
  • 网络Refractive index;Index of Refraction;refraction coefficient
  1. 分析也表明,聚焦几何排布可用于非线性折射系数的测量,并具有比常规Z扫描方法更高的灵敏度。

    It is also shown that focused geometry arrangements can be employed for measurements of nonlinear refractive index with a higher sensitivity than that of common Z scan techniques .

  2. 光散射和消光参量对气溶胶折射系数的敏感性分析

    Sensitivity Analyses of Light Scattering and Extinction Parameters to the Aerosol Refractive Index

  3. 劳兰-C大气折射系数n实时值估算方法

    A Method for Estimating the Realtime Value of Atmospheric Refraction Index n of Loran-C Signal

  4. 双折射系数△n用于表示晶状体纤维排列的有序与否、透光率T则直接反应晶状体的透光能力。

    Birefringence △ n is used to show whether or not the fibers of lens are in or-der .

  5. 采用脉冲宽度为7ns、波长为532nm的激光束,首次利用Z-扫描技术测量了新型功能配合物材料Ni(mpo)2[分子式C10H8N2NiO2S2]的非线性吸收系数和非线性折射系数。

    With nanosecond pulses at 532 nm wavelength , firstly the nonlinear optical absorption and refraction coefficients of Ni ( mpo ) 2 complexs by using the Z-scan technique was measured .

  6. 在考虑了SU-8的吸收系数和折射系数对紫外光刻尺寸精度影响的基础上,根据菲涅耳衍射理论建立了紫外曝光改进模型和尺寸公差模型,对SU-8微结构的尺寸及其公差进行数值模拟。

    A UV-exposure model and a dimensional tolerance model based on Fresnel diffraction theory are established by considering the impact of the refractive index and absorption coefficient of SU-8 photoresist on dimensional precision of UV-lithography .

  7. 通过对地场广义Sommerfeld积分折射系数和衰减系数的合理近似,导出了有限长架空导线与地下导线间互阻抗的解析计算公式。

    An analytical formula of the mutual impedance between overhead conductors and underground conductors is presented by means of the reasonable approximation of refraction and attenuation coefficients of generalized Sommerfeld integral in the earth field .

  8. 推导出大气折光平均折射系数的计算公式。

    The formula of calcuating average coefficient of refraction is inferred .

  9. 超强激光参数对等离子体折射系数的影响分析

    The Influence Analyses of Superstrong Laser Parameter to Refraction Coefficient of Plasma

  10. 立方晶体非线性折射系数的各向异性

    Anisotropy of nonlinear refractive index in a cubic crystal

  11. 半导体掺杂玻璃非线性热致折射系数的测量

    Measurement of third order nonlinear refractive coefficients associated with the thermal effect in semiconductor-doped glasses

  12. 弹粘边界的平面波反射/折射系数的数值计算和分析

    Numerical calculation and analysis of reflection / refraction coefficient of plane wave at interface between layered viscous media

  13. 又因为此类分子具有线性结构,所以就像液晶分子一样可能具有很大的非线性折射系数。

    In addition , these molecules have the linear structures , which may make them have large nonlinear refractive index like the liquid crystal molecules .

  14. 通过此模型,可解析地计算出不同电离状态原子的第1阶线性和第3阶非线性极化率、相应的极化电流、以及极化介质(原子)的折射系数。

    The first and the third susceptibilities , as well as the nonlinear polarization current and the refractive index , are analytically obtained by this model .

  15. 通过对地震波反射折射系数能量守恒关系的分析,探讨了反射折射系数大于1的可能性。

    Analyzing the energy conservation relation of reflection and refraction coefficients of seismic wave , it has been noticed that the probability of reflection and refraction coefficients is greater than one .

  16. 其后,在引入了波在不同介质面和自由面上的反射、折射系数以后,给出了三维波动方程在分区均匀介质中的边界单元法公式。

    After quoting the coefficients of refraction and reflection of wave at surface or interface , the expression of BEM which is suitable for the problems of wave propagation in multi-isotropic mediums is also given .

  17. 在实现尾流内水蒸气混合率、位温等微结构特征的分布特性建模的基础上,提出了一种折射系数起伏的尾流电磁散射模型,获得了尾流的介电常数分布和演化特性。

    Based on the micro-structure distribution properties , such as water vapor mixing and potential temperature , we bring out a refractive index fluctuations model . The dielectric constant distribution and evolution properties are obtained .

  18. 应用多层光波导理论,分析计算了聚合物折射系数变化与长周期光栅谐振波长的关系。在此基础上进行了模拟实验,结果表明理论分析与实验基本一致。

    Using the theory of multi-cladding optical wave-guide , the relationship between LPG 's resonant wavelength and the refractive index of the polymer is gotten and the results are in close agreement with the experiments .

  19. 本文分析了立方晶体三次非线性极化强度P~((3))的各向异性,导出了非线性折射系数各向异性的一般表达式,讨论了强光束在立方晶体中的自感生偏振变化规律。

    In this article , anisotropy of the cubic nonlinear polarization P ( 3 ) in a cubic crystal is investigated , general expression of anisotropy of nonlinear refractive index is derived , and self-induced polarization change of high intensity light beam in a cubic crystal is discussed .

  20. 采用具有负折射率系数的非线性介质作为补偿材料,对环形光束非线性增长的B积分进行了分析。

    While a negative nonlinear refractive index material was used as the compensating medium , we have reached and analysed the B integral with a compensation configuration .

  21. 根据非线性折射率系数的符号,克尔介质分为自聚焦介质和自散焦介质两类。

    Self-focusing and self-defocusing have their origin in the intensity dependence of the refractive index of the nonlinear medium .

  22. 利用非线性折射率系数较大且非线性时间响应较快的CdSxSe1-x玻璃为材料,设计了一种二维非线性光子晶体波导全光开关。

    An all-optical switch based on two-dimensional nonlinear photonic crystal waveguide used CdS_ ( x ) Se_ ( 1-x ) doped glass with large nonlinear refractive index and nonlinear fast response time has been designed .

  23. 利用兴隆站所测的Fried参数r0确定湍流折射率结构系数Cn~2中的数值常数α

    Deciding the constant α of refractive index structure coefficient C_n ~ 2 by way of the fried parameter r_0 at Xinglong Station

  24. 轴位移法测定GRIN透镜的折射率分布系数

    The Axial Deviation Method for Measuring the Refractive Index Distribution Coefficients of GRIN Lens

  25. 7.5mol%Nb∶KTP晶体的主折射率温度系数的计算

    Calculation of the Principal Thermal Refractive Index Coefficients in 7.5 mol % Nb ∶ KTP Crystals

  26. 高掺镁LiNbO3晶体折射率温度系数的表示式

    Expressions of Thermal Refractive Index Coefficients for LiNbO_3 Crystal Heavily Doped with Magnesium

  27. 提出了边孔光纤(SHF)的简化分析方法,计算出了SHF双折射的温度系数为3.17×10-8/℃。

    A simplified analytic method of SHF is proposed . And the calculated thermal coefficient of birefringence of SHF is 3.17 × 10 ~ ( - 8 ) / ℃ .

  28. 冰洲石晶体色散方程解析研究及折射率温度系数表达式

    Sellmeier Coefficients for the Refractive Indices of Calcite at Crystal Different Temperatures

  29. 云母晶体最大双折射率温度系数的测定

    Measurement of Thermal Maximal Birefringent Index Coefficients of Mica Crystal

  30. 光学玻璃折射率压力系数测定方法

    The Measurement Method for the Pressure Coefficient of Optical Glass Refraction Index