
  • 网络Sandy;Sandi;Sunty;Sundy
  1. 书中主要描写桑迪的两个已到中年的孩子。

    The bulk of the book concerns Sandy 's two middle-aged children

  2. 当晚,飓风桑迪袭击了东海岸,罗克韦受到特别严重的袭击。

    That night , Hurricane Sandy attacked the East Coast , and Rockaway was hit especially hard .

  3. 去年4月,她被邀请到白宫,并被授予飓风桑迪变革冠军奖。

    Last April , she was invited to the White House and honored as a Hurricane Sandy Champion of Change .

  4. 我会去拜访你的,并带个礼物给你!请尽快回信!亲爱的洛弗桑迪

    I will visit you and bring you a present ! Write back soon ! Love Sandy

  5. 桑迪坐在湍急的小溪边尽情地品味着葵花子的香味。6

    Sandy sniffed7 sweet smelling sunflower seeds while sitting beside a swift stream .

  6. 微软(Microsoft)的幸运之处在于,WindowsPhone8的推介会没有安排在飓风桑迪肆虐的纽约举行。

    Lucky for Microsoft , its Windows Phone 8 launch event was not scheduled for stormy New York .

  7. 在PCMag上有更多关于飓风桑迪地图。

    PC Mag has more on the Hurricane Sandy map .

  8. 事实证明,这项计划颇有先见之明:差不多三年后,纽约港就迎来了桑迪飓风(HurricaneSandy)。

    The plan was prescient : nearly three years later hurricane sandy happened .

  9. 理查德·布莱克、斯蒂芬·R·G·本内特、桑迪·M·托马斯和约翰·R·贝丁顿说,流动可以给适应环境变化带来机会。

    Mobility can bring opportunities for coping with environmental change , say Richard Black , Stephen R.G.Bennett , Sandy M.Thomas and John R.Beddington .

  10. 光是桑迪胡克(sandyhook)小学屠杀事件之后,又有900名美国人在枪口下丧生。

    Since the Sandy Hook school massacre alone , another 900 Americans have been killed by guns .

  11. 就在一年前,飓风桑迪(HurricaneSandy)重创了美国东海岸。

    Just over a year ago , the east coast of the US was ravaged by Hurricane Sandy .

  12. 桑迪和他才华横溢的助手杰米(jamie)图谋东山再起。

    Sandy and his brilliant lieutenant , Jamie , plot their comeback .

  13. 而且和我们大家一样,飓风桑迪过去这么些天,ConEd的燃油也已几近告罄。

    And like the rest of us , days after the storm con ed nearly ran out of gas .

  14. 2012年12月14日,在康涅狄格州纽敦市桑迪胡克小学(theSandyHookElementarySchool)发生的悲剧让我们非常震惊,深感悲痛。

    We were shocked and deeply saddened by the events that took place at the Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown , CT on December 14 , 2012 .

  15. 美国相关部门将超强风暴桑迪(Sandy)由飓风下调为后热带气旋之后,保险公司纷纷抱怨它们将面临数十亿美元的额外损失。

    Insurers have complained that they face billions of dollars of extra losses after US authorities declared superstorm Sandy a post-tropical cyclone rather than a hurricane .

  16. 上周末,ConEd估计飓风桑迪给公司造成的损失可能高达5.5亿美元。

    Over the weekend , con ed estimated hurricane Sandy will end up costing the company as much as $ 550 million .

  17. NPR的戴夫·马廷林报道,人数飙升主要原因是桑迪飓风。

    NPR 's Dave Mattingly reports much of the spike is blamed on Superstorm Sandy .

  18. 尽管气候变化也是一个难题,但哪位总统候选人都不愿承认,由于飓风桑迪(Sandy)的到来,气候变化问题其实在竞选活动的最后关头扮演了主要角色。

    Though climate change was the issue , neither candidate wanted to mention it played the leading role in the final act , in the form of Hurricane Sandy .

