
bā lā
  • Bara;balas
巴拉[bā lā]
  1. 今年1月当玛丽o巴拉出任通用汽车公司(GeneralMotors)的首席执行官后,她就成为了历史上第一位领导大型汽车公司的女性。

    Mary Barra became the first woman to lead a major automotive company in January when she took over as chief executive of General Motors .

  2. 本周三,小米将在香港与李嘉诚的无线运营商3香港(3HongKong)合作发布最新旗舰智能手机小米3。巴拉曾担任谷歌(GoogleInc.)安卓业务副总裁,去年10月加入小米公司。

    where it will launch the latest flagship smartphone Mi 3 with Li 's mobile carrier 3 Hong Kong on Wednesday .

  3. 这一召回消息加大了巴拉在众议院能源和商务委员会(EnergyandCommerceCommittee)就安全问题做证的压力。

    The latest news adds to the pressure on Ms Barra as she testifies on Tuesday before the House of Representatives " energy and commerce committee about safety .

  4. 六月底,当《今日秀》(TodayShow)主持人马特•劳尔与通用汽车(GeneralMotors)CEO玛丽•巴拉坐在一起的时候,他向这家汽车公司的第一位女性领导人提出了下列问题:

    When Today Show host Matt Lauer sat down with General Motors " CEO Mary Barra in late June , he asked the automaker 's first female leader :

  5. 在帕斯控制中心的一个隔间里,戴维布思(davidbooth)监控着皮尔巴拉一个矿场的采矿作业。

    At one pod in the Perth control centre , David booth oversees mining operations at one of the Pilbara pits .

  6. 巴拉称,iPhone6也不例外。他把这款手机称作“最漂亮的智能手机”。

    Mr. Barra said the iPhone 6 , which he called the " most beautiful smartphone , " is no exception .

  7. 巴拉现在担任联合博姿(AllianceBoots)批发和品牌业务的首席执行官,此前管理过这家医药企业,后来又收购了它。

    Barra , now chief executive , wholesale and brands for alliance boots , subsequently managed the pharmacy , and then bought it .

  8. 这种理论最近受到了关注:通用汽车(GM)CEO玛丽o巴拉正在应对数百万辆汽车召回的后果。

    The concept has come into focus recently as GM CEO Mary Barra deals with the fallout of a recall of millions of vehicles .

  9. 玛丽•巴拉在今年1月15日被任命为新任CEO的消息的确令人振奋,他说。

    The announcement of Mary Barra as the new CEO on Jan. 15 of this year was done in spectacular fashion , he said .

  10. 巴拉当时是从语音技术公司Nuance跳槽到谷歌的。

    Barra joined Google from speech technology firm Nuance .

  11. 巴拉是在回应苹果设计负责人乔纳森·艾夫(JonathanIve)本月早些时候在一次会议上发表的评论。

    Mr. Barra was responding to comments made by Jony Ive , Apple 's head of design , at a conference earlier this month .

  12. 12月12日,小米全球副总裁雨果o巴拉在社交网站Google+上表示,就在禁令下达时,公司通过电子商务网站Flipkart收到了15万份红米Note手机的订购单。

    Hugo Barra , vice president of Xiaomi global , said in a posting on Google Plus today the company had 150000 registrations for its Redmi Note on the e-commerce site Flipkart just as the injunction came down .

  13. 雅虎最近承认遭遇迄今最大规模的已知数据泄密事件。2014年,玛丽•巴拉(MaryBarra)升任通用汽车(GeneralMotors)首席执行官,这被视为一场性别平等的胜利,因为她是首位领导一家全球汽车制造商的女性。

    Mary Barra 's promotion to chief executive of General Motors in 2014 was welcomed as a victory for gender equality because she was the first woman to head a global carmaker .

  14. 此外,林斌和巴拉还提到,为各个市场量身定制基于安卓(Android)的米柚(MIUI)操作系统以及申请许可证等工作都需要投入时间和精力。

    More generally , Bin and Barra talked about the time and effort needed to tailor its MIUI Android-based operating systems for individual markets and obtain certification , among other things .

  15. 在发布会上,雨果•巴拉推出了小米4i(Mi4i),这是专为印度市场打造的手机。该公司表示,它的目标是到2020年时,小米能问鼎手机销售冠军。

    The company says it aims to be the top handset brand in India by 2020 .

  16. 周三,就在通用汽车(GeneralMotors)CEO玛丽o巴拉就公司的点火开关问题向美国国会提供更多细节之际,美国安全监管机构已经开始对底特律另外一家汽车公司展开调查,它就是克莱斯勒(Chrysler)。

    As General Motors " CEO Mary Barra offered up more details about her company 's switch issues before lawmakers on Wednesday , U.S. safety regulators have started investigating a second Detroit auto company , Chrysler .

  17. 谷歌(GoogleInc.)旗下安卓(Android)产品管理负责人巴拉(HugoBarra)今年加入了中国手机制造商小米公司(XiaomiInc.)。

    Hugo Barra , Google Inc. GOOG - 0.68 % ' s head of Android product management , joined Chinese phone maker Xiaomi Inc. this year .

