
  • 网络A long road
  1. 你的漫漫人生路就像一首歌,所以请继续深情吟唱吧

    Your road is a song , so carry on and do right

  2. 漫漫人生路,一切均由尘世大剧院来安排。

    The entire terrestrial theater was the setting of life 's great journey .

  3. 我希望陪你走完漫漫人生路,一双鞋怎么够?

    Let 's hope we share life 's journey , no matter how many pairs of shoes it takes .

  4. 漫漫人生路,有谁能说自己是踏着一路鲜花,一路阳光走过来的?

    The endless life road , can some who say that they are treading a group fresh flower , a group sunlight walks ?

  5. 生活自由轨迹,生活充满挑战,生活谱写着自己的故事,而历经漫漫人生路,我们才开始发现自己并不是这些故事的谱写者。

    Life takes its own turns , makes its own demands , writes its own story . And along the way , we start to realize we are not the author .

  6. 在这漫漫人生长路,找准自己的位置;

    Till we find our place , on the path unwinding ;