
xíng shèng yú yán
  • Actions speak louder than words
行胜于言[xíng shèng yú yán]
  1. 行为的分量远远超过了语言!行胜于言我在内华达大学拉斯维加斯分校教经济学,每周上三次课。

    I teach economics at UNLV ( University of Nevada , Las Vegas ) three times per week .

  2. 一直以来我都喜欢这样一句话,“行胜于言”,这是姚明常常用来激励自己的话。

    I 've always liked the quote , " Your actions speak so loudly that I can barely hear what you say . " That was how Yao conducted himself .

  3. 根据他的说法,在毕业典礼的前一天,他从微信消息得知,学院的口号实际上将会是“行胜于言,责任在肩,实业创新,经世济民!”

    The day before the graduation ceremony , he said , he had heard via WeChat text messages that the school 's slogan was actually going to be : " Actions speak louder than words ! Shoulder responsibility , be innovative , benefit the people ! "