
zhé kòu lǜ
  • discount rate;rate of discount;bargain rates
  1. 当未来现金流可以合理地预测,且一个适合的折扣率可以选择,NPV分析就是一个最精确和最准确的估值方法了。

    When future cash flows'are reasonably predictable and an appropriate discount rate can be chosen , NPV analysis is one of the most accurate and precise methods of valuation .

  2. 关于此款椅子,请给予最大采购量的折扣率。

    Please quote your best quantitative discount rate for these chairs .

  3. 二级市场顾问公司cogentpartners表示,私人股本资产的资产净值折扣率已经从2009年上半年的大约60%缩小至去年年底的28%。

    Cogent partners , the secondary market adviser , said discounts to net asset value for private equity assets had narrowed from about 60 per cent in the first half of 2009 to about 28 per cent at the end of last year .

  4. 它忽略了金钱的时间价值&折扣率。

    It ignores the time value of money & the discount rate .

  5. 竞争条件下厂商产品价格的均衡折扣率研究

    The study of equilibrious discount rates of commodities under competition

  6. 订购80000台,折扣率20%。

    80,000 sets with a discount rate of 20 % .

  7. 我能拿到什么样的折扣率?

    How much of a discount can I get ?

  8. 在零售系统中修订折扣率?

    Updating discount rates in the retail sales system ?

  9. 在整个定向增发过程中,最核心的就是折扣率,鉴于此,本文主要研究内容为折扣率影响因素以及其与发行后破发之间关系。

    And the core factor is discount rate during the whole private placement .

  10. 你和你的家人是否关注长途话费的优惠时段折扣率?

    Are you and your family aware of special discount rates for long-distance calls ?

  11. 进行市场分析,确定客户需求,编制价格表清单,以及折扣率;

    Reviews market analysis to determine customer needs , price schedules , and discount rates ;

  12. 批核折扣率及适用货品?

    Approving discount rates and applicable goods ?

  13. 其次是一月份,折扣率为4.95%,接着是五月份,折扣率4.5%。

    January came in second at 4.95 percent , followed by May at 4.50 percent .

  14. 金融不良资产折扣率研究

    Discount rate of bad financial assets

  15. 折扣率是20%至40%,取决于时令季节。

    There is a 20 % to 40 % discount . It depends on the season .

  16. 这让世界了解我们的折扣率和承诺的客户服务。

    That is to let the world know about our discounted rates and commitment to customer service .

  17. 我方预备以15%的折扣率向你方提供电脑。

    We are prepare to offer our computers to you at the special discount rate of15 % .

  18. 事实上,十一月份是你购物最实惠的时候,平均折扣率为5.99%。

    In fact , November is when you will get the largest savings at 5.99 percent on average .

  19. 日前安踏公布的预期数据显示,第三季同店销售增长滑落至中单位数,而零售端折扣率亦扩大。

    The company it expected its same-store sales to contract to a single-digital rise with ballooning discount rate .

  20. 财务团队根据成本、折扣率、税率和运费,计算总体采购价格。

    Accounting calculates total purchase price , based on the costs , discount level , tax rate , and shipping .

  21. 很高兴寄去我们产品的样品、价格和折扣率,供你方参考。

    We are pleased to forward you the samples of our products with their quotations and discounts for your reference .

  22. 如果你能为了在体积,我们可以给你的贵宾价格,折扣率为运费。

    If you can order in bulk , we can give you VIP price , and DISCOUNT for the freight .

  23. 四种情况下各个零售商的利润怎样变化,如何制定合理的折扣率都是本论文讨论的内容。

    This article pays much attention on the profitability difference and how to set the discount rate under these four scenarios .

  24. 甚至到本月中旬,折扣率也未下降到日率二分以下.

    The discount rates have failed to come down below 2 sen per diem , even in the middle of the month .

  25. 并给出了环境成本的概念及环境成本系数、工业净产值环境折扣率和纯工业净产值等指标。

    The concepts of environment cost and its coefficient , discount rate of net industry output and pure net value arc also introduced .

  26. 结果表明均衡折扣率不仅与他们的需求函数有关,而且还与初始价格有关;

    The result shows that the equilibrious discount rates are not only related to their demand functions but also with their initial prices .

  27. “甚至到本月中旬,折扣率也未下降到日率二分以下.”

    " The discount rates have failed to come down below 2 sen per diem , even in the middle of the month . "

  28. 最后,通过数值分析说明优惠卡价格和折扣率对消费者购买策略和竞争比的影响。

    Finally , numerical analysis is is given to explain the relation among the price , discount rate , purchasing strategy and competitive ratio .

  29. 只有傻瓜才会周六上网购物,折扣率通常仅为3.84%,周日则是最糟的&3.37%。

    Only the foolish would shop on a Saturday where the discounts were typically 3.84 percent - and Sunday was the worst with 3.37 percent .

  30. 我们将有控股股东存在的公司相对于无控股股东存在的公司的市场价值折扣率定义为控股股东的代理成本。

    We define the percentage of value discount of firms with controlling shareholder by comparison with firms without controlling shareholder as agency costs of controlling shareholder .