
  1. 至少在我看来,《何以笙箫默》是一部成功之作。

    My Sunshine is a success , at least for me .

  2. 《何以笙箫默》讲述了一对情侣分道扬镳后再度相遇的故事。

    The story is about two sweethearts that separate and are given a second chance .

  3. 早在今年一月,由钟汉良和唐嫣领衔主演的电视剧版《何以笙箫默》就已经掀起收视高潮,也说明这个故事依旧有卖点。

    A TV series based on the same novel starring Wallace Chung and Tang Yan topped audience ratings in January , proving the story still has the steam to sell .

  4. 不同于《小时代》、《匆匆那年》、《左耳》等青春爱情片,《何以笙箫默》中并没有青春电影“必备”的欺骗、堕胎、三角恋等元素。

    The movie casts aside those " must-have " ingredients in young adult romance films like " Tiny Times , " " Fleet of Time " and " The Left Ear " - cheating , abortion and the third wheel .

  5. 不过,这部剧的成功更离不开原著粉们的支持。2003年原创小说《何以笙箫默》在网上发表,作者顾漫发布第一章之后就引发追文热潮。

    However , the show 's success is also due to the tremendous fan base its original Web novel Silent Separation has accumulated since 2003 . The novel started a craze as soon as writer Gu Man published the first chapter online .

  6. 电影版《何以笙箫默》基本忠实了原著,保留了书中的主线情节和部分对白。何以琛的经典独白:“如果世界上曾经有那个人出现过,其他人都会变成将就。而我不愿意将就”自然也在其中。

    The movie remains faithful to its source material by keeping the main plot structure and dialogue , including this line from He : " If the one ever appeared , anyone else would just be a compromise . But I don 't want to compromise . "