
  • 网络Marvel Cinematic Universe
  1. 《蜘蛛侠:英雄无归》日前发布了第一支预告片,在第三部中这位高人气超级英雄将继续在漫威电影宇宙中手吐蛛网飞檐走壁。

    The first trailer has been released for “ Spider-Man : No Way Home , ” a continuation of a trilogy that has given us the popular superhero web-swinging around in the Marvel Cinematic Universe .

  2. 这也是漫威电影宇宙系列的第六部影片。

    It is the sixth installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe .

  3. 麦凯自2014年《美国队长2》以来一直出现在漫威电影宇宙中。

    Mackie has been with the MCU since 2014 's Captain America : The Winter Soldier .

  4. 在此之前人们就知道,奇异博士是漫威电影宇宙最聪明的人之一。不知何故奇异博士同意了彼得的请求,开始施法。

    Doctor Strange , who before this trailer was known to be one of the MCU 's brightest minds , somehow agrees with Peter 's plea and begins casting a spell .

  5. 漫威电影宇宙、星球大战、DC扩展宇宙、X战警宇宙、怪兽宇宙、哈利波特/神奇动物、变形金刚宇宙……拜它们所赐,现在每个好莱坞工作室都呼喊着要打造热门系列电影。

    Thanks to the unstoppable power of Marvel 's Cinematic Universe , Star Wars , the DC Extended Universe , the X-Men Universe , MonstersVerse , Harry Potter / Fantastic Beasts , and Transformers-Verse , every Hollywood studio is clamouring for a hit franchise .

  6. 弗瑞曼加入的漫威电影宇宙,漫威世界里既有英雄,也有恶棍。

    Freeman joins a cast thats already brimming with heroes and villains from the Marvel Cinematic Universe .

  7. 这意味着人气超高的蜘蛛侠将不再出现在漫威电影宇宙未来的电影中。

    This could mean that the fan-favorite webslinger won 't appear in future films involving the Marvel Cinematic Universe .

  8. 演员基特·哈灵顿是最新加盟漫威电影宇宙的明星。

    Kit Harington is the latest actor to add his star power to the Marvel Cinematic Universe ( MCU ) .

  9. 2012年,复仇者联盟登上荧屏,是漫威电影宇宙出品的第六部电影。

    Marvel 's the Avengers hit the big screen in 2012 as the sixth movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe .

  10. 自《复仇者联盟》于2012年上映后,“漫威电影宇宙”中的7部相关电影的平均首映周末票房达到1.25亿美元。

    Since The Avengers in 2012 , seven corresponding movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe have averaged $ 125 million openings .

  11. 它是钢铁侠1和2的续集,也是是漫威电影宇宙的第七部影片。

    It is the sequel to Iron Man and Iron Man 2 , and the seventh installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe .

  12. 漫威电影宇宙要进一步扩大了,因为又一部电影《黑豹》将于2018年2月上映。

    The Marvel Cinematic Universe is about to get a bit larger , as Black Panther is scheduled to release in February 2018 .

  13. 这是漫威电影宇宙中的第十部影片,而漫威电影相继成功离不开其出色的叙事能力,漫威一向的优良传统。

    This is the tenth installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe , and the continued success of Marvel movies owes to their rich storytelling heritage .

  14. 这部全球票房5.85亿美元的电影,是漫威电影宇宙数十亿美元的第一部分。

    The movie , which raked in $ 585 million at box offices worldwide , was the first installment of the multi-billion dollar Marvel Cinematic Universe .

  15. 这部意在开启漫威电影宇宙第四阶段的电影是今年第一部有望上映的漫威电影。

    The movie that was supposed to kick-start the MCU 's Phase 4 is the first film that , hopefully , will hit theaters this year .

  16. 作为漫威电影宇宙最强大的魔法师之一,奇异博士能像处女座一样在数秒之内制定出拯救世界的战略。

    As one of the most powerful sorcerers in the MCU , Doctor Strange has the Virgo-esque ability to create world-saving strategies within a matter of seconds .

