
  • 网络roving mars;IMAX Roving On Mars
  1. 我们有四个漫游者在火星。

    We have four rovers on Mars .

  2. 自90年代中期,美国就发送了四个漫游者到火星上,而且我有幸和其中三个漫游者一起工作过。

    The United States has put four rovers on Mars since the mid-1990s , and I have been privileged enough to work on three of them .

  3. 他们已决定好奇号漫游车在火星的一个山脚下登陆,这个地点位于一个叫做盖尔陨石坑的很深、150公里宽的低洼地带。

    They have decided it is going to be at the foot of a mountain that 's located within a deep , 150-kilometer-wide depression called Gale Crater .

  4. 太平洋时间8月15日深夜,美国宇航局喷气推进实验室的控制室收到好消息:好奇号漫游车安全登录火星。

    The control room at NASA 's Jet Propulsion Laboratory late in the evening of August 5th , Pacific time , when word arrived that the Curiosity rover had landed safely on Mars .

  5. 然而美国人有过不错的记录,他们相信使用一种新型火箭动力下沉系统,就可把漫游车放置到火星最合适的位置上。

    The Americans , though , have a good recent record and they believe a new rocket-powered descent system will be able to place the rover in one of the most exciting locations on the planet .

  6. 2023年欧洲航天局的罗莎琳·富兰克林漫游车将在火星着陆,这辆火星车上将搭载一个可钻入地下数米的钻孔机,那里可能存活着远离地表恶劣环境的生物分子。

    In 2023 the European Space Agency is expected to land on Mars its Rosalind Franklin rover , which will carry a drill capable of reaching metres below the surface , where biomolecules may survive protected from the harsh conditions above .

  7. 这有三点好处:1、比起之前的漫游者,它能让“好奇号”带上更多的能耗大的科学仪器;2、它允许漫游者在火星冬季保持运转。

    This brings three advantages . First , it allows curiosity to carry more power-hungry scientific instruments than previous Rovers . Second , it permits the rover to work through the Martian winter .