
  1. 特色·内涵:行业院校办学若干问题的思考

    Characteristics and Connotation : Thought on the Several Problems of Running Schools of the Industry College

  2. 行业院校是我国高等教育体系中的一个特殊群体,在国家和区域创新体系建设中发挥着不可替代的作用。

    Industry colleges , a special group of institutions of higher learning in China , play an irreplaceable part in the construction of the national and regional innovation system .

  3. 原行业院校要继续保持和发展自己的特色学科,利用特色学科为行业服务,争取原行业主管部门和企业的支持;

    For the originally professional schools , it is better to keep their characteristics and continually develop their own subject features to further service original trade and win the continuous support from original authority and enterprises .

  4. 行业高职院校实施双证书制度的实践与探索

    Practice and Reflections of Promoting Double-Certificates System in Higher Vocational Institutes

  5. 对同行业其它院校发展有一定的参考价值。

    It also has some reference value for other institutions .

  6. 关于原行业部委院校发展应用型本科教育的探索

    Exploring into the Development of Application - oriented Undergraduate Education

  7. 行业高职院校链化&集聚式专业建设模式研究

    Research on " Chain-Concentration-Style " Professional Building Model in Industry Higher Vocational Colleges

  8. 论文以我国行业高职院校校企合作机制为研究对象。

    The dissertation studies the mechanism of cooperation between industry-led vocational colleges and enterprises .

  9. 这是由企业追求利益最大化经营目的、社会主义市场经济体制和行业高职院校的办学特征所决定。

    This is determined by the socialist market economy and the characteristics of the colleges .

  10. 外经贸行业职业院校职业道德教育重要性和实效性研究

    The Importance and Effectiveness of Professional Ethics Education at Vocational Colleges of Foreign Economy and Trade

  11. 研究了我国行业高职院校的整体情况,包括类型、特点和优势等。

    It analyses this kind of vocational colleges as a whole , including its type , features and advantages .

  12. 行业划转院校是世纪之交国家高等教育管理体制改革后出现的一类高等院校。

    The transferred universities of industries are those of the newly emerged universities after the reform of the national administration system of higher education at the turn of the new century .

  13. 通过对行业背景院校本科人才培养的现状进行分析,指出了我国行业背景院校本科人才培养方面存在的问题和不足。

    Analyze the status of the Undergraduate Training in colleges and universities under industry background , pointed out the problems and deficiencies of the Undergraduate Training colleges and universities under industry background in China .

  14. 首先在因素分析的基础上,提出行业高职院校校企合作机制应以市场机制为本、以计划调控为辅。

    Firstly , according to the socialist market economic theory , the mechanism of cooperation between industry-led vocational colleges and enterprises should be based on market mechanisms and supplemented by planned regulation of the industry sector .

  15. 职业资格证书制度下的对证施教&社会行业对高职院校教学改革的具体要求

    Certificate-oriented Teaching in Professional Certificate System & Reform requirements of higher vocational teaching

  16. 行业性工科院校在国家工业化建设中具有重要而独特的作用。

    The industrial project and science universities have an important and unique function in the construction of national industrialization .

  17. 广泛应用于电力、冶金、石油、化工、钢铁、机械制造、造纸、制药、航空航天等工业行业及大专院校振动教学领域,深受广大用户的欢迎及好评。

    All these products were used widely in many area such as electricity , metallurgy , petroleum , chemical , steel , machine making , paper making , medicine making and so on . , which is popular with user .

  18. 因为它可以将基础设施、应用平台整合,通过虚拟化技术,提高基础设施和各种资源的使用率,越来越受到各计算机行业和各院校的推崇,但是同时也带来了更严峻的挑战。

    Because it can integrate infrastructure , and application platform , improve utilization of the infrastructure and resource through virtualization technology , it is more and more respected by IT correlative enterprises and institutions , but also come more severe challenges .

  19. 管理教育行业的许多知名院校违背了这一规则。

    Many big names in management education have fallen foul of this rule .

  20. 本实用新型广泛适用于各种制造行业及科研、院校作计量标准器。

    The utility model is widely used as a measuring standard device for manufacture industry , scientific research institutions and educational institutions .

  21. 上个世纪五十年代,基于各行各业对专业技术人才的迫切需求,国内行业特色型大学纷纷出现,其中以行业特色工程类院校最具代表性。

    In the fifties of last century , all walks of life on the urgent needs of the professional and technical personnel , universities with industry background have begun to appear , and engineering universities with industry background are the most representative .