,但张欣教育自己的孩子不要忘本。

    In spite of this success , she says her children have a grounding influence .

  7. 在日历和备忘本上清楚地标记最后期限,让自己知道何时需要完成它们。

    Mark the deadlines out clearly in your calendar and organizer so you know when you need to finish them .

  8. 宋卫平在谈到中小开发商的命运时说,人是不能忘本的。

    ' You cannot forget your roots , ' said Mr. Song , referring to the fate of smaller developers .

  9. 我不是一个忘本的人,但是很多时候,并不是说自己想要记得就能够记得的。

    I am not a people who forget their ancestry , but often does not say that they want to remember can recall .

  10. 汉克斯并不忘本,2009年,他帮忙筹集资金,修缮克利夫兰剧院他梦想开始的地方。

    Not one to forget his own past , in 2009 Hanks helped fund-raise money to help renovate the Cleveland theater where he got his start .

  11. “古老的方式”已经消失殆尽,但他们那种群体精神今犹长存,它不断支持新的思想,迎来新的艺术形式,而又保住往昔的传统,并不忘本。

    The old ways are all but gone , but the community spirit remains , support-ing new ideas and welcoming new art forms without forgetting the heritageof the past .

  12. 我懂得自己今天取得所有成绩的艰辛和不易,于是倍加不忘本,永远保持农家子弟的作风。

    I know it is not easy for me to get what I have now . So I will not feel arrogant and will only keep the style of farmers .