
  • 网络badri;Abdalla el-Badri;Abdalla Salem El-Badri;Abdullah al-Badri
  1. 石油输出国组织欧佩克的秘书长巴德里表示,欧佩克计划在2012年之前把石油产量每天提高5百万桶。

    OPEC Secretary General Abdalla Salem el-Badri says the cartel plans to boost its oil production targets by five million barrels a day by2012 .

  2. 欧佩克秘书长巴德里(AbdallaEl-Badri)表示,针对发达国家提倡更多使用生物燃料,这个强大的卡特尔正考虑减少在石油增产方面的投资。

    Abdalla El-Badri , secretary - general of the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries , said the powerful cartel was considering cutting its investment in new oil production in response to moves by the developed world to use more biofuels .

  3. 巴德里否认欧佩克正在减产来应对美国供应的增加。

    Mr El-Badri denied OPEC was reducing production to accommodate increased us supply .

  4. 欧佩克秘书长巴德里表示,提高产量不能解决价格居高不下的问题。

    The OPEC chief said more oil would not solve the high prices .

  5. 巴德里同时还暗示产量配额的执行更加放松。

    Mr El-Badri also signalled a more relaxed approach to enforcement of production quotas .

  6. 巴德里警告称,在中期内,生物燃料生产可能难以持续,因为它会与食品供应形成竞争。

    Mr El-Badri warned that biofuel production could prove unsustainable in the medium term as it competed with food supplies .

  7. 巴德里把油价飙升归咎于美元疲软和投机活动。油价飙升对世界各国的经济都造成严重影响。

    El-Badri has blamed a weak dollar and speculators for soaring oil prices , which are taking a heavy toll on economies worldwide .

  8. 巴德里坚持说,石油价格是由市场决定的,暗示欧佩克无法解决目前的问题。

    He insisted that oil prices are decided by the market and implied that OPEC could do nothing to solve the current problem .

  9. 巴德里在一个选择上留有余地:如果欧佩克下月不增产,今年晚些时候也有可能增产。

    Mr El-Badri left open the option that if OPEC were not to raise production next month , it could do so later in the year .

  10. 欧佩克秘书长巴德里曾表示,如果价格压力是供应短缺造成的,欧佩克愿意提高产量。但是他也表示,他不认为价格跟供应有关系。

    OPEC Secretary-General Abdalla Salem al-Badri has said the group is prepared to raise production if the price pressure is due to a shortage of supply - but also said he doubted the connection .

  11. 欧佩克此前对替代能源持怀疑态度,但巴德里的讲话标志着该组织首次明确发出威胁,面对全球向生物燃料的转变,欧佩克可能会采取行动捍卫自己的利益。

    Opec has previously expressed scepticism about alternative energy but Mr El-Badri 's comments mark the first clear threat that the cartel might act to safeguard its interests in the face of a shift towards biofuels .