  18. 关于交通,我们有一个大型的快速公交系统(BRT)穿过城市的郊区,连接巴拉和机场,而且它是绝对准时的。

    And concerning mobility we have a big BRT that connects Barra to the airport through the suburbs of the City and its completely on schedule .

  19. 但如果巴拉延续她的应对策略,她就很有可能被载入史册,成为一位CEO如何挽狂澜于既倒,扶大厦之将倾的典型例证。

    But if Barra keeps playing her cards the way she has so far , she could be held up for years as a textbook example of how a CEO should handle a potentially fatal crisis .

  20. 里约热内卢——澳大利亚的丹和安东尼•里格尼(DanandAnthonyRigney)兄弟去看了周日的奥运举重比赛。对于这个项目的受污染情况比瓜纳巴拉湾更甚这一点,他们并不觉得难堪。

    RIO DE JANEIRO - The brothers Dan and Anthony Rigney of Australia attended the Olympic weight lifting competition on Sunday and were not exactly mortified that the sport is more polluted than Guanabara Bay .

  21. 为向海外拓展,小米于去年聘请了谷歌(GoogleInc.)前安卓(Android)业务副总裁巴拉(HugoBarra)帮助公司发展国际业务。

    As part of efforts to expand overseas , Xiaomi last year hired Hugo Barra , Google 's former vice president of the Android mobile operating software , to help develop its international business .

  22. 巴拉说,小米一直存在供不应求的问题,他已经与主要供应商富士康(FoxconnTechnologyGroup)董事长郭台铭(TerryGou)在深圳会面,讨论了增加生产线的计划,希望解决货源不足问题。

    Barra said Xiaomi has been struggling to make enough phones to meet demand and he has met with major supplier Foxconn Technology Group Chairman Terry Gou in Shenzhen to discuss the plan of increasing production lines to address the shortage issues .

  23. 巴拉曾在谷歌(Google)的管理层任职,他说小米正在和至少六家巴西制造企业进行“极为深入的探讨”,但没有透露这些企业的名称。这将有助于小米规避巴西约60%的进口电子产品税。

    The company is in " extremely advanced discussions " with at least half a dozen manufacturing partners there , Barra , a former Google executive , said without revealing names , which will help it side-step a roughly 60 percent tax on foreign electronics .

  24. 谷歌的安卓产品管理总监巴拉(HugoBarra)说,我们想围绕所有这些优秀的内容进行优化,设计出一个最佳谷歌体验。

    ' We wanted to design a best-of-Google experience that is optimized around all this great content , ' said Hugo Barra , Google 's Android product management director .

  25. 巴拉表示,在美国销售手机和平板电脑目前还不在计划之中,原因是硬件和软件的本地化、以及令这些设备得到联邦通信委员会(FederalCommunicationsCommission)等监管机构的认可,需要难以置信的大量工作。

    But selling phones and tablets in the US is not in our plan at this point because of the incredible amount of work in localising hardware and software and getting the devices certified by regulators such as the Federal Communications Commission , Mr Barra said .

  26. 正如《财富》杂志的艾伦斯隆日前指出,今年当巴拉成为通用汽车首位女性CEO时,她成为了某种符号,但现在她不得不应对早在自己上任前就已经存在的种种问题。

    As Fortune 's Allan Sloan recently pointed out , Barra became an icon of sorts when she became GM 's ( GM ) first female CEO this year , but now is forced to deal with problems that started well before her tenure .

  27. 在那次访问中,谷歌(Google)前高管、现任小米国际业务副总裁的雨果•巴拉(HugoBarra),发布了该公司最新款手机Mi4i,预定售价为12999印度卢比(合204美元)。

    During the visit , former Google executive Hugo Barra , now Xiaomi 's vice-president for international operations , unveiled the company 's newest handset , the Mi 4i , which will sell for INR12999 ( $ 204 ) .

  28. 在接受美国新闻聚合网站BuzzFeed巴西版块记者采访时巴瑟罗表示,他是在乘坐公交驶离巴拉•大蒂茹卡街区时看到的这位妇女。

    In an interview with BuzzFeed Brazil , Barcellos said that he saw the woman when he was on a bus leaving the neighborhood of Barra da Tijuca .

  29. 小米国际业务副总裁雨果•巴拉(HugoBarra)昨日宣布,这家飞速发展的公司已把JaiMani招至麾下,担任其印度首席产品经理。雨果本人也是一名谷歌前高管。

    The fast-growing company has recruited Jai Mani to be lead product manager for India , Hugo Barra , vice-president of international operations and himself a former Google executive , announced yesterday .

  30. 然而,中国监管机构在审批国内企业在海外投资的大型矿业项目时,变得更为谨慎,原因是中国多家矿业公司在澳大利亚的投资陷入了麻烦,尤其是皮尔巴拉(Pilbara)地区的中澳铁矿项目(SinoIron)。

    However , Chinese regulators have become more cautious about granting approval for large mining investments overseas after several Chinese mining companies ran into trouble with iron ore investments in Australia , most prominently with the Sino Iron mine in the Pilbara .