
  • 网络interconnection
  1. 基于成本的网间互联结算研究

    The study of Balance of Interconnection fee Based on the Cost

  2. 本章首先论述了电信管制政策的国际化趋势,指出网间互联在新的国际竞争形势下已经演化成为一种新型的贸易壁垒。

    This chapter introduces the international tendency of telecommunication regulation law and then points out that the interconnection in the new international competition is becoming a new trade barrier .

  3. 我国作为WTO成员,WTO关于网间互联管制的规定是我国必须遵守的义务。

    As a member of WTO , it is the obligation for China to follow the interconnection regulation of WTO .

  4. 对永久性虚连接方式的网间互联器的缓冲机制采用M/H/I/K排队方法进行了建模求解。

    We model the buffering mechanism of interworking unit with permanent virtual connection through M / M / 1 / K queuing approach and solve this model .

  5. No.7信令监测系统在网间互联中的应用

    Application of No.7 Signaling Monitor System to network interconnection

  6. 基于FH-TDMA信道的网间互联模型分析

    Analysis of model about inter-connection based on FH-TDMA channel

  7. 在互联网网间互联特点的基础上,分析了骨干网经营单位的企业互联行为和提出网络价值结算模型,最后简要地说明我国NAP点结算价格的管制外部性。

    On the basis of the characteristics , it further analyzes the interconnection behavior of backbone enterprises and brings forward the settlement model of network value . Finally , regulatory externality of settlement price in NAP is depicted briefly .

  8. 接下来我们在到达过程和排队模型一致的条件下,给出了网间互联器的GSPN行为模型,并且分析了在不同的网络负载下,连接的建立和释放与性能之间的关系。

    Next , under the same conditions as queuing model , we present the GSPN model of interworking unit . In the meanwhile , we analyze the relations between setup and releasing of connections and performance of model .

  9. 基于电信重组后新市场格局下网间互联的非合作博弈分析

    Game Analysis of Telecom Network Interconnection Under the New Market Structure

  10. 美国互联网网间互联发展状况及其对中国的启示

    The Development Situation of American Internet Inter-working and its Revelation to China

  11. 7信令监测系统的体系结构,描述它在网间互联互通中的作用及应用。

    Signalling Monitor System , described the affect and application in network interconnection .

  12. 我国电信网间互联结算之浅见

    Interconnection Settlement between Telecom-networks in China

  13. 随着电信市场竞争的持续升温,网间互联互通的问题层出不穷。

    With the competition in the telecommunications market continued heating up , interconnection problems arise endlessly .

  14. 目前,我国电信业网间互联结算存在的较大缺陷,造成了网间互联互通的不畅。

    The defects of existing balance system of interconnection fee between different nets have caused interconnection and intercommunication not smooth .

  15. 针对网间互联的安全问题,有些厂商提出了防火墙和防病毒软件的方案。当然,这样的方案或类似这样的方案在实际中是可行的,也能解决绝大部分的安全问题。

    To solve the security of interconnection network , some merchants proposed the firewall and the anti-virus software scheme plan .

  16. 改善网间互联接入价格与成本的扭曲关系已经成为运营企业间正常的互联互通关系的重要保障,建立一个适合我国的网间接入价格模型是促进形成正常的电信市场竞争秩序的核心。

    To build up a reasonable interconnection price model is the core of facilitating to compete orderly in telecommunication market .

  17. 我国电网正朝着大电网、网间互联、交直流系统混合的方向发展。

    Large-scale power systems , regional interconnected power systems , AC / DC transmission systems are the development directions of China power grid .

  18. 因此,如何来确定网间互联费用是关系到互联互通成败的关键,也是本论文的研究重点。

    Therefore how to determine the interconnection charge becomes the key fact of successful mutual interconnection as well as the main investigation of the thesis .

  19. 行政管制下的司法缺位&对我国公用电信网间互联互通争议解决机制之探讨

    The Absence of Judicature under the Administrative Regulation : A Probe into the Dispute Settlement System Concerning the Interconnection between Public Telecom Networks in China

  20. 综合运用网络技术、通信技术对云南省电信网间互联互通监测系统的设计、建设、应用进行了初步研究。

    For design and construction of Yunnan telecom network interconnection monitoring system , and application have been primarily researched by using the synthesis techniques of network & telecommunication .

  21. 其中,网间互联政策(包括互联规定、互联资费、管制原则以及号码携带问题)又是欧盟电信政策的核心。

    The network interconnection policy ( including interconnection directives , interconnection tariff , regulation principles and number portability ) is at the core of the telecom policy in EU .

  22. 在前几章就具体电信管制分析的基础上,本章针对我国目前网间互联管制遇到的问题进行了具体剖析,并提出了笔者自己的解决建议。

    On the base of previous chapters ' analysis about telecommunication regulation , this chapter analyzes some problems existed in the Chinese interconnection regulation at length and make some suggestions .

  23. 在多数发展中国家,由于缺乏成本研究所必需的数据和资源,监管机构在制定网间互联政策时,通常采用一些特殊的结算规则。

    In most developing countries , some ad hoc rules are often adopted in the implementation of interconnection policy for the limited resources and data necessary to conduct relevant cost study .

  24. 全文共分四章:第一章综述性介绍网间互联问题的定义、种类、原则、方式和意义,指出困扰当前中国电信业网间互联的主要问题。

    Chapter 1 provides a general introduction : the definition of interconnection , the types , the principles , the models , and the meaning . And points out the main issues regarding the interconnection among various operators in China today .

  25. 2008年电信运营商重组后,由于竞争加剧,相互设防,造成部分网间互联链路质量较差,难以为用户提供高质量的网络服务。

    After the restructuring of telecom ISPs in 2008 , ISPs did not trust each other because of the severe competition , which causes poor quality of part of the Internet line . Providing high-quality network services to Internet users is difficult .

  26. 本文分析了我国及国外目前网间互联结算的现状,指出应以成本为基础确定网间互联费用,提出了完善我国电信业网间互联结算的几点建议。

    This paper analyses the present condition of balance of interconnection fee internal and external , suggests the interconnection fee should be calculated based on cost , and puts forward some measures to perfect the balance system of interconnection fee in China telecom industry .

  27. 骨干网网间互联互通质量的好坏决定着互联网业务的质量,而解决互联互通质量的关键在于正确了解不同企业对互联的评价。

    Interconnection quality determined the quality of Internet services and the key to solve interconnection difficulty grasped interconnection valuation of the providers .

  28. 固定网与移动网网间互联接续费的研究

    A study on fixed and mobile networks interconnection fees

  29. 简要介绍了智能网CS-2中引入的网间互联功能的概念及其目的,并介绍了计费模型的概念以及我国智能网目前的计费模型。

    The concept and the purpose of interworking function added in IN CS 2 ( Capability Set 2 ) are introduced in brief , and the concept of charging scenario and the charging scenario of Chinese IN are introduced as well .

  30. 结合实例,介绍了移动本地网交换网络并网方案,详细探讨了网间互联互通的调整方案,并且剖析了并网前后的话务流向变化,给出了中继的配置原则。

    Based on the example , it describes solutions for combination of local switch network of mobile communication , and discusses adjustment plan of interconnection between networks in detail . By analyzing traffic flow change after the combination , it also gives the principles of circuit setting .