  17. 斯嘉丽·约翰逊已经是漫威电影宇宙中的主角,她通过谈判签订了合同,将获得《黑寡妇》票房总收入的部分分成。

    Johansson , who has become a staple in the Marvel Cinematic Universe , negotiated her contract to include a percentage of " Black Widow 's " theatrical gross .

  18. 漫威电影宇宙周日宣布了首部华裔超级英雄电影的演员阵容,终结了过去一周中国网友的各种猜测,但也引发了新的热议。

    Marvel Cinematic Universe announced the cast of its first Chinese superhero film on Sunday , quelling a week of online speculation but stirring new discussions among Chinese netizens .

  19. 同样,《黑豹》也必然创下票房佳绩,并晋身为漫威电影宇宙引以为傲的又一名大员。

    And like all of their films , Black Panther is sure to succeed at the box office and be another feather in the cap of the Marvel Cinematic Universe .

  20. 黑豹基于同名漫画人物,之前在漫威电影宇宙中已经露过面,出现在《美国队长3:内战》中。

    Based off the comic book character of the same name , the Black Panther has already been seen in the MCU before , appearing in Captain America : Civil War .

  21. “漫威电影宇宙”的第四阶段不是在任何剧院高调上映,而是顺应时代发展,在流媒体电视播放。

    Phase Four of the Marvel Cinematic Universe launches not at any theater with a blockbuster , but rather - in a sign-of-the-times development - in the realm of streaming television .

  22. 这将是“满大人”第二次出现在漫威电影宇宙的电影中——英国演员本·金斯利曾在《钢铁侠3》中饰演这位反派的冒充者。

    It will be the second time The Mandarin has featured in a Marvel Cinematic Universe film - English actor Ben Kingsley played the fake version of the villain in Iron Man 3 .

  23. 第一部《奇异博士》的导演斯科特·德瑞克森将回归本片,他说他将拍出“漫威电影宇宙第一部恐怖片”。我们准备好了!

    The director of the first " Doctor Strange , " Scott Derrickson , is back and he said he 's going to make " the first scary MCU film . " We 're ready !

  24. 还有些粉丝的应对之道是建议让人——比如“钢铁侠”小罗伯特·唐尼——买下索尼,这样蜘蛛侠就还能留在漫威电影宇宙里。

    Some fans are coping with the news by proposing other people - like " Iron Man " Robert Downey Jr. , perhaps - buy Sony so that Spider-Man will stay a part of the MCU .

  25. 《蚁人》在上映前可是经历了好一番困难挫折,不过在上映几周后,斯·科特朗和他的小伙伴们就摆脱了“多灾多难的漫威电影”的标签,还为漫威电影宇宙第二阶段的扩大影响力贡献了力量。

    Ant-Man Ant-Man faced a series of diversions and setbacks on its way to the big screen . After a few weeks in theaters , however , Scott Lang and company shrugged off the " Troubled Marvel Movie " label and helped round out the extensive popularity of the Marvel Cinematic Universe 's Phase 2 .

  26. 如果你不是漫威迷,你可能不了解,这标志着一个新共通宇宙的开端(和漫威电影宇宙并列),出现在新宇宙中的是索尼旗下的漫威英雄(最著名的是蜘蛛侠)。

    For the non-nerds out there , this marks the start of a new shared universe ( adjunct to the Marvel Cinematic Universe , aka MCU ) featuring the Marvel characters to which Sony possess the movie rights ( Spider-Man being the best-known example ) .

  27. 而迈克尔?基顿则扮演反派角色“秃鹫”。漫威影业此次翻拍的蜘蛛侠系列电影是其第16部作品,赫兰德证实,蜘蛛侠从2010年起就属于漫威电影宇宙。

    The reboot of the Spider-Man franchise is the 16th installment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe , and Holland confirmed that his character had been part of the MCU since 2010 .