
  • 网络Comic characters;cartoon characters;caricatures
  1. 动画为我们喜欢的漫画人物赋以生气和活力。

    Animation brings to life our favorite cartoon characters .

  2. 在动画片中人性化了的动物角色.动画为我们喜欢的漫画人物赋以生气和活力。

    Animal characters humanized in cartoons Animation brings to life our favorite cartoon characters .

  3. 他把两张卡片钉在一块,就像这些,而且贴了他最喜欢的人物贴纸丁丁(漫画人物,职业是记者)在卡片上。

    He 'd gone and stapled50 two cards , very like these , together , and put a sticker of his favorite character , Tintin , on the front .

  4. 塑料的10人也被DC漫画人物之一精选对美国邮政服务在2006年邮票。

    Plastic Man also was one of10 DC Comics characters featured on a set of US Postal Service stamps in2006 .

  5. 美国加州ElSegundo的美泰,使直流漫画人物为基础的许多大型零售商店的玩具。

    El Segundo , Calif. - based Mattel makes toys based on DC Comics characters for many major retail outlets .

  6. 浩克(Hulk),本届杯赛巴西阵中一员,司职前锋。他之所以叫浩克,是因为他从小痴迷于漫画人物绿巨人浩克。

    Hulk , the star forward on the current Brazilian World Cup team , got his nickname because he was obsessed with the comic book character as a child .

  7. 关于校长与他妻子像是可笑漫画人物的抱怨之词。

    A complaint that the schoolmaster and his wife were caricatures .

  8. 漫画人物的目标就是与人类作对并最终打败他们。

    The goal of all inanimate objects is to resist man and ultimately defeat him .

  9. 他后来成了美国连环漫画人物“超人”的原型。

    He was later to become the inspiration for the American comic strip character , superman .

  10. 在去年十一月以前,这位台湾艺人一直躲藏在一个可爱的漫画人物后面。

    Until November last year , the Taiwanese folk-pop crooner had hidden behind a cute caricature .

  11. 但他的妻子琼鼓励他创作一些他一直想要创作的漫画人物,作为最后的作品。

    But his wife Joan urged him to create the characters he always wanted to write as his comic swansong .

  12. 我们的漫画人物才是真正的大明星。明代书籍插图与人物肖像画关系研究

    Our characters are true celebrities . A Research on the Relationship between the Illustrations and the Portraits in the Ming Dynasty

  13. 2005年9月4日(星期日),加菲猫、恐怖的夏甲、迪克·崔西和小兵贝利这些大名鼎鼎的漫画人物都会参加布斯蒂一家的庆祝派对。

    Garfield , Hagar the Horrible , Dick Tracy and Beetle Bailey are among the characters who will join the Bumsteads on Sunday , Sept.4 .

  14. 《呆伯特》是非常受欢迎的漫画人物,不仅让两千种报纸增色不少,还出现在各种授权产品,并出版了29本书。

    Dilbert is very popular cartoon character that graces over 2000 newspapers , appears on a variety of licensed products and has 29 printed books .

  15. 作为惊奇漫画人物中最受欢迎的女性,她在惊奇漫画英雄中的应有地位确无人知晓。

    As one of the most popular females in Marvel comics , it 's anyone 's guess as to her rightful place in the Marvel Universe .

  16. 最新的电影,根据漫画人物,看到蜘蛛侠(托比马奎尔)打两场新的坏人,毒液和睡魔。

    The latest film , based on the Marvel comic character , sees Spider-Man ( Tobey Maguire ) fighting two new baddies , Venom and sandman .

  17. 在三个月前从加州州长位置退下来后,阿诺德•施瓦辛格本周宣布,他将以漫画人物“州长侠”的形象复出。“州长侠”以施瓦辛格为原型,是一名超级英雄。

    Three months after standing down as California governor , Arnold Schwarzenegger is to return as a cartoon superhero version of himself , The Governator , he announced this week .

  18. 20世纪福克斯公司的这部新片和之前的超级英雄电影一样,讲述的是漫威漫画人物的故事,它也嗖的一下成了摇钱树。

    This latest release from 20th Century Fox tells the story of yet another Marvel comics character , and like its superhero predecessors , it too was an instant moneymaker .

  19. 黑豹基于同名漫画人物,之前在漫威电影宇宙中已经露过面,出现在《美国队长3:内战》中。

    Based off the comic book character of the same name , the Black Panther has already been seen in the MCU before , appearing in Captain America : Civil War .

  20. 竹蜻蜓是漫画人物最常用的交通工具,take-copter是日文的“竹蜻蜓+直升机”组合词。

    One of the main modes of transportation for the various characters is the take-copter , which combines the words taketombo , and part of the word herikoput which means helicopter .

  21. 他就像那些漫画人物一样凶猛,所以他的很多影迷对这个澳大利亚人在舞台剧中的成功感到惊奇。

    He is so identified with the fierce comic book character that many of his fans are surprised to learn the Australian had his first show business success on the musical stage .

  22. 如果该国领导人承认日本需要更多人如岛耕作一般–确实如此–那么他们无疑应该反思阻碍这位漫画人物走向现实的种种行径。

    If Japan 's leaders decide their country needs more people like Mr Shima-and it surely does-then they might reflect on all the ways that they prevent him from becoming a reality .

  23. 自从接管了她哥哥詹尼·范思哲的公司后,这位金发的时装设计师多纳泰拉·范思哲由于糟糕的整容已经经历了一些重大改变,把她自己变成了一个漫画人物。

    Since taking over for her brother Gianni Versace , platinum blonde fashion designer Donatella Versace has gone through some drastic changes thanks to awful plastic surgery , turning herself into a caricature .

  24. 这些咖啡屋受漫画人物的启发,让女孩子们穿上蕾丝边的裙装工作服,并要求她们全心为顾客提供服务。来咖啡屋的大多是男性,他们可能曾经迷恋过调皮的女生或护士。

    In the cafes , girls dressed in frilly frocks inspired by comic-book heroines wait hand and foot on customers , mostly male , who might have once been obsessed with naughty schoolgirls and nurses .

  25. 他们并不是《金牌制作人》(TheProducers)中踢着正步的漫画式人物,而是极度微妙、深刻、真实可信。

    Goose-stepping caricatures à la " The Producers " they are not ; instead , they are frighteningly subtle , poignant and plausible .

  26. 这种角色扮演游戏基于日本漫画典型人物,所有的男人都身材修长、风度翩翩。

    The role-playing games are based on characters typical of Japanese manga comics , with all the men slender and elegant .

  27. 伴随着李小龙热和武打剧潮流诞生于1973年的尚气曾经是一个漫画小人物,是一位几乎被遗忘的模式化的武术大师。

    He used to be a minor comic character : a half-forgotten , stereotypical martial artist who first appeared in 1973 to cash in on Bruce Lee mania and the Kung Fu television series .

  28. 当大家都钟情于《X战警》、《复仇者》等漫画书里的人物时,似乎有一些超人真正出现在真实生活中,来到我们中间行侠仗义了。

    While everyone seems to be fascinated with comic book characters like the X-Men or the Avengers , there seem to be real superheroes walking among us , actually doing something ...

  29. 漫画中典型人物与青少年成长

    The relationship between the typical character of comic and the growth of teenagers CARICATURE

  30. 汤姆、乔·奈特和卡伦·伯曼全都是一本名为《财务智慧》的漫画上的人物。

    Tom , Joe and Karen all appear in a comic book called Financial Intelligence .