
  • 网络caricature
  1. 这种漫画化的处理使得网民能够了解这一段历史。

    This caricaturistic representation has helped turn netizens on to history .

  2. 动漫设计师必须能够将生活戏剧化、漫画化,同时把生活中人物动作表现出来。

    Animation designer must be able to live dramatic , comic , and action figures to life , manifested .

  3. 虽然看似漫画化,然而近观钻研一番,此系列的作品却真正挑起个人身份及存在的问题。

    Though the representation may seem comical at first , on closer inspection the series actually prompts questions on self identity and existence .

  4. 剧中大量的夸张、重复以及漫画化等讽刺技巧的娴熟运用,更为其剧的艺术魅力增添了浓重的一笔,凸现出了独特的讽刺艺术。

    The skillful use of such ironical skills as exaggeration , repetition and caricaturing adds much weight to the artistic charm of the play , displaying his unique satirical arts .

  5. 文章通过对丰子恺诗意漫画的具体分析,来解读丰子恺漫画的诗意化现象。

    Article by analysis of the Feng poetic comics , to specific interpretation of the the Feng comic poetic phenomenon .