
  1. 请阅读并传给王先生。

    Read this and pass it on to Mr. Wang .

  2. 你们中间哪一位是王先生?

    Which one of you is Mr. Wang ?

  3. 不是旁人而正是王先生。

    It was none other than Mr. Wang .

  4. 王先生办事干净利落。

    Mr. Wang is very efficient .

  5. 他吃准王先生过三两天就会回来。

    He is quite sure Mr Wang will be back in a couple of days .

  6. 他几次跟我说到王先生的事,我都没接茬儿。

    He brought up Mr wang 's business several times but I didn 't take him up on it .

  7. 王先生是中国建筑研究院建筑系主任。

    Wang serves as head of the Architecture Department at the China Academy of Ar ( CAA ) .

  8. 我和王先生一起去。

    Mr.Wang and I would be there .

  9. 2.Ask…toattend邀请……参加A:你请王先生参加这个会议好吗?

    A : Could you ask Mr. Wang to attend this meeting ?

  10. 3.手气好havetheMidastouch王先生的手气特别好,干什么都挣钱。

    Mr. Wang has the Midas touch : everything he does turns to gold .

  11. 身为《北京晨报》(BeijingMorningNews)记者的王先生很快就发现,北京三家苹果商店的预约提前四周就已经被约满。

    Mr. Wang , a correspondent for the Beijing Morning News , soon discovered that every appointment at all three Beijing Apple stores had been booked four weeks in advance .

  12. 但当地市民王先生却声称这只“疑似野狼”是他养了两年的宠物狗——性情温顺的“Lady”.

    But a local man surnamed Wang claimed it was his pet dog Lady that he had reared for two years , and who was gentle in nature .

  13. 王先生在ABC公司的圣诞聚会上遇到了史密斯小姐,他们已认识多年了。

    Key to Translation At a Christmas party of ABC Company , Mr Wang met Miss Smith . They have known each other for years .

  14. 在他布置简单的房间里聊天时,王先生对自己花700元人民币(合113美元)新买的小米(Xiaomi)智能手机很着迷,他热切地告诉我们小米比iphone好多了。

    During our conversation , Mr. Wang was transfixed by his new smartphone - a Xiaomi bought for Rmb700 ( US $ 113 ) - and was intent on telling us how much better it was than our iPhones .

  15. 对王先生的帮助,我非常感谢。

    I owe many thanks to Mr Wang for his help .

  16. 王先生把这个事业由澳洲带来并发扬光大。

    MR Wang delivers the business from Australia to New Zealand .

  17. 由:王先生日期:2000年1月23日

    From : Mr Wang Date : 2000 / 1 / 23

  18. 王先生向他的导师威尔逊博士致谢。

    Mr. Wang extends his graduate towards his advisor Dr. Wilson .

  19. 王先生和李先生正坐火车去旅行。

    Mr Wang and Mr Li are traveling on the train .

  20. 王先生在回家的路上接走了他的女儿。

    Mr Wang pick up his daughter on his way home .

  21. 布:很高兴见到您,王先生。

    Brown : Very nice to meet you , Mr Wang .

  22. 王先生,85岁,是名退休军官。

    Mr. Wang , 85 , is a retired army officer .

  23. 还有,我先生应该怎么称呼王先生?

    Also , how should my husband introduce of Mr Wang ?

  24. 昨天我拜访了王先生,他看上去很疲倦。

    Yesterday I visited Mr Wang , who looked very tired .

  25. 让我以李先生和王先生为例吧。

    Let me take Mr Li and Mr Wang as examples .

  26. 当我登门拜访时,王先生一家不在。

    It happened that the Wangs were out when I called .

  27. 王先生正在用电话再次确定他去东京的机位。

    Mr. Wang is reconfirming his flight to Tokyo by telephone .

  28. 王先生不喜欢在公共场合发表讲话。

    Mr Wang does not like to make speeches in public .

  29. 王先生打完电话、电话员回电话给他。

    After Mr. Wang finishes his call , operator call back .

  30. 王先生只得每晚都与妻子分开。

    Mr. Wang had to leave his wife every evening .