
  • 网络Network real name;Internet Keyword
  1. 不宜适用网络实名制度、应通过国家主导的立法模式确立对个人信息的保护。

    Dose not suitable for network real name system , through the national leading legislative mode establish the protection of personal information .

  2. 但是,网络实名制本身也存在着诸多实施的困境和争议,其背后是公权力与私权利的激烈交锋。

    However , the network real name , there are many implementation difficulties and controversy behind the fierce battle for public power and private rights .

  3. 网络实名制也因此应运而生。

    Therefore , the introduction of real-name system came into being .

  4. 所以,网络实名制的实行是必要的。

    Therefore , the implementation of NRS is necessary .

  5. 实行网络实名制,可以有效地杜绝这些问题。

    Implements the network solid famous system , may cease these questions effectively .

  6. 第二部分,网络实名制概述。

    ⅱ The overview for network real-name system .

  7. 当前,推行网络实名制尚不合时宜。

    Currently , carrying out network real-name system is out of accord with the times .

  8. 同时网络实名制运行过程中产生的问题也需要法律加以规定才能在司法实践中运用。

    At the same time , the problems caused by the operation of network real-name system .

  9. 该文认为网络实名制应通过网络服务提供商实施,实现上网账号实名制。

    This article suggests cyber real-name system should practice through access account provided by Internet Sevice Provider .

  10. 个人信息频被盗用,韩国拟分阶段废除网络实名。

    South Korea 's real name to be abolished in stages as frequency of personal information stolen .

  11. 司法解释和法条对网络实名制的规定较少。

    And there is not so much law of judicial interpretation of the provisions of network real-name system .

  12. 我国没有专门的法律对网络实名制加以规范,导致网络实名制的制度设计和运行无法可依。

    There is no specific law to our country network real-name system specification result in the design and operation no laws .

  13. 如果能推行网络实名制,将在很大程度上使交易过程更加简便高效。

    Compressing these transaction steps and making commerce more efficient is made significantly easier by being able to leverage real identities online .

  14. 身份映射关系:网络实名制的法理基础除了名义以外,我们实际上享有了外交关系。

    Identity-homologous Relation : the Legal Basis for the Real Name System for E-registration We enjoyed diplomatic ties in all but name .

  15. 鉴于网络实名制的性质、目的以及我国现状,目前我国实施网络实名制的时机还不成熟。

    In view of the characters , purposes and the situation of our country , it is not the right time to put the Internet real-name system into practice .

  16. 同时,为了解决受害者确定侵权人的身份上的困难,有必要考虑推行网络实名制,这一点韩国的经验值得我们借鉴。

    Meanwhile , in order to overcome the difficulty of identifying the tortfeasor , it is necessary to implement the Internet real-name registration system , and we could use Korean experience for reference .

  17. 可利用专门的搜索门户网站、关键词、倒推法、顺藤摸瓜法、翻译软件、网络实名、扩展名等进行农业信息的搜索利用。

    One can search agriculture information on the Internet by using special searching gateway websites , Key words , reverse direction methods , the methods of following up a clue , translation software , special name and expansion name of network , etc.

  18. 社会化网络以实名制为基础,实现了现实人际交往的网络化,成为有效联系虚拟世界和现实世界的桥梁。

    The social network is based on real name registered , which achieve the reality of interpersonal communication networks and effectively connecting the virtual world and the real world .

  19. 据报道,我国文化部将强制规定网络表演者必须实名注册。

    The Ministry of Culture is making it compulsory for presenters of online shows to register with their real names .

  20. 通知提出的其他要求还包括:严格落实网络游戏用户账号实名注册和登录要求,不得以任何形式向未实名注册和登录的用户提供游戏服务。

    It also urged the strict implementation and logins , saying that online game providers must not provide any form of game service to users who fail to register and log in using their real identifications .

  21. 比如:老师和学生可以分享教学资源,师生可以建立网络群组,通过实名和匿名的方式平等交流,进行教学辅导等。

    For example , teachers and students can share educational resources . Teachers and students can create a network of groups , through real names or anonymous exchange of equality , to conduct instruction and guidance .

  22. 自上周一起,新浪、百度、搜狐等20家国内网络直播平台实施网络主播实名认证,同时承诺不为18岁以下网络主播提供注册通道。

    Since last Monday , 20 Chinese live-streaming sites , including Sina , Baidu and Sohu , have implemented real-name registration for webcasting anchors and promised not to register Internet anchors under the age of 18 .

  23. 本文主张以单行法的方式具体规定网络侵权问题,建立有限制的网络实名制,提高网民的自律意识。

    The paper argues that a single law specified network violations , the establishment of limited NRS Internet users sense of self .

  24. 针对这些不足提出了一些相应的完善意见,具体措施包括制定专门立法,明确网络隐私权的范围,对网络用户实行网络实名制,加强行业自律和国际间的交流与合作。

    For these shortcomings , a number of measures are proposed , specific measures including the development of specific legislation , a clear scope of Internet privacy , to enforcement network real-name system for network users , to enhance self-discipline and international exchanges and cooperation .

  25. 因此,在我国现有网络立法基础上,将立法完善具体实施措施作为网络实名制的替代方案更为可行。

    Therefore , on the basis of the existing network legislation , it is a more reasonable proposal to implement the specific implementation measures as an alternative to Internet real-name system .