
  1. 当我们漫步人生时给予我们恩典。

    Give us grace as we walk through life .

  2. 忧思平静,漫步人生。

    Worries about calm , walk of life .

  3. 我独自漫步人生之路

    I travelled down a lonely road

  4. 幸福并不是要达到的一种状态,而是漫步人生旅程的一种心情。

    Happiness is not a state to arrive at but , rather , a manner of traveling .

  5. 他还让学生们早晨去海边漫步,思考自己人生中热爱的事物;想跳舞时就跳舞,不要觉得羞耻,因为夏天就像一场舞蹈,不参与其中就太傻了。

    Students are also told to wander beside the sea in the morning thinking of the things you love in life , and to dance shamelessly when the mood strikes , because summer is a dance , and it is foolish not to take part .