
  • 网络Site Directory;web directory
  1. 使用此节可配置对于不在“网站目录”中的内容源(如文件共享或exchange公用文件夹)的爬网。

    Use this section to configure crawling for content sources not in the sites directory , such as file shares or exchange public folders .

  2. 基于网站目录及链接分析的Spider爬行策略的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Web Directory and Link Relationship Based Spider Crawling Strategy

  3. 的网站目录使用固定的层次结构来组织目录中的链接,这称为分类法(taxonomy)。

    Used a fixed hierarchy known as taxonomy to organize the links in their directory .

  4. 另一个著名SEO伎俩是提交你的网站目录“,其中包括”pr0目录。

    Another famous SEO trick is to submit your web site to the directories " including " the PR0 directories .

  5. 提交文章链接你的网站目录,是又一著名的SEO招,可真正能刺激交通量你产生,同时也给予点击通过也是如此。

    Submitting articles with links to your web site to directories is yet another famous SEO trick that can really boost the amount of traffic you generate while also giving click through traffic , too .

  6. 这是要对其编制索引的网站目录的地址。

    This is the address of the site directory to be indexed .

  7. 使用不同的源组添加网站目录内容源

    Add a Sites Directory content source with different source group

  8. 不仅如此,这个网站目录上还有很多其他语种的音乐。

    Its repertoire also includes music in a number of different languages 。

  9. 网页设计中的网站目录结构和链接结构问题

    The Form of Network and the Link of Network in Design of Homepage

  10. 管理网站目录的索引编制:已请求的网站

    Manage indexing of Sites Directory : Requested Sites

  11. 他的网站目录包括:“我的旅程”和“我正在学习什么”,等等。

    Areas of the site are broken into categories including'My Travels'and'What I 'm Learning .

  12. 请输入网站目录的门户网站有效地址。

    Please enter a valid address for the portal site for the Site Directory .

  13. 选择添加到网站目录中的现有网站链接的默认行为。

    Select the default behavior for links to existing sites added ot the site directory .

  14. 本节使您可指定对网站目录中的网站进行爬网的选项。

    This section enables you to specify crawling options for sites in the Site Directory .

  15. 管理用于编制索引的网站目录

    Manage the Sites Directory for Indexing

  16. 在显示的网站目录结构中,选择该规则要应用的目录。

    In the directory structure display for the web site , select the directory to which the rule applies .

  17. 如果要向网站目录添加链接,请选中第一个复选框并在其下面输入信息。

    Select the first checkbox and enter the information below it if you want to add a link to the Sites directory .

  18. 本节使您可创建和管理不能包含和不应该出现在网站目录中的项目的内容源。

    This section enables you to create and manage content sources for items that cannot be included in the Site Directory and for items that should not appear in the Site Directory .

  19. 选择用于创建个人网站的目录命名格式。

    Select the directory naming format used to create personal sites .

  20. 网络信息分类与网站分类目录初探

    Discussion of Network Information Classification & Web Site Classification Catalogue

  21. 为服务于日本居民或提供日本国内信息的简体中文网站提供目录。

    For simplified Chinese sites related Japan or serving Chinese communities in Japan .

  22. 网站主题目录重要性评价

    Evaluation Significance of Website 's Subject Catalog

  23. 进入你的网站根目录。

    Go to your website root .

  24. 在我们的网站和目录册子上有我们产品的图片和资料供你们参考。

    In our website and catalogue brochure , we have pictures and information for our products .

  25. 网站分类目录存在着多样的方式并与《中图法》对信息分类的标准不同;

    Classi - fied catalogue is varied in styles and not alike the standard of information classification for Chinese libraries .

  26. 网站分类目录是应用分类的方法对巨大的网络资源进行组织和揭示的有效手段;

    Website classified catalogue is a practically applying method , which can effectively organize and develop the huge network resources .

  27. 她点出了问题:雅虎成立之初是由其创始人编纂的网站链接目录,它一直带有太过人性化的特点。

    Ms Mayer identified the problem : Yahoo started as a link directory compiled by its founders and remained all too human .

  28. 安装方法很简单,直接上传网站任意目录即可,里面有详细的文件对应修改说明。

    Installation is simple , direct upload to any directory site , which has a detailed description of the file corresponds to the change .

  29. 这就意味着,6月7日之后访问cn.msn.com的访客将看到一个列有多个中文网站的目录页面,以及一个必应搜索栏。

    This means that after that date , visitors to will see a directory page of Chinese websites along with a Bing search bar .

  30. 我偶然发现了一个更容易使用的解决方案:让用户创建一个模拟最终网站的目录,并自动产生输出。

    I hit upon a more accessible solution : Let the user create a directory that mimics the final Web site and automatically produces the output .