
  • 网络Barry;Barrie
  1. 你知道巴瑞•迪勒(BarryDiller)什么时候进屋,而杰克•韦尔奇能控制自己的活动空间。

    You know when Barry Diller walks into a room , and Jack Welch commands his physical space .

  2. 罗恩•佩雷曼(RonPerelman)和巴瑞•迪勒也都是这样打出了自己的天下。

    Ron Perelman and Barry Diller also started their own companies instead of trying to move up from inside a company .

  3. 艾丽克?巴瑞:真相没有版本,好吧?

    Erica barry : the truth doesn 't have versions , okay ?

  4. 他昨晚对巴瑞欧就做了这样的事。

    He did it last night to this guy barriero .

  5. 运动使巴瑞成为一个勤奋、乐观、进取的人。

    Tennis has made Barry a diligent , optimistic and enterprising person .

  6. 大卫•巴瑞:这是个很有趣的问题。

    David Barrie : Well , that 's a very interesting question .

  7. 诺尔曼和纽巴瑞一定会觉得他们的钱值了。

    Neuman and Newberry will certainly be getting their money 's worth .

  8. 星期五有他们最喜欢的音乐课,有他们最喜欢的老师,巴瑞。

    On Friday they had music with their favourite teach , Barry creambone .

  9. 对,你答应过巴瑞,你要嫁给他.

    MONICA : Yeah , well you promised Barry , you 'd marry him .

  10. 琪琪:那,最大的八卦还是你在婚礼圣坛前甩了巴瑞!

    Well , the biggest news is still you dumping Barry at the altar !

  11. 但是我想说的是如果他一开始就毒害巴瑞欧呢。

    But what I 'm saying is what if he poisoned barriero in the first place .

  12. 高中毕业后,巴瑞随哥哥去了香港。

    After graduating from high school , Barry went to Hong Kong with his elder brother .

  13. 戴夫,巴瑞,不在保险箱。

    Hey , Dave , Barry , hi . Look , it wasn 't in the safe .

  14. 网球场上的巴瑞身姿矫健,展现出年轻人特有的青春活力。

    An athletic guy on the tennis-court , Barry displays the vigor that belongs especially to young people .

  15. 有空儿的时候,巴瑞会和朋友们去开卡丁车,这是非常有挑战性的运动。

    In his spare time , Barry often goes with his friends to ride go-cars , a sport that offers a challenge .

  16. 莫妮卡:今天怎么样?睡得还好吧?和巴瑞通过电话吗?我无法停止笑。

    Monica : so how you doing today ? Did you sleep okay ? Talk to barry ? I can 't stop smiling .

  17. 有些人认为巴瑞是个胆小鬼,但当他从一幢熊熊大火的房子里救出一个小孩子时,这个时刻才显示出他的真正品质。

    Some people thought Barry was a coward , but his moment of truth came when he rescued a child from a burning house .

  18. 死?我想说不,亲爱的伙计。巴瑞摹尔决不会允许这类传统的事情发生在他的身上。

    Die ? I should say not , dear fellow . No Barry more would allow such a conventional thing to happen to him . John Barry more , American actor , J.

  19. 作者集中探讨了巴瑞布赞关于国际关系理论的第一部重要著作&《人民、国家与恐惧》,这是布赞国际关系理论方面的核心著作。

    In this article , the author reviews the first major book by Barry Buzan on IR theory , people , States and fear , which is also his key work on IR theory .

  20. 直到金的母亲重获挚爱46岁的室内装饰师巴瑞,卡洛斯才试图说服金和她的母亲共同举行婚礼。

    It was only when her mother found love for the second time that her new partner Barry , 46 , a painter and decorator , and Carlos conspired to convince the girls of their idea for a double wedding .

  21. 本文主要以美国《杰斯珀.伍德巴瑞问题解决系列》为例,论述自主性学习策略中抛锚式教学策略,介绍了抛锚式教学的定义、目的、设计步骤、教学方法及教师的角色转换。

    This paper mainly describes the anchored instruction tragedy of self-directed learning which is based on the two instructional cases of American , introduces the anchored instruction 's concept , object , instructional methods and procedure , and the role transfer of teacher .