
  • 网络network externality
  1. 网络外部性下标准转换的CA建模研究

    THe Standard Transformation under Network Externality & A CA based Approach

  2. 网络外部性与CDMA的品牌差异化选择

    Brand Differentiation with the Choice for CDMA in Network Externality

  3. 网络外部性下的RD策略

    RD Strategy in the Presence of Network Externalities

  4. 研究结果表明:网络外部性越强或需求方的学习成本越低,厂商的RD投资越多。

    The conclusion shows that when network externalities are stronger or the learning cost of demand side is lower , the firm will invest more .

  5. 从创造性毁灭到网络外部性&中国电讯产业从2G到3G过渡的经济学思考

    " Creative Destruction " and the Network Externality : the Economic Thinking of the Transformation from 2G to 3G in China 's Wireless Telecommunication Industry

  6. 具有网络外部性的扩展Hotelling模型

    Extended Hotelling model with network externality

  7. 运用Logistic增长模型以及网络外部性理论绘制出电信企业网络外部性效用的S型曲线,并分析其的变化特点。得出网络外部性下电信企业的竞争行为和策略。

    By use of Logistic Growth Model and the network externality theory , we draw an S curve of the network externality avail of the telecom carriers for a clear analysis of underlying characteristics for the changes .

  8. 结合拉姆塞(Ramsey)定价方法进行对比分析,提出电信价格管制应该考虑网络外部性。

    In contrast to the Ramsey pricing , it is shown that the regulator should consider the externality of networks in telecom pricing regulation .

  9. 通过Hotelling模型对PC软件产品竞争性升级进行了研究,重点分析了网络外部性、转换成本、升级产品质量(或功能)的提高对升级定价及其竞争策略的影响。

    We studied the PC software upgrade competition with Hotelling model . It shows that the upgrade pricing is affected by network externality , switch cost , and the quality of upgrade product .

  10. 因此,本文以双边市场理论为基础,首先分析SNS企业的双边市场特征,发现用户边存在强边内网络外部性这一特有属性。

    So , in this paper , on the basis of two-side market theory , we fist analyze the industrial feature of SNS and find that within-group externality is strong on user side .

  11. 网络外部性效应来源于市场中消费者的趋同效应,它往往导致赢家通吃的市场格局。本文从网络外部性的角度研究中国移动通信产业2G/1G和2.5G的市场竞争。

    From the point of network economics this paper analyzes the competition in China 's mobile market which includes 2G / 1G and 2.5G .

  12. 很多学者也发现:盗版能为客户提供体验产品的机会,并通过扩大用户基数产生积极的网络外部性,即Stephen教授所称的有利的盗版效应。

    Many researchers find that piracy can give customers the opportunity of experience the goods and it can extend the user base to produce positive externality effects . This is the positive piracy effect said by Pro . Stephen .

  13. 第六章:是网络外部性下电信企业市场进入分析,本章通过斯坦克尔伯格(Stackelberg)竞争模型对网络外部性下的电信企业序贯进入电信市场的情况进行分析。

    Chapter 6 : it analyzes the entry into telecom market under network externality . This chapter , using Stackelberg competition model , offers an analysis of the telecom players ' entry into the market under the network externality .

  14. 本文放松传统的Hotelling竞争模型中厂商必须定位于线性空间内的假设,研究了具有不对称网络外部性强度的厂商之间市场竞争的问题。

    Relaxing the restriction in traditional Hotelling model that the firms must be located in the linear space , this paper analyzes the competition between firms with different network strength in the market with network externalities .

  15. 当厂商具有较低(较高)的RD投资效率时,较强的网络外部性会削弱(增进)其RD动机,而较高程度的兼容性和较高的需求方学习成本会增进(削弱)其RD动机。

    When the firm 's efficiency is lower ( higher ), the stronger network externalities will make its incentive to innovation weaker ( stronger ), and the higher compatibility and the higher learning cost of demand side will make its incentive to innovation stronger ( weaker ) .

  16. 本文从网络外部性的角度研究了中国移动通信产业2G和2.5G的市场竞争问题。

    Network externality stem from the bandwagon effects of the market which results in winner takes all . From the point of network economics this paper analyzes the competition in China 's mobile market which includes 2G and 2.5G periods .

  17. 互补性平台企业间接网络外部性和质量的动态竞争

    Dynamic Competition of Indirect Network Effects and Quality from Platforms Firms

  18. 基于网络外部性的产品纵向差异竞争与市场结构研究

    Study on Market Structure and Vertical Differentiation Competition Based on Network

  19. 存在多方购买下网络外部性产品差异化策略博弈分析

    Game Analysis of Differentiation Competition of Network Externalities Product with Multihoming

  20. 网络外部性、发起人制和企业技术标准竞争

    Network externality , sponsorship and the competition of enterprise technological standards

  21. 基于网络外部性的技术标准控制策略与企业兼并

    Control Strategy to Technology Standard and Merger Based on Network Externality

  22. 网络外部性与企业技术控制/开放策略选择

    Net Externalities , Compatibility and Standardization of Control / Open Tactics Selection

  23. 网络外部性条件下新产品扩散的赠样策略研究

    Sampling strategies for diffusion of new products with network externality

  24. 基于网络外部性的产品差异化与兼容性选择

    Choice between Product Differentiation and Compatibility Based on Network Externality

  25. 网络外部性是软件产品的一个重要特征。

    Network externalities is an important feature of software products .

  26. 存在网络外部性下的产品出口税收政策与差异化策略分析

    Analysis on the Product Differentiation and Export Tax Policy with Network Externality

  27. 网络外部性在电信价格管制中的研究

    A study of the externality of networks in telecom price regulatory system

  28. 信息商品表现出了越来越强的网络外部性。

    The information goods displayed more and more network externalities .

  29. 成本内生时具有网络外部性的产品差异化

    A Study on Product Differentiation with Network Externality and Endogenous Production Costs

  30. 基于网络外部性的产品扩散模型分析

    Analysis on Product Diffusion Model Based on the Network Externality