
  1. 一般说来,认何与15.578有关的主题,都可能成为学期专题。

    In general , anything that relates to the topics of15.578 is likely to be a viable term project .

  2. 何与合作伙伴专著的出版,是香港最具创新性和尊重的建筑公司的丰富和详细的庆祝。

    The Ho & Partners monograph is a rich and detailed celebration of Hong Kong 's most innovative and respected architectural firms .

  3. 部分原因在于不可调和的政治分歧:沙特希望与石油进口大国和睦相处;委内瑞拉和伊朗则必须至少必须公开地谴责任何与魔鬼做交易的行为。

    This is in part due to irreconcilable political differences : Riyadh wants to stay on good terms with oil-importing powers ; Caracas and Tehran must at least publicly denounce any truck with the devil .

  4. 他于1777年执笔的弗吉尼亚宗教自由法(virginiastatuteonreligioustoleration)草案,掷地有声地反对政府以任何方式干涉思想自由以及干涉个人选择何地与何种方式信教的自由。

    His 1777 draft of the Virginia Statute on religious toleration is plangent in its fierce refusal to allow government any role in interference with freedom to think or worship how and where one wishes .

  5. 与国家课程有何区别与联系?

    Has what difference and the relation with the national curriculum ?

  6. 不再有何忧愁与叹息。

    There will be no more sighing and sorrow .

  7. 你要在何处与其他信徒实行'彼此'的命令?

    Where will you practice the " one another " commands with other Christians ?

  8. 和谐企业文化建设有何路径与方法?

    What are the ways and means for the construction of harmonious culture in enterprise ?

  9. 试论何键与蒋、桂关系(1927-1937)

    Study on Relations among He Jian , Ching Kai-shek , the Guangxi Warlord ( 1927-1937 )

  10. 有何成功与不足?

    What successes and shortcomings ?

  11. 现在,星期六无须上班,何女士与同事可以有较长的时间练习。

    Now , with no Saturday work , MS Ho and her colleagues can practise for longer hours .

  12. 不管这发生在何地与何时,世界上的猫和人渐渐地很快相互了解。

    Wherever and whenever it happened ( 4 ), cats and people all over the world soon got to know each other .

  13. 英语专业与非英语专业在六类策略运用的频率方面有何差异与相似点?

    What are the differences and similarities of the frequencies in the use of each strategy category between English majors and non-English majors ?

  14. 无论一个块体在何处与另外一个块体产生接触,这个块体上参与接触的部分一定落入这4个区域之中的某一个中。

    No matter where a block contacts with another block , the contact part of the block must fall into one of four sections of another block .

  15. 这个中国在问自己,权衡自己的利益在何处与西方的要求相抵触或相符合,西方认为中国应作为一个负责任的利益相关方。

    This China argues with itself , weighing where its interests collide , or coincide , with western demands that it should act as a responsible global stakeholder .

  16. 作为玄学的开创者,他们既有共同之处,也有相互区别的地方。首先,何晏与王弼都通过对时代问题的深刻体验与反思,做出了自己理论上的回应。

    As the founder of metaphysics , they both have in common , there are differences between places . First of all , He Yan and Wang Bi on the contemporary problems through experience and profound reflection , made its own theoretical response .

  17. 而且,绞尽脑汁也看不出有何(与他个人的一时寻欢与强烈的男性虚荣心不相干的)正当理由,不让他的新娘得到与他同样的自由与经验。

    nor could he , for all his anxious cogitations , see any honest reason ( any , that is , unconnected with his own momentary pleasure , and the passion of masculine vanity ) why his bride should not have been allowed the same freedom of experience as himself .

  18. 《国际循环》:您对低分子量肝素在急性冠脉综合征(ACS)中的应用有何建议?与肝素相比,它的优势是什么?

    International Circulation : What are your suggestions for LMWH application in ACS ? Compared with heparin , what is the advantage of LMWHs ?

  19. 以何种方式,何时,何地,与何人产生何种影响?

    How , what , where , when , and with whom ?

  20. 您必须知道应用程序在何处如何与安全机制进行交互。

    You have to know how and where applications interact with security apparatus .

  21. 意境阐释何为&与蒋寅先生商榷

    What Is " Yijing " 's Interpretation for & Discuss with Mr. Jiang Yin

  22. 布何学习习惯与态度问卷

    Brown Holtzman Survey of Study Habits and Attitudes

  23. 文化的传承与文化的颠覆&析动漫文化的从何而来与向何处去

    Inheritance and Subversion of Culture & Analysis the Origin and Future of Animated Cartoon

  24. 现在也许应该好好想想,有何补助电视与电影的新政策。

    It may be time to consider policy innovations for television and film subsidies .

  25. 质疑中国古代专制说依据何在&与侯旭东先生商榷

    Where is the Evidence for Questioning the " Theory of Chinese Despotism "? & A Response to Hou Xudong

  26. 我分派但支派中亚希撒抹的儿子亚何利亚伯与他同工。

    Moreover , I have appointed Oholiab son of Ahisamach , of the tribe of Dan , to help him .

  27. 农业是随后在人类发展过程中直到我们这个机器时代再没有仟何事物能与之相比的一个进展。

    Agriculture was a step in human progress to which subsequently there was nothing comparable until our own machine age .

  28. 你能有多大的影响力?以何种方式,何时,何地,与何人一道产生何种影响?

    What is the impact you can have ? How ? What ? Where ? When ? And with whom ?

  29. 逻辑思路和基本内容:本文主要围绕着这样的逻辑思路进行讨论:国内电子商务的营销环境,传统商务与互联网结合孕育的电子商务有何特点,与传统商务相比有何优缺点。

    Logics and contents : The rationale and logics of this thesis are listed as follows : the domestic e-commerce marketing circumstance surveying ;

  30. 记叙文往往一开头就提供有关背景环境的消息,清楚地交代文中所述的动作发生在何时、何地和与何人有关。

    When , where and to whom the action in a narrative happened is often made clear at the beginning of the narrative .