
  • 网络joseph;Joseph Chang;chang hsiao chuan;Hsiao-chuan Chang
  1. 比外表更重要的是,张孝全好先生的形象点燃了对男人失去信心的女性的希望。

    More important than his looks , Chang 's Mr. Nice Guy image gives hope to women who have lost faith in men .

  2. 他就是33岁的台湾男演员张孝全,他被华人称为“国民老公”。

    He is Joseph Chang Hsiao-chuan , a 33-year-old Taiwanese actor known as the " national husband " ( link in Chinese ) across the Chinese-speaking world .

  3. 杨丞琳和不少一线男艺人有合作情谊,她自曝「为他们分类」,如张孝全、贺军翔是哥们;

    Rainie have worked with many different actors , she says that she would " categorise " them , for example her relationship with Joseph Chang and Mike He are brothers-like ;