
  • 网络Behavioral Contrast
  1. 基于语料库的Seek搭配行为对比研究

    A Corpus-Based Comparison Study of Collocation Behavior of " Seek "

  2. 小鼠肝细胞胰岛素与EGF信号转导磷蛋白质组的动力学行为对比分析

    Comparative analysis for dynamic behaviors of phosphorylated proteins related to the epidermal growth factor and insulin signal transduction systems

  3. 材料的力学性能及加工行为对比,证实了TPV确具有树脂为连续相,交联了的橡胶颗粒为分散相的形态特征。

    It has been proved that TPV has exactly the morphology characteristic of which the resin is the continuous phase and crosslinked rubber particles are dispersing phase .

  4. 跨文化交际中的英汉间接言语行为对比研究

    A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Indirect Speech Act in Intercultural Communication

  5. 跨文化视角下的中美拒绝言语行为对比研究

    A Comparative Study of Chinese and American Refusal Speech Act : An Intercultural Perspective

  6. 文化价值观与交际风格&英汉请求言语行为对比研究

    Cultural Values and Interactional Styles & A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Requests

  7. 中国八零后与九零后消费行为对比研究

    Contrast Research of Consumer Behavior between Chinese " after 80s " and " after 90s "

  8. 医学和工科院校大学生心血管疾病知识、相关态度及行为对比调查

    A Comparative Survey on Knowledges , Relative Attitudes and Behaviors of Cardiovascular Disease between Medical and Engineering Students

  9. 经不同表面改性处理的钛合金的微动疲劳和微动磨损行为对比研究

    Comparative Study on the Fretting Fatigue and Fretting Wear Behaviors of Titanium Alloy Subject to Various Surface Modifications

  10. 炭纤维增强聚四氟乙烯复合材料在干摩擦和水润滑条件下的摩擦学行为对比研究

    Comparative Study of Tribological Behavior of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polytetrafluoroethylene Composites at Dry - and Water-Lubricated Sliding against Stainless Steel

  11. 将三种修饰电极在不同条件下的离子通道行为对比,分析离子通道行为的相似性和差异性。

    The ion channel behaviors of three modified GCEs were investigated under the same conditions to show the similarities and the differences of the ion channels .

  12. 注意文化差异,正确运用拒绝策略,尽量把对被拒绝者面子的伤害降至最低,这些都是拒绝言语行为对比研究的目的,这项研究也为学习者提供了避免语用失误的方法。

    We should pay attention to cultural differences and apply refusal strategy properly to eliminate the face threatening act . These are the aims of cross-cultural study and it also afford the methods of avoiding pragmatic failure for the learners .

  13. 通过与普通方案的闭环行为对比,说明此方案的优势,并通过实例研究,验证前面得到的结论。最后,对全文的工作进行总结,并且提出了进一步研究的方向。

    Comparing with the representative control schemes , the MPC scheme gave the best performances of dynamic behavior . The results were verified by case studies . Finally , the conclusion of this dissertation was indicated and the direction for further research was provided .

  14. Fe和SiO2对铜基摩擦材料摩擦学行为的对比研究

    Comparison on the Friction and Wear Behavior of Fe and SiO_2 in Cu - based Friction Materials

  15. 不同钢制造LPG球罐在湿H2S环境下失效行为的对比研究

    Comparison on the failure behaviour of the LPG Spherical Tank manufactured from different steels under the wet h_2s environment

  16. 用TGA,FTIR和XPS等手段对落叶松木质素和水曲柳木质素凝聚相的热降解过程及成炭行为进行对比研究。

    The thermal degradation and charring of both larch lignin and manchurian ash lignin in the condensed phase were comparatively investigated by using TGA , FTIR and XPS .

  17. 不同钝化层下铝腐蚀行为的对比试验

    Comparison Test of the Aluminium Corrosion Behaviors under Different Passivation Layers

  18. 滑石粉、碳酸钙填充聚丙烯复合材料非等温结晶行为的对比研究

    Non-isothermal Crystallization Behavior of Polypropylene Filled by Talc or Calcium Carbonate

  19. 精神发育迟缓与精神分裂症凶杀行为的对比分析

    Characteristics of Forensic Psychiatry on Murder Case with Mental Retardation and Schizophrenia

  20. 英汉批评言语行为策略对比研究

    A Comparison of the Strategies of English and Chinese Criticism Speech Act

  21. 模拟飞机着陆飞行中专家和新手眼动行为的对比

    Comparison of Expert and Novice Eye Movement Behaviors during Simulated Landing Flight

  22. 精神病患者与精神正常者凶杀行为的对比研究

    A comparative study of homicide behavior between psychotic patients and mentally normal subjects

  23. 左心辅助循环和完全体外循环下血细胞流变行为的对比实验研究

    Comparative Experiment Study on Blood Cells Rheology of Left Heart Bypass and Cardiopulmonary Bypass

  24. 两种牙科陶瓷材料层状结构循环疲劳行为的对比研究

    Compared Study of Cyclic Fatigue Behaviors in Two Kinds of Dental Ceramic Layers Structures

  25. 福利院与普通家庭儿童学校社会行为的对比研究

    Social Behavior of Children Reared in Welfare Home

  26. 两种方法分析高锰钢和18-8不锈钢加工硬化行为的对比

    Comparison of Work Hardening Behaviors of 18-8 Stainless Steel and Hadfield Steel by Two Methods

  27. 大学英语教师教学观念与教学行为的对比研究

    An Analysis on the Relationship Between College English Teachers ' Teaching Beliefs and Teaching Behavior

  28. 本文拟从不同的文化视角对几种体态语行为加以对比和探讨。

    The present text makes a contrastive study of body language from different cultural perspectives .

  29. 鼻咽泡状核细胞癌和低分化鳞癌的临床生物学行为的对比研究

    A comparative study of vesicular nucleus cell carcinoma and poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma in nasopharynx

  30. 对本族语英语口语教师和非本族语英语口语教师教学行为的对比研究

    A Study of Native and Non - native English Speaking Teachers in the Oral English Classroom