
  • 网络Domestic travel agencies;domestic agent
  1. 国内旅行社的业务范围是什么?

    What 's the business scope for a domestic travel service ?

  2. 国内旅行社企业并购模式的选择和实施

    The Choosing and Implementing of The M & A Mode For Domestic Travel Agency Enterprises

  3. 国内旅行社的经营范围仅限于国内旅游业务。

    The scope of business for domestic tourist agencies shall be limited to domestic tourist services .

  4. 第五条旅行社按照经营业务范围,分为国际旅行社和国内旅行社。

    Article5Travel agencies shall be categorized into international travel agencies and domestic travel agencies according to their business scope .

  5. 中国的旅行社业分销渠道呈圆桶状,其国际旅行社业务采用长窄的间接渠道,国内旅行社业务采用短窄的直接渠道。

    The structure of the distribution channels of Chinese travel service industry is tubby with a relatively short-narrow size and direct channels .

  6. 截止到2008年,中国旅行社总数为20110家,其中,国际旅行社1970家,国内旅行社18140家。

    Be the end of 2008 , a total of 20,110 travel agencies in China including 1970 international travel agency and 18,140 domestic travel agency .

  7. 此前一份基于对国内旅行社的调查的报告显示,去年前三个季度赴北京旅游的游客数量较上年同期下降约50%。

    An earlier report based on a survey of domestic travel agents showed that visitors to the capital declined by roughly 50 % in the first three-quarters of the year compared with a year earlier .

  8. 接着介绍了战略管理理论的研究状况及国内外旅行社经营战略的成功经验;

    Secondly introduce research situation of strategic management theory and operational strategic successful experience of travel agency at home and abroad .

  9. 通过本文的研究,笔者期望能够以此为国内大型旅行社,以及大中型客户企业采用商务旅行管理服务的实践,提供一些参考和建议。

    This article is hoped to propound some advice for travel agencies and company customs on how to practicing business travel service .

  10. 国内的旅行社企业受行业发展阶段和自身经营实力的限制,只适合通过横向并购模式从事规模扩张。

    The development level of industry and management power determine the only feasible M & A mode for domestic travel agency enterprises is horizontal mode .

  11. 今年3月,在韩国部署末段高空区域防御系统(萨德)后,途牛、同城等国内知名旅行社均暂停了赴韩跟团游。

    In the wake of deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense ( THAAD ) , well-known Chinese travel agencies like tuniu.com and ly.com suspended their group tours to South Korea in March .

  12. 目前,我国旅行社行业正面临着极大的机遇和挑战,尽管国内外旅行社竞争的直接表现是市场竞争,但归根到底还是人才的竞争。

    Currently , travel service industry faces the tremendous opportunity and challenge , though domestic and international travel services ' competition is market competition , Eventually , it is still the human resources competition .

  13. 国内最大在线旅行社携程网近日发布的报告显示,我国女性比男性更可能独自旅行。

    Chinese women are more likely to travel alone than men , according to a recent report by China 's biggest online travel agency .

  14. 国内多家旅行社称,8月赴南美的游客数量同比增长了三四成。

    According to several Chinese travel agencies , the number of tourists to South America in August is up 30 to 40 percent , year on year .

  15. 国内最大在线旅行社携程称,2018年我国进行海外游学的学生数量或将达到100万人次,花销达300亿元。

    The number of foreign study tours by Chinese students is likely to hit 1 million this year , involving 30 billion yuan in expenditure , China 's biggest online travel agency , Ctrip , reports .

  16. 据国内最大在线旅行社携程旗下豪华旅游品牌鸿鹄逸游称,2014年以来,平均个人财富1000万元以上、对极地旅游感兴趣的消费者的数量有所增长。

    According to HHTravel , a luxury travel brand under China 's largest online travel agency Ctrip , the number of consumers interested in polar trips with an average personal wealth of at least 10 million yuan has grown since 2014 .

  17. 第三类:经营中国公民国内旅游业务的旅行社。

    Category 3 : Tourist agencies that handle domestic tourist business for Chinese citizens .

  18. 最后,选取国内代表性的旅行社&中青旅为案例研究对象,对本研究建立的旅行社产品创新模式进行检验。

    In the end , CYTS , as a representative in domestic travel agent industry , is selected for case study , to test the validity of the product innovation mode set up in the paper .