
  1. 漫长的季节使得葡萄成熟缓慢,保持了完美的健康状况。

    The extremely long season enabled the grapes to ripen slowly , and in conditions of perfect health .

  2. 在北京地区,冬季是一年当中最漫长的季节,占据了全年近一半的时间。

    In Beijing , winter is the longest season , which takes almost half days of a year .

  3. 但《鸟人》与《少年时代》之间的角逐吸引了最多关注,两部影片都获得了一系列奖项与提名,它们就像白兰地与当酒一样,在这漫长的季节里被人们相提并论。

    But it is the matchup between Birdman and Boyhood that commands the most attention . Like brandy and Benedictine , the two have been paired through the long season , as they picked up a string of awards and nominations .

  4. 外公必须在短暂的夏日争取足够的食物,供一家人和牲畜度过漫长的冰封季节。

    He had to produce enough in the short summer to carry the family and the animals through the long , snowbound winter .

  5. 一年两次的干旱季节逐渐延长,最后合并为一个漫长而炎热的季节,对玉米、木薯、红薯等作物构成严重的打击。

    Two separate dry seasons have progressively expanded until they meet to form one long hot season , hitting crops such as maize , manioc and sweet potato .