- 网络Sandy;Sandi;Sunty;Sundy

The bulk of the book concerns Sandy 's two middle-aged children
That night , Hurricane Sandy attacked the East Coast , and Rockaway was hit especially hard .
Last April , she was invited to the White House and honored as a Hurricane Sandy Champion of Change .
I will visit you and bring you a present ! Write back soon ! Love Sandy
Sandy sniffed7 sweet smelling sunflower seeds while sitting beside a swift stream .
Lucky for Microsoft , its Windows Phone 8 launch event was not scheduled for stormy New York .
PC Mag has more on the Hurricane Sandy map .
The plan was prescient : nearly three years later hurricane sandy happened .
Mobility can bring opportunities for coping with environmental change , say Richard Black , Stephen R.G.Bennett , Sandy M.Thomas and John R.Beddington .
Since the Sandy Hook school massacre alone , another 900 Americans have been killed by guns .
Just over a year ago , the east coast of the US was ravaged by Hurricane Sandy .
Sandy and his brilliant lieutenant , Jamie , plot their comeback .
And like the rest of us , days after the storm con ed nearly ran out of gas .
We were shocked and deeply saddened by the events that took place at the Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown , CT on December 14 , 2012 .
Insurers have complained that they face billions of dollars of extra losses after US authorities declared superstorm Sandy a post-tropical cyclone rather than a hurricane .
Over the weekend , con ed estimated hurricane Sandy will end up costing the company as much as $ 550 million .
NPR 's Dave Mattingly reports much of the spike is blamed on Superstorm Sandy .
Though climate change was the issue , neither candidate wanted to mention it played the leading role in the final act , in the form of Hurricane Sandy .
Damages caused by Hurricane Sandy are estimated at $ 20 billion , plus $ 30 billion more in lost business , according to IHS Global Insight , a financial forecaster .
N.J. Among the scheduled sessions : ' Yoga & Meditation for the Executive Assistant ' and a boss 's recounting of how his EA saved the company after Hurricane Sandy .
NPR 's Wendy Kaufman reports that thanks to the start of the holiday season and some post Sandy spending .
Tropical storms starting off by the Gulf of Mexico or , in the case of sandy , Venezuela , tended to lose energy and fizzle out when they hit the cold northern ocean .
His predecessor , Sandy Weill , built a financial-services juggernaut by snapping up companies on the cheap , wringing out the costs , then buying more .
After Sandy , Andrew Cuomo , New York 's governor , asked her to co-chair a commission to help prepare the city for future shocks .
But Sandy has happened , only a year after Irene blew past , and the signs are that it will occur again and again .
By the time he , or perhaps his successor , finishes , Citigroup will look roughly as it did before it merged with Sandy Weill 's Travelers Group in 1998 to create a new financial animal .
Determine how much money you 'll need on a monthly basis for as long as40 years from now , says Sandy Timmermann , director of Mature Market Institute , a research division at MetLife Inc.
The storm sparked the creation of several Hurricane Sandy-related Twitter accounts some serious , some humorous as well as several joking images superimposing the faces of SpongeBob Squarepants squirrel Sandy , the New York Post reported Monday .
Dear Sir or Madam , Mr. Sandy Clark never practiced his internship in our company and we will not be responsible for his action .
On October 29th , the night hurricane sandy slammed into New York City , Consolidated Edison lost power not only to much of Manhattan below 39th street , but to its own headquarters as well .