  19. 根据一家金融预报机构IHSGlobalInsight称,飓风桑迪造成的损失估计为200亿美元,外加300亿美元的商业损失。

    Damages caused by Hurricane Sandy are estimated at $ 20 billion , plus $ 30 billion more in lost business , according to IHS Global Insight , a financial forecaster .

  20. 会议内容包括组织行政助理们一起练习瑜伽做冥想,以及请一位老板讲述他的助理在飓风桑迪(Sandy)席卷之后拯救公司于危难的故事。

    N.J. Among the scheduled sessions : ' Yoga & Meditation for the Executive Assistant ' and a boss 's recounting of how his EA saved the company after Hurricane Sandy .

  21. NPR记者温迪·考夫曼报道,这多亏了即将到来的圣诞假日和飓风桑迪过后的重建采购需求。

    NPR 's Wendy Kaufman reports that thanks to the start of the holiday season and some post Sandy spending .

  22. 由墨西哥湾(gulfofmexico)出发、或类似桑迪这样从委内瑞拉出发的热带风暴,在到达冰冷的北部海洋后通常会不断损失能量直至最终消失。

    Tropical storms starting off by the Gulf of Mexico or , in the case of sandy , Venezuela , tended to lose energy and fizzle out when they hit the cold northern ocean .

  23. 他的前任,桑迪•威尔(SandyWeill),不断通过以低价买入公司然后削减成本,从而建立了一个庞大的金融服务巨擘。

    His predecessor , Sandy Weill , built a financial-services juggernaut by snapping up companies on the cheap , wringing out the costs , then buying more .

  24. 在飓风“桑迪”过后,纽约州州长安德鲁•库默(AndrewCuomo)邀请罗丁担任一家委员会的联合主席,来帮助纽约市应对未来的灾难。

    After Sandy , Andrew Cuomo , New York 's governor , asked her to co-chair a commission to help prepare the city for future shocks .

  25. 然而,仅仅在飓风“艾琳”(irene)刮过一年之后,桑迪出现了,并且有迹象表明飓风将一次又一次发生。

    But Sandy has happened , only a year after Irene blew past , and the signs are that it will occur again and again .

  26. 在他或他的继任者完成资产出售后,花旗看上去将大致变成1998年与桑迪•威尔(SandyWeill)的TravelersGroup合并前的模样,当时的合并建立了一家新的金融企业。

    By the time he , or perhaps his successor , finishes , Citigroup will look roughly as it did before it merged with Sandy Weill 's Travelers Group in 1998 to create a new financial animal .

  27. 大都会保险(MetLifeInc.)的研究机构MatureMarketInstitute的负责人桑迪?蒂默曼(SandyTimmermann)说,判断一下从现在起最长40年,你每个月需要多少钱。

    Determine how much money you 'll need on a monthly basis for as long as40 years from now , says Sandy Timmermann , director of Mature Market Institute , a research division at MetLife Inc.

  28. 这次飓风引发了几个与桑迪有关的Twitter账户的创建一些严肃的,一些幽默的还有几个搞笑图片放上了海绵宝宝播放器松鼠桑迪的的照片,《纽约邮报》周一报道。

    The storm sparked the creation of several Hurricane Sandy-related Twitter accounts some serious , some humorous as well as several joking images superimposing the faces of SpongeBob Squarepants squirrel Sandy , the New York Post reported Monday .

  29. ATT公司敬上尊敬的先生/女士:桑迪•克拉克先生从来没有在我公司实习,我公司不为他的任何行为负责。

    Dear Sir or Madam , Mr. Sandy Clark never practiced his internship in our company and we will not be responsible for his action .

  30. 10月29日,飓风桑迪袭击纽约城的当晚,遭遇ConsolidatedEdison供电中断的不仅仅是曼哈顿第39街以南很多地区,还包括ConEd的总部。

    On October 29th , the night hurricane sandy slammed into New York City , Consolidated Edison lost power not only to much of Manhattan below 39th street , but to its own headquarters as well .