
  • 网络Online ordering;online meal ordering
  1. 在这儿,你们走进的每个房间都满是雄心勃勃、让人着迷的人,他们也和你一样关心哪家匹萨店可以网上订餐,你们在《使命召唤:黑色行动II》(CallofDuty:BlackOpsII)中杀死僵尸的点数是多少。

    Every room you 've walked into here was filled with ambitious , fascinating people who shared your interests in which pizza places took online orders and what your zombie kill count was in ' Call of Duty : Black Ops II . '

  2. 这是一个我们当初为了促进网上订餐系统而成立的网络公司。

    This web-based company we had founded aimed to promote an online reservation system for restaurants .

  3. 网上订餐系统;

    On-line meal ordering system ;

  4. 传统的实体店的营销渠道,已经不能完全满足当代网络时代消费者的所有消费需求了,肯德基在两年前推出了网上订餐这一新的销售渠道,实践证明,销售额大大地提高,值得德克士借鉴学习。

    And KFC launched a new sales channel of online ordering two years ago , which proved to have greatly increased sales . Dicos can learn from this new model .

  5. 系统包括前台和后台两个部分,前台可用于用户浏览、查询、网上订餐等内容,并可以网上在线注册;

    System consists of two parts front and back office , front desk for users to browse , search , online ordering , etc. , and can line up online ;

  6. 为了提高餐饮业务水平和效率,实现比电话订购更有效的送餐业务,网上订餐系统因运而生。

    In order to improve the catering business level or efficiency and to realize the more effective room services than telephone reservation ; Online order system has emerged because of demand .

  7. 研究公司艾瑞咨询集团说,虽然网上订餐只占餐饮行业一小部分比例,但就更多的消费者习惯于网上订餐而言,其市场规模有望在2017年突破400亿。

    Although online food ordering only accounts for a small proportion of the catering industry , research company iResearch Consulting Group says its market volume is expected to hit 40 billion yuan in 2017 , as more consumers develop the habit of booking meals online .

  8. 同时,本网站是一个网上订餐系统,能为客户提供网络选择商家、浏览菜品介绍、点菜订餐、约定用餐时间、就餐或送餐以及注明货重支付方式等服务。

    At the same time , the site is an online ordering system , customers can select businesses provide network , browse the dishes described , a la carte ordering , agreed meal time , dinner or room service , and specify the currency of payment and other services .

  9. 吴迪彭说,这项服务推出后,顾客可在网上或打电话订餐,廉价航空负责将订购的美食送往全国各地。

    Woodtipong said the plan was for customers to place an order online or at a call centre , and budget airlines would fly the meals around the country .